[Congressional Record Volume 159, Number 35 (Tuesday, March 12, 2013)] [House] [Page H1341] COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR OF PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the following communication from the Chair of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington, DC, March 12, 2013. Hon. John A. Boehner, Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Speaker: This is to notify you formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, that the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has been served with a criminal trial subpoena for documents, issued by the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. After consultation with the Office of General Counsel, the Committee has determined under Rule VIII that the documents sought are not ``material and relevant,'' and that the subpoena is not ``consistent with the privileges and rights of the House.'' Accordingly, the Committee intends to move to quash the subpoena. Sincerely, Mike Rogers, Chairman. ____________________