[Congressional Record: March 24, 2009 (House)] [Page H3765-H3769] NUCLEAR FORENSICS AND ATTRIBUTION ACT Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. 730) to strengthen efforts in the Department of Homeland Security to develop nuclear forensics capabilities to permit attribution of the source of nuclear material, and for other purposes. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The text of the bill is as follows: H.R. 730 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The threat of a nuclear terrorist attack on American interests, both domestic and abroad, is one of the most serious threats to the national security of the United States. In the wake of an attack, attribution of responsibility would be of utmost importance. Because of the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, there could be little forensic evidence except the radioactive material in the weapon itself. (2) Through advanced nuclear forensics, using both existing techniques and those under development, it may be possible to identify the source and pathway of a weapon or material after it is interdicted or detonated. Though identifying intercepted smuggled material is now possible in some cases, pre-detonation forensics is a relatively undeveloped field. The post-detonation nuclear forensics field is also immature, and the challenges are compounded by the pressures and time constraints of performing forensics after a nuclear or radiological attack. (3) A robust and well-known capability to identify the source of nuclear or radiological material intended for or used in an act of terror could also deter prospective proliferators. Furthermore, the threat of effective attribution could compel improved security at material storage facilities, preventing the unwitting transfer of nuclear or radiological materials. (4)(A) In order to identify special nuclear material and other radioactive materials confidently, it is necessary to have a robust capability to acquire samples in a timely manner, analyze and characterize samples, and compare samples against known signatures of nuclear and radiological material. (B) Many of the radioisotopes produced in the detonation of a nuclear device have short half-lives, so the timely acquisition of samples is of the utmost importance. Over the past several decades, the ability of the United States to gather atmospheric samples--often the preferred method of sample acquisition--has diminished. This ability must be restored and modern techniques that could complement or replace existing techniques should be pursued. (C) The discipline of pre-detonation forensics is a relatively undeveloped field. The radiation associated with a nuclear or radiological device may affect traditional forensics techniques in unknown ways. In a post-detonation scenario, radiochemistry may provide the most useful tools for analysis and characterization of samples. The number of radiochemistry programs and radiochemists in United States National Laboratories and universities has dramatically declined over the past several decades. The narrowing pipeline of qualified people into this critical field is a serious impediment to maintaining a robust and credible nuclear forensics program. (5) Once samples have been acquired and characterized, it is necessary to compare the results against samples of known material from reactors, weapons, and enrichment facilities, and from medical, academic, commercial, and other facilities containing such materials, throughout the world. Some of these samples are available to the International Atomic Energy Agency through safeguards agreements, and some countries maintain internal sample databases. Access to samples in many countries is limited by national security concerns. (6) In order to create a sufficient deterrent, it is necessary to have the capability to positively identify the source of nuclear or radiological material, and potential traffickers in nuclear or radiological material must be aware of that capability. International cooperation may be essential to catalogue all existing sources of nuclear or radiological material. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS FOR FORENSICS COOPERATION. It is the sense of the Congress that the President should-- (1) pursue bilateral and multilateral international agreements to establish, or seek to establish under the auspices of existing bilateral or multilateral agreements, an international framework for determining the source of any confiscated nuclear or radiological material or weapon, as well as the source of any detonated weapon and the nuclear or radiological material used in such a weapon; (2) develop protocols for the data exchange and dissemination of sensitive information relating to nuclear or radiological materials and samples of controlled nuclear or radiological materials, to the extent required by the agreements entered into under paragraph (1); and (3) develop expedited protocols for the data exchange and dissemination of sensitive information needed to publicly identify the source of a nuclear detonation. SEC. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF DOMESTIC NUCLEAR DETECTION OFFICE. (a) Additional Responsibilities.--Section 1902 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (as redesignated by Public Law 110-53; 6 U.S.C. 592) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (9), by striking ``and'' after the semicolon; (B) by redesignating paragraph (10) as paragraph (14); and (C) by inserting after paragraph (9) the following: ``(10) develop and implement, with the approval of the Secretary and in coordination with the heads of appropriate departments and agencies, methods and capabilities to support the attribution of nuclear or radiological material to its source when such material is intercepted by the United States, foreign governments, or international bodies or is dispersed in the course of a terrorist attack or other nuclear or radiological explosion; ``(11) establish, within the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center to provide centralized stewardship, planning, assessment, gap analysis, exercises, improvement, and integration for all Federal nuclear forensics activities in order to ensure an enduring national technical nuclear forensics capability and strengthen the collective response of the United States to nuclear terrorism or other nuclear attacks; ``(12) establish a National Nuclear Forensics Expertise Development Program which-- ``(A) is devoted to developing and maintaining a vibrant and enduring academic pathway from undergraduate to post- doctorate study in nuclear and geochemical science specialties directly relevant to technical nuclear forensics, including radiochemistry, geochemistry, nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, materials science, and analytical chemistry; and ``(B) shall-- ``(i) make available for undergraduate study student scholarships, with a duration of up to four years per student, which shall include, whenever possible, at least one summer internship at a national laboratory or appropriate Federal agency in the field of technical nuclear forensics during the course of the student's undergraduate career; ``(ii) make available for graduate study student fellowships, with a duration of up to five years per student, which-- ``(I) shall include, whenever possible, at least two summer internships at a national laboratory or appropriate Federal agency in the field of technical nuclear forensics during the course of the student's graduate career; and ``(II) shall require each recipient to commit to serve for two years in a post-doctoral position in a technical nuclear forensics-related specialty at a national laboratory or appropriate Federal agency after graduation; ``(iii) make available to faculty awards, with a duration of three to five years each, to ensure faculty and their graduate students a sustained funding stream; and ``(iv) place a particular emphasis on reinvigorating technical nuclear forensics programs, while encouraging the participation [[Page H3766]] of undergraduate students, graduate students, and university faculty from historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities; ``(13) provide an annual report to Congress on the activities carried out under paragraphs (10), (11), and (12); and''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(b) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Historically black college or university.--The term `historically Black college or university' has the meaning given the term `part B institution' in section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061(2)). ``(2) Hispanic-serving institution.--The term `Hispanic- serving institution' has the meaning given that term in section 502 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a). ``(3) Tribal college or university.--The term `Tribal College or University' has the meaning given that term in section 316(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)).''. (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $30,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011 to carry out paragraphs (10) through (13) of section 1902(a) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as added by subsection (a) of this section. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Carney) and the gentleman from California (Mr. Daniel E. Lungren) each will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania. General Leave Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania? There was no objection. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I submit for the Record an exchange of letters between the chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and the distinguished chairs of the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Science and Technology. Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Washington, DC, March 20, 2009. Hon. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, Ford House Office Building, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Chairman: I am writing to you regarding H.R. 730, the Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act, introduced on January 27, 2009, by Congressman Adam B. Schiff. This legislation was initially referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and, in addition, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. In the interest of permitting your Committee to proceed expeditiously to floor consideration of this important legislation, I am willing to waive further consideration of H.R. 730. I do so with the understanding that by waiving consideration of the bill, the Committee on Foreign Affairs does not waive any future jurisdictional claim over the subject matters contained in the bill which fall within its rule X jurisdiction. Further, I request your support for the appointment of Foreign Affairs Committee conferees during any House-Senate conference convened on this legislation. I also ask that a copy of this letter and your response be placed in the committee report for H.R. 730 and in the Congressional Record during consideration of this bill. I look forward to working with you as we move this important measure through the legislative process. Sincerely, Howard L. Berman, Chairman. ____ House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology, Washington, DC, March 19, 2009. Hon. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, Ford House Office Building, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Chairman, I am writing to you concerning the jurisdictional interest of the Committee on Science and Technology in H.R. 730, the Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act. H.R. 730 was introduced by Congressman Adam Schiff on February 5, 2009. H.R. 730 implicates the Committee on Science and Technology's jurisdiction over Homeland Security research and development under Rule X(1)(o)(14) of the House Rules, The Committee on Science and Technology acknowledges the importance of H.R. 730 and the need for the legislation to move expeditiously. Therefore, while we have a valid claim to jurisdiction over this bill, I agree not to request a sequential referral. This, of course, is conditional on our mutual understanding that nothing in this legislation or my decision to forgo a sequential referral waives, reduces, or otherwise affects the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science and Technology, and that a copy of this letter and of your response will be included in the Congressional Record when the bill is considered on the House Floor. The Committee on Science and Technology also expects that you will support our request to be conferees during any House-Senate conference on H.R. 730 or similar legislation. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Bart Gordon, Chairman. ____ House of Representatives, Committee on Homeland Security, Washington, DC, March 20, 2009. Hon. Howard L. Berman, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC. Dear Chairman Berman: Thank you for your letter regarding H.R. 730, the ``Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act,'' introduced by Congressman Adam B. Schiff on January 27, 2009. I appreciate your willingness to work cooperatively on this legislation. I acknowledge that H.R. 730 contains provisions that fall under the jurisdictional of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. I appreciate your agreement to forgo any further consideration or action on this legislation, and acknowledge that your decision to do so does not affect the jurisdiction of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Further, I recognize that your Committee reserves the right to seek appointment of conferees on the bill for the portions of the bill that are within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and I agree to support such a request. I will ensure that this exchange of letters is included in the Congressional Record during floor consideration of H.R. 730. I look forward to working with you on this legislation and other matters of great importance to this nation. Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman. ____ House of Representatives, Committee on Homeland Security, Washington, DC, March 20, 2009. Hon. Bart Gordon, Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, Rayburn House Office Bldg., House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Dear Chairman Gordon: Thank you for your letter regarding H.R. 730, the ``Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act,'' introduced by Congressman Adam B. Schiff on January 27, 2009. I appreciate your willingness to work cooperatively on this legislation. I acknowledge that H.R. 730 contains provisions that fall under the jurisdictional interest of the Committee on Science and Technology. I appreciate your agreement to not seek a sequential referral of this legislation and I acknowledge that your decision to forgo a sequential referral does not waive, alter, or otherwise affect the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science and Technology. Further, I recognize that your Committee reserves the right to seek appointment of conferees on the bill for the portions of the bill over which your Committee has a jurisdictional interest and I agree to support such a request. I will ensure that this exchange of letters is included in the Congressional Record during floor consideration of H.R. 730. I look forward to working with you on this legislation and other matters of great importance to this nation. Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 730, a bill introduced by my thoughtful colleague from California, Representative Adam Schiff, to address an emerging homeland security threat. The Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act is properly targeted to ensure that our government has the capacity to quickly determine the source of nuclear material should terrorists detonate a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb in our country. A reliable nuclear forensics capability is essential for key decision-makers to respond in a timely and effective manner. If terrorists knew that we could trace a nuclear or dirty bomb back to them, they may well think twice about attacking us. The potential deterrent value of achieving a robust national nuclear forensics capability is immeasurable. H.R. 730 has a multifaceted approach to obtaining this critical capability. First, it expresses the sense of Congress that the President should pursue international agreements and develop protocols to help identify the source of detonated nuclear materials. Second, it tasks the Department of Homeland Security with the mission of developing methods to attribute nuclear or radiological material, both within the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, DNDO, and in partnership with other Federal agencies. Third, H.R. 730 recognizes that the development of an expertly trained [[Page H3767]] workforce and education programs in nuclear forensics are critical to attaining a robust domestic attribution capability. Fourth, the measure authorizes the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center to undertake centralized planning, assessment and integration of all federal nuclear forensic activities. The bill authorizes appropriations of $30 million per year for the next 3 fiscal years for this effort. Identical legislation passed the House on June 18, 2008. Unfortunately, the Senate did not take up the measure in a timely fashion. In this Congress, I am pleased that we are offering this legislation early in the first session. With a strong bipartisan vote today, we can send this measure on a swift path to the President's desk. I urge my colleagues to support the bill. I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, as the ranking member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology, I am pleased to see this important bipartisan legislation once again come up for a vote. In the last Congress, we spent a great deal of time discussing the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, or DNDO, to deploy radiation portal monitors at our Nation's ports of entry. These monitors, staffed by Customs and Border Protection officers, are the Nation's primary defense against illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological material. DNDO continues to improve these technologies, and I hope that we will be supportive of their efforts. Yet terrorists could overcome even the best detection systems. As we know, no technology is 100 percent sensitive. Border areas between official ports of entry also remain vulnerable. For this reason, defense against terrorism requires a multilayered approach, as it does in so many other areas. This bill is a strategy to add another layer. It will fortify our national capabilities in technical nuclear forensics, a science that plays a key role in the attribution of nuclear material to its source. It enumerates a variety of responsibilities for the department to advance and sustain a technical nuclear forensics capability, and it authorizes the National Technical Nuclear Forensic Center to undertake this mission. A key component is language designed to strengthen the pipeline of talented new scientists into this field. In recent years, as we know, the number of young people entering science has declined throughout this Nation. Nuclear fields in particular are suffering, especially harmful to nuclear forensics. This bill therefore instructs the Department to establish a National Nuclear Forensics Expertise Development Program devoted to developing and maintaining a vibrant and enduring pipeline of scientific professionals. The program will grant scholarships and fellowships from the undergraduate through postgraduate and doctorate level in nuclear and geochemical science specialties directly relevant to technical nuclear forensics. Yet, Mr. Speaker, we must remember that forensics is only one component of attribution. Success also requires credible intelligence and law enforcement-style investigation. All of these components together comprise a credible attribution program that will serve as a deterrent against nuclear terrorism. The detonation of a nuclear device in a populated region of this country would be catastrophic in the truest sense of the word. It is indeed my greatest fear. We must have a layered system of defenses to deter, detect, disrupt and recover from terrorist attacks. This legislation will reinvigorate the scientific workforce and improve our defenses against nuclear and radiological terrorism. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and improve our much-needed U.S. nuclear forensic capability. I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from California, the author of the bill, Mr. Schiff. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank and congratulate my colleagues on the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman Thompson, and my colleague from California, Mr. Lungren. I appreciate all their support. The committee has taken an important step forward in preventing nuclear terrorism by persevering with this legislation. I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it. Countries around the world now have access to technology that was once the realm of the few, and dangerous nuclear materials are sprinkled around the world. It seems that each week brings evidence of the connection between North Korea and a serious nascent nuclear program, and we are still unraveling the details of the nuclear smuggling ring headed by A.Q. Khan 5 years after it was uncovered. This is not a new problem. Illicit nuclear material has been intercepted in transit out of the former Soviet Union many times since the end of the Cold War, and the material we catch is surely just a small fraction of the total amount trafficked. {time} 1300 Last week, Graham Allison wrote in Newsweek that ``the only thing that can keep nuclear bombs out of the hands of terrorists is a brand new science of nuclear forensics.'' During the Cold War, we forestalled a Soviet nuclear attack with the threat of retaliation. But the decentralized flexible terror networks that we face today are not as easily deterred. A terrorist attack will also not leave a missile contrail pointed back toward those responsible. As Allison writes: ``The key to a new deterrent is coming up with some way of tracing the nuclear material backward from an explosion in New York City, for example, to the reactor that forged the fissile material, even to the mines that yielded the original uranium ore.'' The Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act is designed to do just that. The act is aimed at decisionmakers in North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and elsewhere who could sell nuclear material, as well as the smugglers and corrupt officials around the world who could steal it. Those parts of the nuclear network can be deterred by the knowledge that if their material is found, the U.S. will find out and hold them responsible. The first part of this bill expands our ability to determine the source of nuclear material by authorizing the National Technical Nuclear Forensic Center in the Department of Homeland Security. This center will coordinate the various agencies and ensure an efficient, combined response when nuclear material is intercepted or, God forbid, used in a weapon. It will also advance the science of nuclear forensics, bringing in new radiochemists and physicists to rejuvenate a rapidly aging workforce, and funding research on new methods to identify materials. But this bill also has another purpose. As with fingerprints or DNA, the strength of nuclear forensics depends on the strength of our database. Nuclear material can come from many nations, some friendly, some unfriendly, and the individual recipes are closely guarded secrets. However, little of the information needed for forensics is of direct use to adversaries, so in many cases the risk of not sharing the data is much greater than the risk of sharing it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. CARNEY. I yield the gentleman an additional 90 seconds. Mr. SCHIFF. To build a nuclear forensics database, the bill asks the President to negotiate agreements with other nations to share forensic data on their nuclear materials, both civilian and military. This effort is vital, and the National Technical Forensic Center must play a key role in the negotiations to ensure that the data we obtain is the data necessary for quick attribution and response. Nuclear terrorism is a vague threat of devastating consequence and, therefore, difficult to guard against. But as communications and transportation revolutions bring us ever closer to our allies, they bring us closer to our enemies as well. I believe this bill will help make sure that our ability to prevent a nuclear attack keeps up with our enemies' ability to prosecute one. Again, I want to thank Chairman Thompson for his leadership and urge all Members to support the bill. [[Page H3768]] Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, at this time I would be happy to grant 2 minutes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. McCaul). Mr. McCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 730, the Nuclear Forensic and Attribution Act. This act deals with the process of determining the source of confiscated nuclear material. It is a necessary component of our defense as it could deter states from aiding terrorists' efforts to carry out nuclear terrorism. One need only look to the A.Q. Khan network and its proliferation to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, to know how important this bill and this provision is. In the last Congress we held hearings on this bill in the Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity and Science and Technology Subcommittee, which I was the ranking member. I would like to thank my good friend, Mr. Schiff, for working in a bipartisan manner to incorporate some of our suggestions, including a provision that I requested to provide scholarships and fellowships for those pursuing careers in technical nuclear forensics. As we all know, America needs to incentivize more young people to go into highly technical professions such as these. The workforce involved in nuclear forensics, in particular, has been evaporating for the past 30 years. Without a qualified workforce, we cannot attain the level of preparedness we need. This bill will reinvigorate the workforce pipeline to guarantee the Nation a resource of technical experts in this critical field, and strengthen America's attribution capabilities. To ensure a worthwhile return on public investment, the bill mandates a 2-year commitment of service within the Federal technical nuclear forensics workforce after graduation for fellows of the scholarship program. Again, I would like to thank my colleague, Mr. Schiff, for introducing this important legislation and I urge my colleagues to support this bill. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I continue to reserve. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, if I might inquire, does the gentleman have any other speakers? Mr. CARNEY. I do not believe we have any more speakers. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, this is an important piece of legislation. This deals with one aspect of what I consider to be perhaps the greater threat we have to our homeland and that is nuclear weapons, nuclear material that could be made into weapons to be utilized against the United States and its citizens. We need to do more in the area of nuclear nonproliferation. We need to do more in the area of negotiations with Russia, it seems to me, and bringing down our overall stockpiles. We need to do more in terms of invigorating or reinvigorating Nunn-Lugar. All of those are elements of an approach that is necessary to us. This bill takes on a slightly different aspect of that same threat that is out there. It is necessary, it is important, and I hope we will have the unanimous support of the membership for this. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from California (Mr. Schiff). Mr. SCHIFF. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I just wanted to thank my colleague, Mr. McCaul, for his help when he was chairing the subcommittee and the improvements that he made to the bill. I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate all your efforts. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself as much time as I might consume. Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of H.R. 730, the Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act. I would like to congratulate Congressman Schiff, Emerging Threats Subcommittee Chairwoman Yvette Clarke, and her predecessor, Jim Langevin, for the thoughtful approach they have taken on this critical homeland security concern. I would like to thank our members on the other side as well. This is a bipartisan issue that certainly does not cross party lines. It affects everyone. Given the catastrophic consequences of a nuclear weapon, it is imperative that the U.S. have a state-of-the-art nuclear forensics capability. While a nuclear bomb is commonly referred to as a weapon of mass destruction, a radiological dirty bomb is better described as a weapon of mass disruption. A dirty bomb, if detonated, will likely kill few people. The main damage it would cause would be economic because it could render important commercial areas unusable due to radioactive contamination. In either case, we must build and sustain a nuclear forensics capability and workforce to address the nuclear and radiological threats that we face today. That is why I urge a ``yes'' vote on H.R. 730. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 730, the ``Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act,'' was first introduced in the 110th Congress by the gentleman from California, Mr. Schiff. That measure, H.R. 2631, was marked up and adopted unanimously by the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology in October 2007. It was unanimously approved by the Full Committee on Homeland Security on May 20 of 2008 and the House of Representatives on June 18, 2008. Though the measure was taken up, amended, and passed by the Senate in late September, the stars didn't align and it didn't clear the last hurdle to arrive on the President's desk. This Congress, we are getting out of the gate early, in hopes of ensuring that this critical homeland security legislation becomes law. I would like to congratulate Congressman Schiff, my colleagues on the Committee for recognizing the need to move quickly. We know that our enemies, both terrorists and rogue nations, are interested in developing and using nuclear or radiological weapons. In the case of an attempted or, heaven forbid, a successful nuclear or radiological attack, rapid attribution is critical. Our government must have the capacity to quickly determine the source of the nuclear material so that the key decision-makers have the information needed to respond. The deterrent effect of a robust nuclear forensics capability should not be underestimated. Certainly, if terrorists know that we have a nuclear forensics capability that can pinpoint their role in creating a bomb, they are bound to have second thoughts. Unfortunately, today, the U.S. must rely on forensic expertise and technology developed during the Cold War to address both nuclear weapons and the emerging threat of a radiological ``dirty'' bomb. The nuclear weapons workforce is aging just as its mission has shifted from traditional deterrence policy to the more complicated challenge of containing the terrorist threat. Our Nation's capabilities in the scientific fields of radio-chemistry and geo-chemistry must be fostered to meet this new threat. That is the purpose of this bill. H.R. 730 expresses the sense of Congress that the President should pursue international agreements and develop protocols to share sensitive information needed to identify the source of a nuclear detonation. I am heartened that the Obama Administration has indicated its willingness to engage in and re-energize such activities. It also tasks the Secretary of Homeland Security with the mission of developing methods to attribute nuclear or radiological material--both within the Department's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, DNDO, and in partnership with other Federal agencies. The legislation emphasizes that the development of a robust nuclear forensics capability depends chiefly on an expertly trained workforce in this area and provides support for education programs relevant to nuclear forensics. H.R. 730 also--authorizes the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center, NTNFC, to enhance centralized planning and integration of Federal nuclear forensics activities; requires the Secretary to report annually to Congress on the Federal Government's efforts to enhance its nuclear forensics capabilities, including the status of workforce development programs; and authorizes $30 million per year for the next three fiscal years for this effort. H.R. 730 continues the Homeland Security Committee's practice of authorizing programs and offices within DHS that are of value to the agency's mission in order to assure that the work can continue and progress can be achieved in the years to come. I urge my colleagues to support the bill. Mr. CARNEY. I yield back my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Carney) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 730. [[Page H3769]] The question was taken. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be postponed. ____________________ [Congressional Record: March 24, 2009 (House)] [Page H3772-H3773] NUCLEAR FORENSICS AND ATTRIBUTION ACT The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unfinished business is the vote on the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 730, on which the yeas and nays were ordered. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Carney) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 730. This will be a 5-minute vote. The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 402, nays 16, not voting 13, as follows: [Roll No. 148] YEAS--402 Abercrombie Ackerman Aderholt Adler (NJ) Alexander Altmire Andrews Arcuri Austria Baca Bachmann Bachus Baird Baldwin Barrett (SC) Barrow Bartlett Barton (TX) Bean Becerra Berkley Berman Berry Biggert Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Blackburn Blumenauer Blunt Boccieri Boehner Bonner Bono Mack Boozman Boren Boswell Boucher Boustany Boyd Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Bright Brown (SC) Brown, Corrine Brown-Waite, Ginny Buchanan Burton (IN) Butterfield Buyer Calvert Camp Campbell Cantor Cao Capito Capps Capuano Cardoza Carnahan Carney Carson (IN) Carter Cassidy Castle Castor (FL) Chaffetz Chandler Childers Clarke Clay Cleaver Clyburn Coffman (CO) Cohen Cole Conaway Connolly (VA) Conyers Cooper Costa Courtney Crenshaw Crowley Cuellar Culberson Cummings Dahlkemper Davis (AL) Davis (CA) Davis (IL) Davis (KY) Davis (TN) DeFazio DeGette Delahunt DeLauro Dent Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Dicks Dingell Doggett Donnelly (IN) Doyle Dreier Driehaus Edwards (MD) Edwards (TX) Ehlers Ellison Ellsworth Emerson Eshoo Etheridge Fallin Farr Fattah Filner Fleming Forbes Fortenberry Foster Foxx Frank (MA) Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen Fudge Gallegly Garrett (NJ) Gerlach Giffords Gonzalez Goodlatte Gordon (TN) Granger Graves Grayson Green, Al Green, Gene Griffith Grijalva Guthrie Gutierrez Hall (NY) Hall (TX) Halvorson Hare Harman Harper Hastings (FL) Hastings (WA) Heinrich Heller Hensarling Herger Herseth Sandlin Higgins Himes Hinchey Hinojosa Hirono Hodes Hoekstra Holden Holt Honda Hoyer Hunter Inglis Inslee Israel Issa Jackson (IL) Jackson-Lee (TX) Jenkins Johnson (GA) Johnson (IL) Johnson, E. B. Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan (OH) Kagen Kanjorski Kaptur Kennedy Kildee Kilpatrick (MI) Kilroy Kind King (IA) King (NY) Kirk Kirkpatrick (AZ) Kissell Klein (FL) Kline (MN) Kosmas Kratovil Kucinich Lamborn Lance Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Latham LaTourette Latta Lee (CA) Lee (NY) Levin Lewis (CA) Lewis (GA) Lipinski LoBiondo Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Lowey Lucas Luetkemeyer Lujan Lungren, Daniel E. Lynch Mack Maffei Maloney Marchant Markey (CO) Markey (MA) Marshall Massa Matheson Matsui McCarthy (CA) McCarthy (NY) McCaul McClintock McCollum McDermott McGovern McHenry McHugh McIntyre McKeon McMahon McMorris Rodgers McNerney Meek (FL) Meeks (NY) Melancon Mica Michaud Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller (NC) Miller, George Minnick Mitchell Mollohan Moore (KS) Moore (WI) Moran (KS) Moran (VA) Murphy (CT) Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Tim Murtha Myrick Nadler (NY) Napolitano Neal (MA) Neugebauer Nunes Nye Oberstar Obey Olson Olver Ortiz Pallone Pastor (AZ) Paulsen Payne Pence Perlmutter Perriello Peters Peterson Petri Pingree (ME) Pitts Platts Polis (CO) Posey Price (GA) Price (NC) Putnam Rahall Rangel Rehberg Reichert Reyes Richardson Rodriguez Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Rooney Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross Rothman (NJ) Roybal-Allard Royce Ruppersberger Rush Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Salazar Sanchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Sarbanes Scalise Schakowsky Schauer Schiff Schmidt Schock Schrader Schwartz Scott (GA) Scott (VA) Serrano Sestak Shadegg Shea-Porter Sherman Shimkus Shuler Shuster Simpson Sires Skelton Slaughter Smith (NE) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Snyder Souder Space Speier Spratt Stark Stearns Stupak Sullivan Sutton Tanner Tauscher Teague Terry Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiahrt Tiberi Tierney Titus Tonko Towns Tsongas Turner Upton Van Hollen Velazquez Visclosky Walden Walz Wamp Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Watt Waxman Weiner Welch Wexler Whitfield Wilson (OH) Wilson (SC) Wittman Wolf Woolsey Wu Yarmuth Young (AK) Young (FL) NAYS--16 Akin Broun (GA) Burgess Coble Deal (GA) Duncan Flake Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Kingston Linder Lummis Manzullo Paul Poe (TX) Sensenbrenner NOT VOTING--13 Braley (IA) Costello Engel Hill McCotter Miller, Gary Pascrell Pomeroy Radanovich Sessions Smith (NJ) Taylor Westmoreland Announcement by the Speaker Pro Tempore The SPEAKER pro tempore (during the vote). There are 2 minutes remaining in this vote. [[Page H3773]] {time} 1402 Mr. GINGREY of Georgia changed his vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' Mr. ROYCE changed his vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.'' So (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill was passed. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ____________________