[Congressional Record Volume 158, Number 72 (Friday, May 18, 2012)] [House] [Pages H3109-H3145] NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 [...] Amendment No. 111 Offered by Mr. Price of Georgia The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order to consider amendment No. 111 printed in House Report 112 485. Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment made in order under the rule. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will designate the amendment. The text of the amendment is as follows: At the end of title X, add the following new section: SEC. 1084. REQUIREMENT FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE VIOLATIONS OF FEDERAL LAW RELATED TO LEAKS OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION INVOLVING THE MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, AND OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL. (a) Investigation Required.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall initiate an investigation into possible violations of Federal law related to leaks of sensitive information involving the military, intelligence, and operational capabilities of the United States and Israel. (b) Report.--Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to Congress a report describing the status and progress of the investigation required under subsection (a). The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to House Resolution 661, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Price) and a Member opposed each will control 5 minutes. [[Page H3140]] The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Georgia. Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Chairman, for over 60 years, the United States and Israel have forged a very unique relationship. A friendship built upon trust and shared sacrifice and common values. But our relations with Israel, as with a growing number of long-held alliances, seem to be negotiable with this administration. A stream of highly sensitive information continues to be leaked to the press--information that includes U.S. and Israeli military and intelligence operational capabilities, as well as classified negotiations between Israel and other countries. On March 20, The New York Times, citing senior administration officials, reported the conclusions of a classified war simulation conducted by the United States that analyzed an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. On March 28, Foreign Policy magazine, quoting four senior diplomats and military intelligence officers, referred to a report that Israel would be granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan as part of an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, a move clearly designed to undercut cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel. Further degrading Israel's ability to defend itself, The Washington Post's David Ignatius on February 3 reported that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta believes there's a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May, or June, which reportedly sent Iran's air defenses on high alert. The release of this classified information not only puts at risk fragile negotiations between countries but also the very lives of the men and women called upon to carry out this mission. I recently traveled to the Middle East, where we met with senior Israeli officials. Their number one concern was that for the first time in our long relationship, United States was releasing classified operational information and capabilities, willfully putting at risk the lives of Israeli people. Mr. Chairman, our actions are not the actions of a friend or an ally. A couple of weeks ago, I joined with 22 other Members of the House of Representatives and sent a letter to President Obama calling for an investigation into these leaks by senior administration and intelligence officials. We have yet to receive a response. Now it's no secret that this administration is seeking to dissuade Israel from launching an airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities, but risking Israeli and American lives and undermining our alliance is unacceptable. The Israeli people should not have to question our support for their security. So I offer this amendment with Representative Pat Meehan and Representative Randy Hultgren. Our amendment calls for the Attorney General to investigate these leaks and bring those responsible to justice. Trust and cooperation are vital to securing a strong alliance and a future of peace. The persons responsible for this breach of faith should be held accountable, and I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Chairman, though I'm not opposed to the amendment, I ask unanimous consent to claim the time in opposition. The Acting CHAIR. Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. There was no objection. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Chairman, I too support the amendment, and with that, I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. PRICE of Georgia. I urge adoption of the amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Price). The question was taken; and the Acting Chair announced that the ayes appeared to have it. Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of rule XVIII, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Georgia will be postponed. {time} 1130 [...] Amendment No. 111 Offered by Price of Georgia The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished business is the demand for a recorded vote on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Price) on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the ayes prevailed by voice vote. The Clerk will redesignate the amendment. The Clerk redesignated the amendment. Recorded Vote The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote has been demanded. A recorded vote was ordered. The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2-minute vote. The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--ayes 379, noes 38, not voting 14, as follows: [Roll No. 289] AYES--379 Adams Aderholt Akin Alexander Altmire Amash Austria Baca Bachmann Bachus Baldwin Barletta Barrow Bartlett Barton (TX) Bass (NH) Benishek Berg Berkley Biggert Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Black Blackburn Bonner Bono Mack Boren Boswell Boustany Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Brooks Broun (GA) Buchanan Bucshon Buerkle Burgess Burton (IN) Calvert Camp Campbell Canseco Cantor Capito Capps Capuano Carnahan Carney Carter Cassidy Castor (FL) Chabot Chaffetz Chandler Chu Cicilline Clarke (MI) Clay Cleaver Coble Coffman (CO) Cohen Cole Conaway Connolly (VA) Conyers Costa Courtney Cravaack Crawford Crenshaw Critz Crowley Cuellar Culberson Cummings Davis (CA) Davis (IL) Davis (KY) DeGette DeLauro Denham Dent DesJarlais Deutch Diaz-Balart Dicks Dingell Doggett Dold Donnelly (IN) Doyle Dreier Duffy Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Ellmers Emerson Engel Eshoo Farenthold Farr Fattah Fincher Fitzpatrick Flake Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Fortenberry Foxx Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen Gallegly Garamendi Gardner Garrett Gerlach Gibbs Gibson Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Gonzalez Goodlatte Gowdy Granger Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Green, Al Green, Gene Griffin (AR) Griffith (VA) Grimm Guinta Guthrie Gutierrez Hahn Hall Hanabusa Hanna Harper Harris Hartzler Hastings (FL) Hastings (WA) Hayworth Heck Heinrich Hensarling Herger Herrera Beutler Higgins Himes Hinchey Hinojosa Hirono Hochul Holden Hoyer Huelskamp Huizenga (MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Israel Issa Jackson (IL) Jackson Lee (TX) Jenkins Johnson (IL) Johnson (OH) Johnson, E. B. Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan Kaptur Keating Kelly Kildee Kind King (IA) King (NY) Kingston Kinzinger (IL) Kissell Kline Labrador Lamborn Lance Landry Langevin Lankford Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Latham LaTourette Latta Levin Lipinski LoBiondo Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Long Lowey Lucas Luetkemeyer Lujan Lummis Lungren, Daniel E. Lynch Mack Maloney Manzullo Marchant Marino Markey Matheson Matsui McCarthy (CA) McCarthy (NY) McCaul McClintock McCotter McDermott McGovern McHenry McIntyre McKeon McKinley McMorris Rodgers McNerney Meehan Meeks Mica Michaud Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller (NC) Miller, Gary Miller, George Moore Moran Mulvaney Murphy (CT) Murphy (PA) Myrick Nadler Napolitano Neal Neugebauer Noem Nugent Nunes Nunnelee Olson Owens Palazzo Pallone Pastor (AZ) Paulsen Pearce Pelosi Pence Perlmutter Peters Petri Pingree (ME) Pitts Platts Poe (TX) Polis Pompeo Posey Price (GA) Price (NC) Quayle Quigley Reed Rehberg Reichert Renacci Reyes Ribble Richardson Richmond Rigell Rivera Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross (AR) Ross (FL) Rothman (NJ) Roybal-Allard Royce Runyan Ruppersberger Rush Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Sanchez, Linda T. Sarbanes Scalise Schakowsky Schiff Schilling Schmidt Schock Schrader Schwartz Schweikert Scott (SC) Scott (VA) Scott, Austin Scott, David Sensenbrenner Serrano Sessions Sewell Shimkus Shuler Shuster Simpson Sires Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Southerland Stearns Stivers Stutzman Sutton Terry Thompson (CA) Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiberi Tierney Tipton Tonko Tsongas Turner (NY) Turner (OH) Upton Van Hollen Velazquez Visclosky Walberg Walden Walsh (IL) Walz (MN) Waxman Webster Welch West Westmoreland Whitfield Wilson (FL) Wilson (SC) Wittman Womack [[Page H3143]] Woodall Woolsey Yarmuth Yoder Young (FL) Young (IN) NOES--38 Ackerman Andrews Bass (CA) Becerra Berman Blumenauer Bonamici Brown (FL) Butterfield Carson (IN) Clarke (NY) Clyburn Cooper DeFazio Edwards Ellison Fudge Grijalva Holt Honda Johnson (GA) Kucinich Lee (CA) Lewis (GA) McCollum Olver Paul Peterson Rahall Rangel Sherman Stark Thompson (MS) Towns Wasserman Schultz Waters Watt Young (AK) NOT VOTING--14 Amodei Braley (IA) Cardoza Costello Filner Frank (MA) Gosar Lewis (CA) Pascrell Sanchez, Loretta Slaughter Speier Sullivan Wolf Announcement by the Acting Chair The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. {time} 1207 Ms. BONAMICI, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, and Mr. HOLT changed their vote from ``aye'' to ``no.'' Mr. DAVIS of Illinois changed his vote from ``no'' to ``aye.'' So the amendment was agreed to. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.