[Congressional Record: September 23, 2008 (House)]
[Page H8696-H8699]                      

                  CODE TALKERS RECOGNITION ACT OF 2008

  Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the 
bill (H.R. 4544) to require the issuance of medals to recognize the 
dedication and valor of Native American code talkers, as amended.
  The Clerk read the title of the bill.
  The text of the bill is as follows:

                               H.R. 4544

       Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
     the United States of America in Congress assembled,


       This Act may be cited as the ``Code Talkers Recognition Act 
     of 2008''.

     SEC. 2. PURPOSE.

       The purpose of this Act is to require the issuance of 
     medals to express the sense of the Congress that--
       (1) the service of Native American code talkers to the 
     United States deserves immediate recognition for dedication 
     and valor; and
       (2) honoring Native American code talkers is long overdue.

     SEC. 3. FINDINGS.

       The Congress finds the following:
       (1) When the United States entered World War I, Native 
     Americans were not accorded the status of citizens of the 
     United States.
       (2) Without regard to that lack of citizenship, members of 
     Indian tribes and nations enlisted in the Armed Forces to 
     fight on behalf of the United States.
       (3) The first reported use of Native American code talkers 
     was on October 17, 1918.
       (4) Because the language used by the Choctaw code talkers 
     in the transmission of information was not based on a 
     European language or on a mathematical progression, the 
     Germans were unable to understand any of the transmissions.
       (5) This use of Native American code talkers was the first 
     time in modern warfare that such a transmission of messages 
     in a native language was used for the purpose of confusing an 
       (6) On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, 
     Hawaii, and the Congress declared war the following day.
       (7) The Federal Government called on the Comanche Nation to 
     support the military effort during World War II by recruiting 
     and enlisting Comanche men to serve in the Army to develop a 
     secret code based on the Comanche language.
       (8) The United States Army recruited approximately 50 
     Native Americans for special native language communication 
       (9) The United States Marine Corps recruited several 
     hundred Navajos for duty in the Pacific region.
       (10) During World War II, the United States employed Native 
     American code talkers who developed secret means of 
     communication based on native languages and were critical to 
     winning the war.
       (11) To the frustration of the enemies of the United 
     States, the code developed by the Native American code 
     talkers proved to be unbreakable and was used extensively 
     throughout the European theater.
       (12) In 2001, the Congress and President Bush honored 
     Navajo code talkers with congressional gold medals for the 
     contributions of the code talkers to the United States Armed 
     Forces as radio operators during World War II.
       (13) The heroic and dramatic contributions of Native 
     American code talkers were instrumental in driving back Axis 
     forces across the Pacific during World War II.
       (14) The Congress should provide to all Native American 
     code talkers the recognition the code talkers deserve for the 
     contributions of the code talkers to United States victories 
     in World War I and World War II.


       In this Act, the following definitions shall apply:
       (1) Code talker.--The term ``code talker'' means a Native 
     American who--
       (A) served in the Armed Forces during a foreign conflict in 
     which the United States was involved; and
       (B) transmitted (encoded and translated) secret coded 
     messages for tactical military operations during World War I 
     and World War II using their native tribal language (non-
     spontaneous communications)
       (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
     of the Treasury.


       (a) Award Authorization.--The Speaker of the House of 
     Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate 
     shall make appropriate arrangements for the award, on behalf 
     of the Congress, of gold medals of appropriate design in 
     recognition of the service of Native American code talkers 
     during World War I and World War II.
       (b) Identification of Recipients.--The Secretary, in 
     consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the tribes, 
       (1) determine the identity, to the maximum extent 
     practicable, of each Native American tribe that had a member 
     of that tribe serve as a Native American code talker, with 
     the exception of the Navajo Nation;
       (2) include the name of each Native American tribe 
     identified under subparagraph (A) on a list; and
       (3) provide the list, and any updates to the list, to the 
     Smithsonian Institution for maintenance under section 
       (c) Design and Striking of Medals.--
       (1) In general.--The Secretary shall strike the gold medals 
     awarded under subsection (a) with appropriate emblems, 
     devices, and inscriptions, as determined by the Secretary.
       (2) Designs of medals emblematic of tribal affiliation and 
     participation.--The design of a gold medal under paragraph 
     (1) shall be emblematic of the participation of the code 
     talkers of each recognized tribe.
       (3) Treatment.--Each medal struck pursuant to this 
     subsection shall be considered to be a national medal for 
     purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code.
       (d) Action by Smithsonian Institution.--The Smithsonian 
       (1) shall accept and maintain such gold medals, and such 
     silver duplicates of those medals, as recognized tribes elect 
     to send to the Smithsonian Institution;
       (2) shall maintain the list developed under section 6(1) of 
     the names of Native American code talkers of each recognized 
     tribe; and
       (3) is encouraged to create a standing exhibit for Native 
     American code talkers or Native American veterans.


       The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
     Defense and the tribes, shall--
       (1) with respect to tribes recognized as of the date of the 
     enactment of this Act --
       (A) determine the identity, to the maximum extent 
     practicable, of each Native American code talker of each 
     recognized tribe with the exception of the Navajo Nation;
       (B) include the name of each Native American code talker 
     identified under subparagraph (A) on a list, to be organized 
     by recognized tribe; and
       (C) provide the list, and any updates to the list, to the 
     Smithsonian Institution for maintenance under section 
       (2) in the future, determine whether any Indian tribe that 
     is not a recognized as of the date of the enactment of this 
     Act, should be eligible to receive a gold medal under this 
     Act; and
       (3) with consultation from the tribes listed in following 
     subsection, examine the following specific tribes to 
     determine the existence of Code Talkers:
       (A) Assiniboine.
       (B) Chippewa and Oneida.
       (C) Choctaw.
       (D) Comanche.
       (E) Cree.
       (F) Crow.
       (G) Hopi.
       (H) Kiowa.
       (I) Menominee.
       (J) Mississauga.
       (K) Muscogee.
       (L) Sac and Fox.
       (M) Sioux.


       (a) Silver Duplicate Medals.--
       (1) In general.--The Secretary shall strike duplicates in 
     silver of the gold medals struck under section 5(b), to be 
     awarded in accordance with paragraph (2).
       (2) Eligibility for award.--
       (A) In general.--A Native American shall be eligible to be 
     awarded a silver duplicate medal struck under paragraph (1) 
     in recognition of the service of Native American code talkers 
     of the recognized tribe of the Native American, if the Native 
     American served in the Armed Forces as a code talker in any 
     foreign conflict in which the United States was involved 
     during the 20th century.
       (B) Death of code talker.--In the event of the death of a 
     Native American code talker who had not been awarded a silver 
     duplicate medal under this subsection, the Secretary may 
     award a silver duplicate medal to the next of kin or other 
     personal representative of the Native American code talker.
       (C) Determination.--Eligibility for an award under this 
     subsection shall be determined by the Secretary in accordance 
     with section 6.
       (b) Bronze Duplicate Medals.--The Secretary may strike and 
     sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant 
     to section 4 under such regulations as the Secretary may 
     prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, 
     including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and 
     overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold and silver 


       (a) Authority to Use Fund Amounts.--There are authorized to 
     be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise 
     Fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the cost of 
     the medals struck pursuant to this Act.
       (b) Proceeds of Sale.--Amounts received from the sale of 
     duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 7(b) shall 
     be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise 

  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from 
Illinois (Mr. Gutierrez) and the gentlewoman from West Virginia (Mrs. 
Capito) each will control 20 minutes.
  The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Illinois.

                             General Leave

  Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members 
may have 5 legislative days within

[[Page H8697]]

which to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation and to 
insert extraneous material thereon.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the 
gentleman from Illinois?
  There was no objection.
  Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 3 minutes.
  Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 4544, the Code Talkers 
Recognition Act of 2008.
  This legislation directs the Speaker of the House and the President 
pro tempore of the Senate to authorize the award of gold medals to 
deserving individual Native American code talkers from specified Native 
American tribes.
  The bill defines ``code talker'' as a Native American who served in 
the Armed Forces during a foreign conflict and who participated in 
military communications using a native language. However, the bill 
excludes members of the Navajo tribe because, in 2001, the Congress 
honored Navajo code talkers with Congressional Gold Medals for their 
contributions as radio operators during World War II.
  The legislation further directs the Secretary of the Treasury and the 
Secretary of Defense to identify individual code talkers deserving of 
this recognition.
  I urge passage of this bill.

                                         House of Representatives,

                            Committee on House Administration,

                               Washington, DC, September 12, 2008.
     Hon. Barney Frank,
     Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, Rayburn HOB, 
         Washington, DC.
       Dear Chairman Frank: I understand that your committee is 
     considering bringing to the Floor H.R. 4544, the ``Code 
     Talkers Recognition Act of 2007.'' The Committee on House 
     Administration received an additional referral for this bill 
     due to the inclusion of section 5(c), which gives an 
     important role to the Smithsonian Institution in maintaining 
     a list of tribes and receiving medals which the tribes may 
     choose to donate. It is my understanding that the intent of 
     the legislation is that, if the tribes provide the medals to 
     the Smithsonian, they then would become the Smithsonian's 
     property for possible exhibition or other appropriate 
       The House Administration Committee is the principal 
     committee of jurisdiction over the Smithsonian Institution 
     under Rule X. We recognize that, at this point in the 
     session, there is a desire to move legislation as 
     expeditiously as possible. Therefore, we will waive any 
     further consideration of the bill and agree to be discharged. 
     However, we do so with the understanding that the Committee 
     does not waive any future jurisdictional claims over similar 
     measures. In the event of any conference with the Senate, the 
     Committee reserves the right to seek the appointment of 
     conferees and to have your support.
       I would appreciate the inclusion of this letter in the 
     Congressional Record during any consideration of H.R. 4544 on 
     the House floor.
                                                  Robert A. Brady,

                                         House of Representatives,

                              Committee on Financial Services,

                               Washington, DC, September 19, 2008.
     Hon. Robert A. Brady,
     Chairman, Committee on House Administration, House of 
         Representatives, Washington, DC.
       Dear Mr. Chairman: I am writing in response to your letter 
     regarding H.R. 4544, the ``Code Talkers Recognition Act of 
     2007.'' This bill was introduced in the House on December 13, 
     2007 and referred to the Committee on Financial Services and 
     in addition to the Committee on House Administration. It is 
     my understanding that this bill will be scheduled for floor 
     consideration shortly.
       I wish to confirm our mutual understanding on this bill. 
     The legislation gives an important role to the Smithsonian 
     Institution in maintaining a list of tribes and receiving 
     medals which the tribe may wish to donate and I acknowledge 
     your committee's jurisdictional interest in such matters. 
     However, I appreciate your willingness to forego committee 
     action on H.R. 4544 in order to allow the bill to come to the 
     floor expeditiously. I agree that your decision to forego 
     further action on this bill will not prejudice the Committee 
     on House Administration with respect to its jurisdictional 
     prerogatives on this or similar legislation. I would support 
     your request for conferees on those provisions within your 
     jurisdiction should this bill be the subject of a House-
     Senate conference.
       I will include this exchange of letters in the 
     Congressional Record when this bill is considered by the 
     House. Thank you again for your assistance.
                                                     Barney Frank,

  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 4544, the 
Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008, introduced by the gentleman from 
Oklahoma (Mr. Boren).
  This legislation honoring the Native American code talkers, who 
served this country so honorably in the First and Second World Wars, is 
long overdue.
  Mr. Speaker, the history of Native American code talkers is long and 
honorable. And I'm going to go through a little bit of this, beginning 
with their striking display of patriotism.
  When the First World War broke out, Native Americans were technically 
not citizens of the United States--hard to believe, really; 
nevertheless, many enlisted and fought honorably as part of the 
American Expeditionary Force that helped to defeat the German armies.
  In those days, as the technology of warfare changed and the size of 
the battlefields grew, it was necessary to transmit tactical 
information over what we would consider rudimentary and very unsecure 
communications methods that in many cases were easy for the enemy to 
  During the Second Battle of the Somme in September of 1918, and later 
during the Meuse-Argonne campaign in the waning days of the war, 
Cherokee and Choctaw natives used their own language to communicate 
tactical information. Since their languages were not related to any 
European language, the Germans intercepting it were baffled, even 
though the code itself was rather simple--a tank was a turtle, for 
  Again, in the Second World War, Native Americans signed up in large 
numbers to fight in both Europe and in the Pacific theater. The best 
known of these were the Navajos, who worked with the Marines in the 
Pacific. But considering both wars, code talkers came from as many as 
17 different tribes.
  Interestingly, the code talkers weren't used much in the European 
theater until D-day, because it was known that Adolf Hitler had been 
aware of the code talkers' successful role in World War I and had sent 
teams of German anthropologists to learn Native American languages 
before the start of the Second World War. The effort was largely 
unsuccessful, though, because there were so many different languages 
and dialects of those languages.
  The role of the code talkers was largely unknown until 1968, when the 
story was declassified. Since then, President Reagan declared a ``Code 
Talkers Day,'' and in 2001 President Bush presented the Congressional 
Gold Medal to several Navajo code talkers.

                              {time}  2145

  Unfortunately, the bill authorizing that medal did not acknowledge 
the role of Code Talker heroes from other tribes in the First World War 
as well as the second.
  Mr. Speaker, it has taken nearly a decade to address this oversight, 
and through the hard work of the gentlelady from Texas, Ms. Granger, 
and most recently Mr. Boren, bills were introduced to do so in each 
Congress since the original legislation passed. We are now at the 
historic point, thanks to Mr. Boren's legislation, that we can move to 
recognize the other heroes from the other tribes. I urge my colleagues 
to support this bill enthusiastically.
  With that, Mr. Speaker, I would like to reserve the balance of my 
  Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I recognize the gentleman from Oklahoma 
(Mr. Boren) for 7 minutes.
  Mr. BOREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with the support of 300 of my 
colleagues to honor a forgotten group of American war heroes. As many 
of you know, the State of Oklahoma has a long and rich Native American 
heritage. My congressional district is home to 17 of the 37 federally 
recognized tribes headquartered in Oklahoma.
  Millions of these Native Americans count themselves among the proud 
veterans who defended this Nation during a time of war. But today, Mr. 
Speaker, I ask my fellow colleagues to join me in honoring the brave 
service of a small group of veterans. It is estimated that 12,000 
Native Americans served in our Armed Forces during World War I and over 
45,000 bravely fought during World War II. Among those was a small band 
of Choctaw Indians that were the beginning of what would become the 
Native American Code Talkers. They

[[Page H8698]]

would eventually play a critical but very unique role in the Allies' 
victory over evil and tyranny.
  During World War I, feeling a sense of duty to the cause of freedom, 
a number of Choctaws answered the call to serve. They began their 
service assigned to the 142nd Infantry of the 36th Division of the 
Texas-Oklahoma National Guard. Their first action was as a unit in 
France. At that time, communication by telephone and by radio on the 
battlefield was still developing. But both types of transmissions were 
under constant surveillance by the German enemy.
  Army movements and supply shipments were being ambushed by the 
Germans on a constant basis costing thousands of lives. At one point 
Colonel A.W. Bloor, the commanding officer of the 142nd Infantry, 
believed that the Germans were cracking every message his division sent 
by radio or by phone. Frustrated with the division's inability to 
communicate safely, an officer recalled that the division included a 
company of Native Americans. After hearing these men speak to one 
another on a regular basis, it occurred to him that their language 
could hold the key to encoding the Allies' transmissions. After all, a 
few of these men spoke 20 dialects, many of which had never even been 
  In October of 1918, the Choctaw Code Talkers' ability to secretly 
communicate over radio resulted in a surprise momentum-shifting attack 
on the German enemy in northern France's Argonne forest. What began as 
6 to 10 Choctaw transmitting a handful of coded messages quickly grew 
into a much larger group of soldiers spread across the European battle 
front. As the tide of World War I began to turn in favor of the Allies, 
military commanders came to rely on these Native American Code Talkers 
to communicate their most sensitive information.
  Many believe to this day that not a single Code Talker transmission 
was ever cracked by the enemy. Army leaders began to notice immediately 
that troop movements were no longer mirrored and supply convoys were 
not ambushed. After realizing the effectiveness of the Choctaw Code 
Talkers, U.S. military leadership sought out and recruited leaders of 
such tribes as the Comanche, Choctaw, Seminole, Hopis, Cherokee, Sioux, 
Navaho, as well as many others.
  During World War II, the Native American Code Talkers would once 
again prove their effectiveness, this time on two fronts, in the 
Pacific and in Europe. Many high-ranking military officials contend 
that the United States would have never won the Battle of Iwo Jima 
without the unbreakable communications of the Native American Code 
  So, Mr. Speaker, with this historical contribution to liberty and 
freedom in mind, it is our duty to honor these brave men, their 
families and their tribes. Let us never forget the valiant and noble 
service of the Native American Code Talkers. They are truly some of 
America's greatest war heroes.
  In closing, I would like to take a moment to thank the many people 
who have worked tirelessly to commemorate these brave men. There are 
far too many to name in a brief time, but I would like to mention a 
few. I would like to commend the National Congress of American Indians 
for supporting this legislation and for their unwavering dedication to 
Native Americans everywhere. I would also like to acknowledge Chairman 
Frank and his staff for working with me on bringing this legislation to 
the floor. I would also pay tribute to Dale Kildee, and most especially 
my colleague from Oklahoma, Tom Cole, for his tireless effort in 
getting so many of the cosponsors on this legislation.
  Finally, I would like to thank Chief Gregory Pyle of the Choctaw 
Nation. His dedication and leadership to his people, to all Native 
Americans, to the State of Oklahoma and to this great Nation is the 
mark of a true statesman. I am proud to call him both a mentor and a 
  With that, Mr. Speaker, I urge support for the Native American Code 
Talkers Act.
  Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I would like to yield such time as he may 
consume to the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Cole).
  Mr. COLE of Oklahoma. I thank my good friend from West Virginia for 
yielding so graciously.
  Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise today in support 
of H.R. 4544, the Code Talkers Recognition Act, which would award the 
Congressional Gold Medal to Native American Code Talkers who assisted 
the allied powers in World War I and World War II to deceive and 
confuse our enemies in both conflicts. It's a particular personal 
pleasure to me, Mr. Speaker, because not only am I a Native American, 
Chickasaw, but my ancestry is both Choctaw and Chickasaw. My great 
grandfather had both tribes in his veins. And it's a wonderful treat 
for me to be able to participate in this.
  I would also first like to thank my dear friend and colleague, Mr. 
Boren, who introduced this legislation and without whose hard work this 
bill would simply not be here today. He has worked hard and tirelessly 
to honor a group of Americans that deserve recognition. And I 
appreciate it so much, my dear friend.
  To date only the famous Navaho Wind Talkers have received this 
prestigious award, and it's only right and proper, Mr. Speaker, that 
Congress finally recognize all of the Code Talkers that dedicated their 
service to the United States of America. As an Oklahoman and as the 
only Native American currently serving in Congress, I am very happy to 
be here before you today to participate in awarding this honor to these 
fine individuals and their tribes.
  Native Americans have a long, complex and honorable relationship with 
the United States military. Native Americans have fought against and 
with the United States military throughout the entire history of our 
country. And despite the often egregious policies of our government 
towards Indian country, thousands of Native Americans from dozens of 
tribes have helped protect our homeland. Indeed the first allies of the 
United States in the Revolution were the Oneida tribe. There was the 
Seneca present with Grant when he accepted the surrender of Robert E. 
Lee. As a matter of fact Robert E. Lee called him the only real 
American present at the ceremony. And of course in the Plains wars in 
the West, Indians fought on both sides of the conflict. Indeed our 
first President, General Washington, once commented the only way to 
defeat Native Americans was to be allied with Native Americans against 
other Native Americans because they were formidable and elusive foes.
  Over the course of American history, Native Americans have 
demonstrated outstanding valor on the battlefield. And they have 
consistently received awards and commendations for their outstanding 
service. Historically Native Americans have the highest record of 
service per capita of any ethnic group or demographic group in our 
country. There are currently over 190,000 Native American veterans.
  Mr. Speaker, this legislation awards the congressional medal to 13 
individual tribes whose members assisted in this effort of defending 
our country. By using Native languages that were unidentifiable to the 
enemy forces in Europe and in the Pacific, the Code Talkers contributed 
to the victory of allied powers in both the First and the Second World 
Wars. Without their efforts it is clear that we would have lost 
countless additional lives and wars would have dragged on longer than 
necessary. Though most Native Americans did not even have United States 
citizenship in the First World War, there were a few. My tribe actually 
did. And we were pretty good negotiators. And most Oklahoma tribes got 
theirs a little bit ahead. But most tribes and most members who served 
in our Armed Forces were not citizens. They volunteered their service 
to defend their country despite that lack of citizenship.
  It is estimated that more than 12,000 American Indians and about 600 
Oklahoma tribal members served the United States military in the First 
World War. Despite the fact that most in the United States considered 
their heritage and their language to be obsolete in the first decade of 
the 20th century, these individuals volunteered for their country and 
helped turn the tide in one of the bloodiest wars in human history.
  In 1917 a group of eight Choctaw serving in the Army's 36th Infantry 
Division trained to use their language in code. They helped the 
American Expeditionary Force win several key battles

[[Page H8699]]

in the final big push of the war. Other tribes continued to be 
recruited into the service of our country in later conflicts. Almost 
immediately after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the United 
States entered the Second World War, the Army recruited members of the 
Comanche Nation, located in my district, to assist the Allied Forces. 
Throughout the war other tribes were also recruited to carry out these 
efforts. And throughout that conflict, the Axis powers could neither 
decipher the codes based on Native language nor significantly undermine 
efforts to communicate in that language. The use of these languages 
significantly improved the tactical efforts of the Allied powers. These 
efforts were certainly remarkable, Mr. Speaker, and the contribution of 
these men clearly deserves to be recognized by Congress.
  Mr. Speaker, Native American Code Talkers of the First and Second 
World War are true American heroes without whose efforts our troops 
would have certainly suffered greater casualties and would have 
certainly experienced slower progress in their efforts to end these 
conflicts. For too long our country has failed to recognize the efforts 
made by these great Native American citizens. It is time that we 
acknowledge and honor the contributions and service of these Native 
Americans who dedicated their service to our country by awarding them 
the Congressional Gold Medal.
  I urge Members to honor these courageous men and their tribes and 
vote ``yes'' on H.R. 4544.
  Mr. GUTIERREZ. I ask if there are any further requests for time on 
the other side or does the gentlelady yield back?
  Mrs. CAPITO. I have no further requests.
  I yield back the balance of my time.
  Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 
4544, the ``Code Talker Recognition Act.''
  As a cosponsor of H.R. 4544, I would like to thank Representative 
Boren for introducing this important bill to honor our nation's Native 
American Code Talkers--including code talkers from South Dakota's Sioux 
tribes--with this long overdue recognition.
  South Dakota is home to the last living Lakota code talker--Clarence 
Wolf Guts. Clarence, who is an 84-year-old Lakota warrior from the 
Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota, was the personal code 
talker for Major General Paul Mueller, commander of the U.S. Army's 
81st Infantry. He traveled with Gen. Mueller and the 81st as the 
division moved from island to island during the fight against the 
Japanese during World War II.
  I am privileged to have this opportunity to thank Clarence for his 
service during World War II and to honor all of our Nation's code 
talkers--whose efforts prevented the enemy from intercepting vital 
communications--saving the lives of countless American members of the 
Armed Forces.
  Again, I would like to thank Representtive Boren for his leadership 
and to thank our Nation's code talkers, who serve as an inspiration for 
all Americans to emulate.
  Mr. BOSWELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 4544, the 
Code Talker Recognition Act.
  I am proud to say that this legislation, which I am an original 
cosponsor, will finally recognize the men who served as code talkers 
for our great Nation during World War I and World War II.
  Eight of those men who specifically will be honored today are members 
of the Meskwaki tribe based in Tama County, Iowa.
  In January 1941, nearly a year before Pearl Harbor, 27 Meskwaki men, 
then 16 percent of Iowa's Meskwaki population enlisted in the Army. Of 
those 27, eight became code talkers: Edward Benson; Dewey Roberts; 
Frank Sanache; Willard Sanache; Melvin Twin; Judy Wayne Wabaunasee; 
Mike Wayne Wabaunasee; and Dewey Youngbear.
  The Meskwaki men trained in Marshalltown and served together in the 
168th Infantry, 34th Division. After jungle warfare training in 
Louisiana and code talker training in Scotland and then in England, 
they were sent to North Africa.
  While in North Africa Frank Sanache ventured out far beyond the 
battalion and using a walkie-talkie directed artillery fire in the 
desert. He said ``It was the worst place this side of hell.''
  The enemy was never able to translate the native Meskwaki language, 
and the Meskwaki Code Talkers, among other Code Talkers are credited 
with saving the lives of countless members of the United States Armed 
Forces and contributing significantly to the victory of our Nation.
  I am pleased to see that finally this bill will be brought to the 
House floor--it has taken many years to get to this point and even 
though many of those who are being honored are no longer with us at 
least their family members and loved ones have the opportunity to 
finally see them receive the gratitude and respect of our country.
  Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I have no further requests for time, and 
I yield back the balance of my time.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the 
gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Gutierrez) that the House suspend the 
rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4544, as amended.
  The question was taken.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds 
being in the affirmative, the ayes have it.
  Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a 
quorum is not present and make the point of order that a quorum is not 
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX and the 
Chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this motion will be 
  The point of no quorum is considered withdrawn.
