[Congressional Record: May 20, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S4489-S4490] STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. FEINGOLD (for himself and Mr. Hagel): S. 3041. A bill to establish the Foreign Intelligence and Information Commission to assess needs and provide recommendations to improve foreign intelligence and information collection, analysis, and reporting and for other purposes; to the Select Committee on Intelligence. Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, today I am introducing legislation with the senior Senator from Nebraska, Senator Hagel, to establish an independent commission to address long-standing, systemic problems in the collection, reporting, and analysis of foreign intelligence as well as diplomatic reporting and open source information. First, as the DNI has testified, we continue to direct ``disproportionate'' resources toward current crises, rather than toward long-term strategic issues and emerging threats. Second, we don't have the geographic distribution of resources needed to anticipate threats around the world. The lack of ``global reach'' has also been acknowledged by the Intelligence Community leadership. And third, we lack a comprehensive strategic approach to the collection of information by the entire U.S. Government, including not only the Intelligence Community, but also State Department and other Government officers who are based in our embassies. To put it simply, the Government does not have a process for asking the following questions: What do we need to know, not only today but in the future? Who is best suited to get that information and where do they need to be? Is our analysis up to the task? And how do we allocate resources, across agencies, so that these requirements are met with adequate funding? These big strategic questions are critical to our national security, yet they don't get asked, much less answered. These problems extend well beyond the authorities of the DNI and the jurisdiction of any one congressional committee. That is why we need an independent commission to finally address them comprehensively and to make recommendations for the executive branch and for Congress. There are concrete reasons why this is so important. Around the world, including in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, there are current and potential terrorist safe havens. There is also the potential for instability and the persistence of political, economic and social conditions that can result in a crisis that threatens our national security. Do we need more clandestine collectors in these parts of the world? Do we need more embassy political officers doing more diplomatic reporting? After all, information gleaned from conversations with government officials, civil society and tribal and religious leaders can be critical to understanding potential terrorist safe havens and can often be obtained more effectively than through the IC. What about other U.S. Government officials based overseas, such as FBI officers? What mix of these personnel is appropriate? What does a U.S. Embassy in one of these countries look like, from an interagency collection and reporting perspective? Are more consulates and out-of-embassy posts part of the solution? And how do we connect the requirements of our embassies overseas to Washington, where administration budget requests and congressional budgetary allocations and appropriations should reflect a broad, multi-year interagency collection strategy? An independent commission will be able to answer these questions. It will be able to look at the Intelligence Community, the State Department, and other departments and agencies to ensure that strategic and budgetary planning is not only consistent with national requirements, but is part of a larger, interagency process. The commission will consider the role of the National Security Council and the OMB in this process. It will look at the problem from top to bottom, interviewing NSC officials in Washington and visiting country missions overseas. This would not be a confrontational or accusatory investigation. It is an inquiry intended to produce concrete recommendations to fix long-standing problems. Those recommendations will be of enormous benefit to whoever the next president is. It will help Congress as it conducts oversight and considers the role of the Intelligence Community, the DNI, the State Department, and other agencies in the context of broader interagency strategies. This legislation has been endorsed by a broad range of people, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, Donald Gregg, Carl Ford, Larry Wilkerson, David Kay, Gayle Smith and Rand Beers. I am pleased that the Intelligence Committee approved the legislation earlier this month as an amendment to the fiscal year 2009 intelligence authorization bill. I will continue working with Senator Hagel to ensure that this important legislation is enacted. Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, the Feingold-Hagel bill establishes an independent Foreign Intelligence and Information Commission, appointed by Congress, to review strategies for collection, analysis, and reporting of intelligence and diplomatic information from our outposts around the world. The Commission would have a 2-year lifespan. We must ensure that the United States is prepared to face the challenges of the 21st Century. Our intelligence agencies and diplomatic outposts must provide policymakers with information that helps anticipate threats before they loom large, and our efforts must not be focused solely on the ``threat of the day.'' As observers and veterans of the intelligence community--including the 9/11 Commission--have noted, the U.S. Government and intelligence community obviously have to focus on current threats, many times at the expense of having the ``strategic depth'' to analyze and anticipate potential threats and surprises lurking over the horizon. The focus mainly on current reporting has been cited within the Intelligence Community as inhibiting its ability to forecast significant longer term problems. With the creation of the Director of National Intelligence, DNI, and the National Counterterrorism Center, NCTC, Congress helped move the Intelligence Community in the right direction, but we need strategic intelligence not just on terrorism, but many other threats that our intelligence agencies and policymakers must anticipate. This bi-partisan Commission would enhance--not supplant--the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's oversight of intelligence. ``Strategic depth'' in collection and analysis is an issue that cuts across the oversight responsibilities of both the Senate's Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees. This Commission would examine diplomatic as well as intelligence reporting, which would help provide an in-depth analysis of issues that are not entirely within the scope of responsibilities of the DNI. The Commission would be able to probe these areas in depth and would have two years to issue its final report. We have seen how Commission reports can be useful tools to both Congress and the Executive branch to highlight needed reforms. For instance, the 2001 Carlucci Commission report on ``State Department Reform'' proved to be a tremendous resource for Secretary Colin Powell as he developed an action program to revitalize the State Department and make needed reforms. Secretary Powell studied the findings and recommendations of this and other panels. He met extensively with Carlucci and other members of various [[Page S4490]] commissions, and relied on their detailed insights in formulating his reform efforts. The Feingold-Hagel legislation's commission report would help the next administration evaluate and improve the effectiveness of key instruments underlying our national power. The Commission would provide recommendations on how to improve collection strategy, analysis, interagency information sharing, and language training. A bipartisan group of respected intelligence and national security experts have endorsed the Commission, including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski; Donald Gregg, former Ambassador and National Security Advisor to Vice President George H. W. Bush, and Larry Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary Colin Powell. Earlier this month, in a bipartisan vote, the Senate Intelligence Committee endorsed the Feingold-Hagel legislation setting up this commission. This Commission would help Congress and the Executive to better position our intelligence agencies and diplomats to provide the information the United States Government needs to anticipate future strategic challenges, and I urge my colleagues to support this measure. ______