[Congressional Record: January 25, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S305] FISA Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, just one further observation with regard to my friend's remarks. The Bond-Rockefeller bill is exactly the way we ought to be doing our business. It came out of the Intelligence Committee 13 to 2. It is supported on a bipartisan basis. It is supported by the President of the United States. We have a product that was carefully negotiated by Senator Bond and Senator Rockefeller, approved by the Intelligence Committee 13 to 2, and supported by the President of the United States. That is my definition of a bipartisan accomplishment. Now the question is, Can we finish the job and get a signature? This is not about frightening the American people. The American people should be frightened, and remember full well what happened on 9/ 11. They also remember with gratitude that it has not happened again for 6 years. The reason for it, obviously, is we have been on offense, going after the terrorists where they are, and we have improved our defense. An integral part of protecting the homeland is the measure before us, carefully crafted on a bipartisan basis, supported by the President of the United States. If we want to finish the job and have a bipartisan accomplishment that all of us can be proud of, the way to do that is to pass this bill, send it to the House, urge them to take it up and pass it, and send it to the President, who awaits it to affix his signature. I yield the floor. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The majority leader is recognized. Mr. REID. Mr. President, there is no question that Senator Rockefeller and Senator Bond have worked hard on this legislation. Also, we have had good work from Senator Leahy and Senator Specter of the Judiciary Committee. Senator Rockefeller wants a piece of legislation to pass very badly. He does not support cloture in this effort that is going to take place on Monday because he believes the bill needs to be changed. Just because there is a bill that comes out of committee doesn't mean we shouldn't deal with it here on the floor. Senator Rockefeller is not going to support cloture on this bill on Monday. It is a decision he made, and he has made it because we have not had the opportunity to do things to this piece of legislation that he believes should happen. It is a rare piece of legislation that comes out of one of these major committees that comes to the floor that doesn't require some improvement. So it is simply unfair to say that Senator Rockefeller and Senator Bond's piece of legislation should go through as if it were written in script on top of some big mountain. It was written in a committee room with a lot of discussion and votes, and some of the amendments passed, some didn't. It came to the floor. We all are happy it came to the floor. But at this time, even Senator Rockefeller believes there should be changes in it, and he will not support cloture, as he told me last night, because he feels it has been handled so poorly by the minority here on the floor. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Missouri is recognized. ____________________ [Congressional Record: January 25, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S305-S310] FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2007 Mr. BOND. Mr. President, we are on the FISA bill, I believe. Has the bill been reported? Is it before us? The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. It has not yet been reported. The clerk will report the pending business by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: A bill (S. 2248) to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, to modernize and streamline the provisions of that Act, and for other purposes. Pending: Rockefeller/Bond amendment No. 3911, in the nature of a substitute. [[Page S306]] Feingold/Dodd amendment No. 3909 (to amendment No. 3911), to require that certain records be submitted to Congress. Bond amendment No. 3916 (to amendment No. 3909), of a perfecting nature. Reid amendment No. 3918 (to the language proposed to be stricken by Rockefeller/Bond amendment No. 3911), relative to the extension of the Protect America Act of 2007. Iraq Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I wish to address the FISA bill. I also commend our majority and minority leaders on their statements about the lives that have been lost by our brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.[...] FISA It is now important to talk about FISA. I am glad we are on the floor. I think, as the majority leader has said, all first-degree amendments need to be filed by 1 o'clock this afternoon. We are available to do business and we look forward to working with our colleagues to see if we can make this happen in a timely fashion. I believe it is important this morning, for the Record and for the benefit of my colleagues and the American people, to clear up several things mentioned in yesterday's consideration of the FISA bill. When I say ``FISA,'' I mean the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act--the act that authorizes the President and the intelligence community to use electronic signals collection to get information on terrorist enemies and other threats to the United States. First, I will state the obvious. Yesterday, we had a very positive result in the Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee substitute to the Senate Intelligence Committee bill failed on a clear vote. I believe the Members of this body recognized it was a partisan, unworkable, inadequate bill. It was written without any consultation with the intelligence community or the lawyers who know how FISA works and how signals intelligence is carried out. It was done without the participation of any of the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, and it failed. Chairman Rockefeller and I have, as has been said, a bipartisan bill worked out over a number of months, as the occupant of the chair knows so well. We worked long and hard. We didn't always agree, but we came to a bill that passed 13 to 2. There were two problems with the bill--a good idea but unworkable as introduced. So we worked with the sponsors of that provision and had a very good idea that we need to protect American citizens, when they are abroad, from warrantless surveillance. It took 24, 25 pages to work out the details for it. But I believe that provision we now have in the managers' amendment, the pending amendment before us on this bill, accomplishes the purposes all of us on the committee support. I voted against the original proposal in the committee because I didn't think it was workable, but we have fixed that, and I am proud to support it. These are the fixes Chairman Rockefeller and I put together, with the help of Senator Wyden and the occupant of the chair, so we now have a functional, working amendment. The drafting has been fixed, and I believe we have a much better bill. We have an improvement over the original FISA bill and the Protect America Act, which was a necessary short-term extension that allowed the continuation of electronic intercepts against foreign targets overseas, without having a court order, which was absolutely necessary because the change in the technology in electronic communications had put too many of the overseas collections, which used to be outside the scope of FISA, within the scope of FISA. The Protect America Act had a lot of nasty things said about it yesterday. They were all wrong. What the Protect America Act did not do, however, involves two very important things the Senate Intelligence Committee did. By a 13-to-2 vote, we added the protection for American citizens overseas. It is very important. It added other protections as well. It also said those companies, the carriers that may have worked with the intelligence community in adopting or effectuating the collection of signals intelligence against terrorists planning attacks in the United States, should not be sued in civil court. That provision--protecting any private sector entities that cooperated but not Government officials from lawsuits--was necessary to end a string of lawsuits brought by opponents of intelligence collection who want to destroy the system, who seek money damages but who really seek to harass and drive communication companies out of the business of cooperating with intelligence officials. If they are successful, if they can drive and harass and bludgeon private sector entities from cooperating with intelligence officials, then our country will be significantly less safe. Those of us who have been on the Intelligence Committee heard the discussion that there are threats that continue to be raised and that this world is still a dangerous place. We need to be able to find out what our enemies are planning. We cannot have the entire Nation as fortified as the Capitol grounds and the White House grounds. We have a free and open country. Our only hope of being safe is to identify planned terrorist attacks before they occur. So what we have before us today is a workable, bipartisan bill. It is supported by the Director of National Intelligence. I will refer to Admiral McConnell as the DNI, the head of that agency, and the President would sign it into law. We started with a solid bipartisan update to FISA that is needed to protect the country to increase civil liberty protections and protections for the privacy rights of Americans. We should now all heed the first law of responsible leadership, and that is, first and foremost, do no harm with any amendments to be considered in the bill. I hope my colleagues will think long and hard before offering amendments, to make sure they have no unintended consequences and that they do no harm. One good way to do that is to talk with the intelligence community. Talk with the office of the DNI, talk with the Department of Justice. If you have a good idea, talk with them. Maybe there is a way your objectives can be achieved without interfering with the ability to collect information. If you don't, if things are offered that would significantly impair our intelligence community's ability to collect the vitally important intelligence we need to have, then I will have to oppose it and I will urge my colleagues to oppose it. We constructed a delicate, bipartisan compromise that is a good bill. I hope we will refrain from trying to deconstruct it or try to make the bill worse in any way before final passage. The American people want to have well-regulated intelligence collection that keeps the country safe, and they deserve no less. That brings us to where we are today. Senator Feingold yesterday offered an amendment over which the Department of Justice expressed real concerns. I understand those concerns, so I offered a second- degree amendment that gives the Senator from Wisconsin three-quarters of what he sought, yet refrains from mandating that the executive branch provide Congress with [[Page S308]] pleadings containing very sensitive sources and methods submitted to the FISA Court. I will refer to that court as the FISC, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Three months ago in a committee compromise, I agreed to include the provisions of the Senator from Wisconsin in our bill, which calls for the opinions, orders, and decisions of the FISC prospectively, and in my second-degree amendment, I propose to go further and agree with him to accept his mandate to require the community to go back 5 years to dig up all the past orders and opinions which are of significant consequence but go back and find all those and give them to us. We have received in the Intelligence Committee, on a semiannual basis, the reports of FISC, orders and opinions of significance, and they have been available for review by our staff for each 6-month period. But we will order them to go back and provide them. I am not sure what he is digging for, but I think we are willing to work with him. It will be a burden on the community, but I think that is information that might arguably be useful to those of us with oversight responsibility. I am not willing to agree to mandating that pleadings be turned over, and my second-degree amendment eliminates them from his mandate. It also stipulates that this mandate would be levied with due regard to sensitive sources and methods. Even though I believe this mandate for tranches of documents, truckloads perhaps, puts a tremendous burden on officials in the Department who have already given us semiannual reviews, since now they will have to go back and find, produce, screen, redact, and submit them to Congress, I am willing to work with the Senator from Wisconsin and others to include them up to the point of pleadings. I hope this will be viewed as a reasonable compromise. Regrettably, instead of working with me on this issue, the Senator from Wisconsin attacked my efforts to reach a compromise saying ``a ridiculous notion and disrespectful of the United States Congress.'' I was accused of ``hiding behind a tragedy in this country to make arguments that have no merit'' and trying to help the intelligence community ``prevent the Members of Congress from seeing the pleadings provided to an article III court.'' These insinuations are not only inaccurate, but I believe they come close to violating debate rule XIX of the Senate, which says: No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator. I do not believe the accusations against me were appropriate in the debate. They only underscore the divisive and partisan intentions behind some of the efforts we are seeing on the floor, and I hope we can avoid future such accusations. I will restate for the record my reasons for eliminating pleadings from the required submission to the intelligence communities. These are not policy documents, policy of which the Intelligence Committee said: We don't like the policy of where you are going. These are not broad issues for legislative implementation. They are detailed analyses of sources and methods for collecting intelligence. They are submitted to the article III judge sitting at that time as the FISC judge to provide a basis for a warrant based on probable cause to allow electronic surveillance of persons within the United States, U.S. persons. It is possible those pleadings would include, No. 1, the name or other identifying features of the sensitive sources who provided the intelligence information they set forth. That could risk getting somebody killed. They could provide the identification and location of the collection facility. They could provide information on the means of collection. They would obviously have to provide information on the target and other relevant information. In the intelligence business, these are the ultimate sources and methods. They are highly classified because, if they were to leak out, there would be very serious harm done to individuals and perhaps even locations where collection occurs. So I believe the intelligence community has a legitimate reason for saying we are not going to share the sources and methods that identify the names of the individuals, the sources. I do not see that is a necessary element of our oversight, to know Joe Doe was the one who gave us the information on Ralph Roe and they needed to get the information through facility X using means Y. That is kept at a closely compartmental level. We have already in the bill that Senator Rockefeller and I have been able to forge with great bipartisan support a solid compromise piece of legislation, and that is the model on which we should move ahead. Today we have heard again some accusations that the minority side--my side--is stalling this important legislation. A quick review of the FISA legislation history over the past year is in order. The President declared he was bringing the surveillance program under FISA in January of 2007, 1 year ago. In April of last year, because of some changes in court orders, the DNI asked us to modernize FISA so it would be compatible with new technology. On May 1 of last year, he testified in open session before our committee and again he asked us to modernize FISA. Shortly thereafter, we were informed in the Intelligence Committee about the ruling of the FISC that altered the collection ability of that program, to the point where our intelligence agencies were shut down with regard to vital intelligence collection that would protect us. What was the response of our Intelligence Committee? Regrettably, nothing. We did absolutely nothing. I urged that we act, that we move forward on it, but our committee and Congress did nothing. Through May, June, and July of last year, the DNI's pleadings to modernize FISA grew stronger. After he came before our committee in May, he came before Members of the Senate in closed session in our confidential, secure hearing room. Over 40 Members were there, and he told us in July it was absolutely essential we move, that everybody said it was essential we move. We did not move until the final week, and we still did not have a committee hearing. I brought the DNI's bill, the Protect America Act, to the floor on Wednesday, before we had a vote on it on Friday. There were comments yesterday about how partisan and secret and one-sided the negotiations were, but it was not our efforts for the support of the DNI that were secret and one-sided. There were secret negotiations on the majority side prior to the passage of the Protect America Act. Several committee chairmen got together, shutting out Republicans and shutting out members of the Intelligence Committee from any consideration of their proposals. They were not vetted with the Director of National Intelligence. The DNI has been accused of going back on his word. I managed to get in finally at the end of some of those negotiations, and I can tell you that the DNI said he will go back and check with his lawyers on these issues. He did not agree to incorporate the changes that were suggested and, as suspected, when he viewed some of the proposals, he found they were unworkable. We never saw the bill the committee leaders on the majority side proposed to offer until less than an hour before it appeared on the Senate floor--before we were voting, actually, when it appeared on the Senate floor. During that time, the majority and minority members of the Intelligence Committee asked me for more information about the Protect America Act. I had a session in my office for members of the committee, bipartisan, going over with the DNI what the details of the Protect America Act were. Fortunately, on a bipartisan basis, we approved the Protect America Act. It was a stopgap. It was meant to serve for 6 months, but it got us back in the business of collecting vital signals intelligence. That is where we needed to be. We were not there. That was on August 3. Fortunately, on August 4, the House passed the bill, and on August 5, the President signed it, and we were back in business collecting information on new targets who were coming up on our screen. Because of the need to add a 6-month sunset, which I agreed with all parties on both sides was a good idea, that 6-month sunset expires in 1 more week. [[Page S309]] It expires next Friday. Knowing that this law would soon expire, when the Senate returned from the August recess in September, the Intelligence Committee began working on a new FISA bill, and after 6 weeks of constant work, deliberations, compromise, extensive discussions among staff, with staff, the members, with the DNI--and the occupant of the chair knows how much time and effort went into that--we produced the carefully crafted compromised legislation before us today on a 13-to-2 vote out of the committee. This is a model for the law we should pass in the Senate, a bipartisan product. The majority leader tried to bring up this bill in December before the recess, and I commend him for it. But majority Senators filibustered the bill. Make no mistake about it, the majority stalled FISA last month and filibustered the bill. At that time, the majority leader made a commendable plea to his colleagues. He stated any amendment offered to this bill, in view of its delicate nature and the bipartisan compromise it represents, should be required to meet a 60-vote threshold to clear any procedural hurdles in the Senate. This would also ensure it remained a bipartisan product. If we look at the history of the important legislation we passed, it passed this past year with 60 votes--60 votes--to ensure there will be a bipartisan bill. Neither party can pass something alone, without bipartisan compromise--getting 60 votes. The Protect America Act required 60 votes: That is how it was brought to the floor. The partisan majority committee leader's bill came to the floor with a 60- vote requirement and it failed. We got the Protect America Act by meeting the 60-vote threshold. Sixty votes, for those who may be following this elsewhere, is what is needed to invoke cloture to shut off a filibuster, but it is a good principle when you have a very contentious, important, and technical bill. I commended the majority leader for his leadership and agree wholeheartedly with him now. In fact, if he were able to follow through with that offer now, then we would have already passed FISA last night. The fact is there is a majority of Senators who will not give their consent for such an agreement. They would prefer to deconstruct the Senate Intelligence Committee compromise and, by simple majority vote, transform the bill before us into a partisan product, thus gutting the bipartisan support--and the DNI's support, I would add--in this important legislation. That is little bit shortsighted, I believe. If a majority can be mustered to undo the important compromises worked out with the intelligence community, with the DNI, you can go through the act of passing the bill, but it is not going to be signed, and the monkey is going to be back on our back. We have an opportunity to pass a bill here that can be signed into law to keep our country safe. If we want to be in the situation where we were last summer, where our intelligence community was effectively deaf and blind to terrorist threats, then go ahead and tear up this bill, take it apart, leave it with no support from the intelligence community. And, by definition, if it is not supported by the intelligence community, it will not be signed into law by the President. I am asking that we go back to the procedure we followed before in passing the Protect America Act, that we used in passing other important pieces of legislation, and make it a bipartisan effort. The people of this country are crying out for bipartisanship. We got the Protect America Act on a bipartisan basis. We passed a bill out of the Senate committee that far exceeded the 60-percent test. We need to deal with this bill under the same rules. Gutting the bill with a bare majority, and plurality, as could happen under the current situation, is a bad approach. I say to my colleagues that if they can agree to a 60-vote threshold for all amendments offered, then we can start voting on any and all of them right now, and we will go through them. There are some very important amendments, and there are very good arguments for those amendments. I hope my arguments on the other side are better. But we have to deal with this on a 60-vote basis. What I am not willing to do right now, and our minority leader is not and our side of the aisle is not, is to allow this bipartisan product to be dismantled on the Senate floor by partisan efforts that make FISA unworkable, loses the DNI's support because it won't work, and thus the President's signature. It makes for good politics but it fails to protect America. If the majority will work with us, then we are happy to have any and all amendments. I know the leaders may still come up with an agreement of that sort, but barring that, I don't see a way around this because we are not going to accept, by majority vote, a jumbled-up structure that leaves the intelligence community without the ability effectively, efficiently, and within proper constitutional and statutory restrictions to collect the intelligence we need to keep this country safe. We have to have a good bill. We have incorporated far more protections in the Senate substitute than have ever been in FISA before, and I think those of us on the Intelligence Committee, the occupant of the chair, can take great credit for protections we have added. National security is not red or white, it is red, white, and blue. The blues and the reds need to work together on this, passing a product the DNI supports so the President will sign it into law. Anything else and we are not helping the country. We are ready to consider amendments; we simply don't want to see the bill destroyed through partisan ploys. Mr. President, seeing no other Senators present, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I would inquire as to what the pending business is before the Senate. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. S. 2248, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act. Mr. CHAMBLISS. I thank the Chair, and I rise to support the managers' amendment on this piece of legislation as proposed by Chairman Rockefeller and Vice Chairman Bond. This is the result of a bipartisan discussion which included the Office of Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice. I commend Senator Rockefeller and Senator Bond on drafting this complicated yet critical piece of legislation. The Senate has had a healthy debate while considering the Judiciary Committee's substitute amendment. I was pleased to see a majority of the Senate reject that bill, and I hope the Senate can now move past that flawed bill rather than offering a number of amendments which contain fragments of it. There is no benefit to rehashing the same points in the Senate bill that was just handily tabled versus the Rockefeller-Bond compromise piece of legislation that came out of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, and the Department of Justice have stated their opposition to a number of proposed amendments which were part of the failed Judiciary Committee's substitute. The DNI has made it clear he would recommend to the President that he veto this legislation if it does not contain immunity for communication carriers, and rightly so. Some Members offered amendments to strike title II from the managers' amendment or to substitute the Government as the defendant in these lawsuits. But substitution will not give the carriers protection, nor will it protect our national security. The plaintiffs can still seek documents and other evidence from them through the discovery process at trial. This risks exposing our intelligence sources and methods, and there is simply no doubt about that fact. The Government can assert the states secrets privilege, but the ongoing litigation has shown that courts reject this theory. Even the FISA Court, which operates in secret and handles classified information, is not suited to handle these cases. The FISA Court primarily reviews ex parte requests and was not meant to hear regular trials. [[Page S310]] The members of the FISA Court are sitting district court judges and have their own full dockets. The risk of unnecessarily exposing some of our most sensitive collection if litigation continues is too great. The best remedy is to provide immunity to the telecommunication providers as the managers' amendment does. Other amendments propose unnecessary additions to provisions already included in the managers' amendment. For example, the managers' amendment contains a 6-year sunset and an exclusivity provision. Yet amendments have been offered to make this legislation expire in 2 years or 4 years. Additionally, an amendment has been offered to state that absent some other expressed order from Congress, FISA and title XVIII are the exclusive means to conduct electronic surveillance. This would require Congress to pass a law authorizing the President to conduct electronic surveillance after an attack on our country. What if Congress were not able to meet, let alone agree on language authorizing electronic surveillance after an attack on our country? This amendment ignores longstanding debate regarding article I and article II powers, a debate the courts have dodged time and again. I support the bipartisan language in the managers' amendment which maintains the status quo of this important constitutional question. Finally, an amendment has been offered requiring an audit of the terrorist surveillance program. As I stated earlier in comments yesterday, the Intelligence Committee has conducted a thorough review of this program over many months, which included testimony, extensive document reviews, and even trips out to our intelligence agencies to witness how this program is operated. I understand that sometimes partisanship impedes action in Congress. But I do not recall when some of my colleagues have had such little faith in the bipartisan findings and conclusions of a committee in this body. This amendment disregards the committee's finding and asks for yet another retrospective review of this program. This is not only duplicative, but it is unnecessary. The Protect America Act expires a week from today; the threat from al-Qaida will not expire a week from today. It is now time for Congress to act and to fix FISA so our intelligence community has the tools it needs to do its job in a very professional manner and gather information necessary to protect our national security. Protecting our national security is in the interest of all Americans, and Congress should seek to ensure that our Nation is protected fully. The members of the intelligence community say the managers' amendment contains many tools they need to protect our country. I urge my colleagues to support the managers' amendment. I yield the floor and I suggest the absence of a quorum. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. ____________________ [Congressional Record: January 25, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S310-S317] FISA Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I rise this morning to continue the debate and discussion on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Let me underscore the point that Majority Leader Reid and others have made. I listened carefully to the comments of Senator McConnell, the distinguished Republican leader. I have served in this body for more than a quarter of a century now, and it is unfortunate that we seem to have come to a point where not as much is happening as should be happening, in my view. I brought committee products to the floor on many occasions, and I am sort of envious of the remarks of the Senator from Kentucky--because as a committee chairman, I love nothing more than to bring a product out of my committee. Many times I brought them out with unanimous votes, only to have to spend days here on the floor as amendment after amendment was being offered to change, in some cases dramatically, the substance of our bill, which we had worked on for weeks and months and years in some cases. So it is a new idea here to just accept committee product and say the other 90 or 85 Members should respect the work of our colleagues, and acknowledge that and pass the legislation as if we had all had some input here. That is unique and, I suppose, an idea that most of us would like to embrace at one point or another. But this is the Senate. This is not an operation that runs by fiat. This institution has an historic responsibility. In this institution, every single Member has the opportunity to express themselves, not only rhetorically for unlimited amounts of time, but also with the ability to contribute to the policy products we frame. To suggest that other Members, including members of a committee that had commensurate jurisdiction, the Judiciary Committee, ought to be excluded from adding their thoughts and ideas, is ridiculous. Even members of both Committees, Judiciary and Intelligence, are excluded, such as Senator Feingold. It was his amendment, as a member of both of these committees, that the Republican leadership would not even consider debating or acknowledging with a vote. So that is unique in any regard. Anyone who has observed this institution for more than an hour--or less--understands how this works. So the idea that we should accept this bill because the President will sign it, is nice to hear, but I have been around long enough to know that Presidents will sign things they did not think they would in time, and particularly if we can add some thoughts that Members have. I do not want to dwell on the procedural aspects of all of this, but I wanted to underscore the point that Senator Reid, our leader, the majority leader, made this morning, on the unique idea that Members who have substantive ideas and thoughts and amendments should somehow stick them back in their pockets, accept the product of the Intelligence Committee and go home, because the President will sign that bill. I will be anxious to raise the argument in future dates when I bring a bill to the floor and I find that the Republican leadership is going to offer some amendments to my [[Page S311]] ideas, reminding them of their eloquence in suggesting a different approach to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Last night, we saw into the heart of the minority's priorities. Since last month, day after day, opponents of retroactive immunity have been warning about its underlying motive: shutting up the President's critics. Pass immunity, we have said, and the debate will be shut down, the critics will be shut up, and the actions of the President's favored corporations will be shut in the dark for good. Last night, we saw the mindset of the minority. Several of my Democratic colleagues have brought to the floor their carefully prepared amendments, many of which do their part to right the balance between security and civil liberties. The Cardin amendment, which would allow us to revisit the bill in 4 years instead of 6, not exactly a frightening proposal. It would be a simple debate; we could decide if he's right or wrong--make your case either way. I happen to believe he is right. Amendments from Senator Feingold prohibiting the dangerous and possibly unconstitutional practice of reverse targeting and bulk collection. The Leahy amendment, requiring the inspectors general of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice and the National Security Agency to investigate possible illegal domestic spying. The Feinstein- Nelson amendment allowing the FISA Court to determine whether immunity should apply to the telecommunications companies; and several more amendments as well. These are all very serious amendments. The Presiding Officer himself has one of these amendments. Some of them I support, others I would probably end up opposing. Nonetheless, I acknowledge the seriousness of their proposals. I am concerned, however, about amendments that expand the authority of the FISA Court beyond what Congress intended when it originally passed FISA. While I respect the motives behind such proposals, Congress needs time to fully consider their implications. Further, I am concerned that such proposals put excessive power in the hands of a secret court whose members are all appointed by one individual. In other words, I am concerned this is yet another concentration of power, the implications of which we don't fully understand and ought to consider carefully. Yes, secrecy is necessary at times in the life of every nation. But it is a bedrock principle that democracy should always err on the side of less secrecy. For that reason I believe cases against the telecoms are best handled in our standard Federal courts--which, by the way, have shown time and time again that they know how to protect State secrets. None of that is the real issue this morning. Whether you agree with any of these proposals or not, each amendment deserves consideration. Senators are not entitled to see their amendments agreed to, but they are entitled to this: a good-faith debate, honest criticism, and, ultimately, a vote on their ideas. Last evening, they didn't get that. Our Republican colleagues, assuming they would lose those votes, effectively shut down the work of the United States Senate. In the words of the cliche, they have taken their ball and run home. I don't think that is far off base, in seeing in this egregious shutdown a parallel to retroactive immunity itself. Both attitudes privilege power over deliberation, over consensus, over honest argument. Like immunity, pulling these amendments down shows a contempt for honest debate and a willingness to settle issues in the dark, in the back rooms, rather than in the open, where the law lives, where the American people can see it. President Bush wants to shut down the courts whose rulings he doesn't like. Last night, Senate Republicans showed when they don't like the outcome of a debate, they shut down that as well. It is one thing for a President to express that kind of contempt for the process of legislation. It is yet another for the coequal Members of this legislative branch to express it themselves. I have spoken repeatedly about the rule of law. The rule of law is not some abstract idea. It is here with us. It is what makes this body run and has for more than two centuries. It means we hear each other out. We do it in the open. And while the minority gets its voice, its right to strenuously object, the majority ultimately rules. Standing for the rule of law anywhere means standing for it everywhere--in our courts and in the Senate. The circumstances are different, of course, but the heart of the matter is the same. Last evening, I believe the Republican Party forfeited its claim to good faith on this issue. They are left to stake their case on fear. Whether that be enough, the next few days will tell. But I want to talk about the issue of the underlying bill, the substance of it. As my colleagues here know, I care deeply and passionately about several aspects of this bill. Again, I have great respect for the work it takes to strike the balance between the need for have surveillance of those terrorists who would do us great harm, and the protection of civil liberties, rights, and the rule of law. It is not an easy balance. I will be the first to acknowledge that the tension between those two goals has been an ongoing tension since the founding of this Republic. It is not just new since 9/11. It goes back to the very first days of our Republic. In fact, James Madison spoke eloquently about the tensions in civil liberties and rights and, with a great deal of prescience, recognized that it is usually threats from outside our country that have the most influence on endangering the rights and liberties we embrace at home. He acknowledged that more than two centuries ago. So the debate we are engaged in today is a historic one, historic in the sense that it has been ongoing. No Member of this Chamber wants to sacrifice the security of our country, and my hope is that no Member of this body wants to sacrifice our liberties and rights either. I want to believe that very deeply. While we are debating how best to do that, my fear is that we are about to adopt legislation that will deviate from a 30-year history of actually achieving that sense of balance, by and large with the almost unanimous support of Members who have served here during that 30-year period. I spoke yesterday about a crime that may have been committed against millions of innocent Americans: their phone calls, their faxes, their e-mails, every word listened to, copied down by Government bureaucrats into a massive database. I spoke about how our largest telecommunications companies leapt at the chance to betray the privacy and the trust of their own customers. That spying didn't happen in a panic or short-term emergency, not for a week, a month, or even a year. It went on relentlessly for more than 5 years. If the press had not exposed it, it would be going on at this very hour. This was not a question where a program started up and someone realized they had done something wrong, shut it down, and we discovered it later. This program has been ongoing and would have been ongoing arguably for years had the New York Times and a whistleblower not stepped forward to acknowledge its existence. We saw how President Bush responded when this was exposed--not by apologizing, not even by making his best case before our courts, but by asking for a congressional coverup: retroactive immunity. He asked us to do it on trust. There are classified documents, he says, that prove his case beyond a shadow of a doubt, but, of course, we are not allowed to see them. I have served in this body for 27 years, and I am not allowed to see these documents! Neither are the majority of my colleagues. And when we resist his urge to be a law unto himself, how does he respond? With fear. When we question him, he says we are failing to keep the American people safe. Shame on the President and shame on these scare tactics. I have promised to fight those tactics with all the power any one Senator can muster, and I am here today to keep that promise. For several months I have listened to the building frustration over this immunity and this administration's campaign of lawlessness. I have seen it in person, in mail, online--the passion, the eloquence of average citizens who are just fed up with day after day, week after week, [[Page S312]] month after month, year after year of this administration, in one case after another, trampling all over the basic rights of American citizens. They have inspired me more than they know, these citizens who have spoken up. But almost every time telecom immunity comes up, there is the inevitable question: What is the big deal? Why are so many people spending so much energy to keep a few lawsuits from going forward? Because this is about far more than the telecom industry. This is about a choice that will define America--the rule of law or the rule of men. It is about this Government's practice of waterboarding, a technique invented by the Spanish Inquisition, perfected by the Khmer Rouge, and in between banned--originally banned for excessive cruelty even by the Gestapo. It is about the Military Commissions Act, a bill that gave President Bush the power to designate any individual he wants as an unlawful enemy combatant, hold him indefinitely, and take away that individual's right to habeas corpus, the centuries-old right to challenge your detention. It is about the CIA destroying evidence of harsh interrogation--or, as some would call it, torture. It is about the Vice President raising secrecy to an art form. The members of his energy task force? None of your business, we are told. His location? Undisclosed. The names of his staff? Confidential. The visitor log for his office? Shredded by the Secret Service. The list of papers he has declassified? Classified. It is about the Justice Department turning our Nation's highest law enforcement offices into a patronage plum and turning the impartial work of indictments and trials into the machinations of politics. It is about Alberto Gonzales coming before Congress to give testimony that was at best wrong and at worst perjury. It is about Michael Mukasey coming before the Senate and defending the President's power to break the law. It is about extraordinary renditions and secret prisons. It is about Maher Arar, the Canadian computer programmer who was arrested by American agents, flown to Syria, held for some 300 days in a cell 3 feet wide, and then cleared of all wrongdoing. It is about all of that. We are deceiving ourselves when we talk about the torture issue or habeas issue or the U.S. attorneys issue or the extraordinary rendition issue or the secrecy issue. As if each one were an isolated case! As if each one were an accident! We have let outrage upon outrage upon outrage slide with nothing more than a promise to stop the next one. There is only one issue here--only one--the law issue. Attack the President's contempt for the law at any point, and it will be wounded at all points. That is why I am here today. I am speaking for the American people's right to know what the President and the telecoms did to them. But more than that, I am speaking against the President's conviction that he is the law. Strike it at any point, with courage, and it will wither. That is the big deal. That is why immunity matters--dangerous in itself but even worse in all it represents. No more. No more. This far, Mr. President, but no further. More and more Americans are rejecting the false choice that has come to define this administration: security or liberty but never, ever both. It speaks volumes about the President's estimation of the American people that he expects them to accept that choice. The truth, I would say, is that shielding corporations from lawsuits does absolutely nothing for our security. I challenge the President to prove otherwise. I challenge him to show us how putting these companies above the law makes us safer by one iota. That, I am convinced, he cannot do. The truth is that a working balance between security and liberty has already been struck. It has been settled for decades. For three decades, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has prevented executive lawbreaking and protected Americans, and that balance stands today. In the wake of the Watergate scandal, the Senate convened the Church Committee, a panel of distinguished Members, Republicans and Democrats, determined to investigate executive abuses of power. Unsurprisingly, they found that when Congress and the courts substitute ``trust me'' for real and true oversight, massive law breaking can result. They found evidence of U.S. Army spying on the civilian population, Federal dossiers on citizens' political activities, a CIA and FBI program that opened hundreds of thousands of Americans' letters without warning or warrant. In sum, Americans had sustained a severe blow to their fourth amendment right to be ``secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.'' But at the same time, the Senators of the Church Committee understood that surveillance needed to go forward to protect the American people. Surveillance itself is not the problem: unchecked, unregulated, unwarranted surveillance was. What surveillance needed, in a word, was legitimacy. In America, as the Founders understood, power becomes legitimate when it is shared; when Congress and the courts check the attitude which so often crops up in the executive branch: If the President does it, it is not illegal. The Church Committee's final report, ``Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans,'' puts the case powerfully. Let me quote, if I can, from that report. The Church Committee--Republicans and Democrats--said: The critical question before the Committee was to determine how the fundamental liberties of the people can be maintained in the course of the Government's effort to protect their security. The delicate balance between these basic goals of our system of government is often difficult to strike, but it can, and must, be achieved. We reject the view that the traditional American principles of justice and fair play have no place in our struggle against the enemies of freedom. Moreover, our investigation has established that the targets of intelligence activity have ranged far beyond persons who could properly be characterized as enemies of freedom. . . . The report further states: We have seen segments of our Government, in their attitudes and action, adopt tactics unworthy of a democracy, and occasionally reminiscent of the tactics of totalitarian regimes. We have seen a consistent pattern in which programs initiated with limited goals, such as preventing criminal violence or identifying foreign spies, were expanded to what witnesses characterized as ``vacuum cleaners,'' sweeping in information about lawful activities of American citizens. The Senators concluded: Unless new and tighter controls are established by legislation, domestic intelligence activities threaten to undermine our democratic society and fundamentally alter its nature. That report is more than 30 years old. But couldn't those words have been written this morning? We share so much with the Senators-- Republicans and Democrats--who wrote them. We share a nation under grave threat--in their case, from communism and nuclear annihilation; in ours, from international terrorism. We share, as well, the threat of a domestic spying regime that, however good its intentions, finally went too far. Senators in my lifetime have already faced this problem, and I believe their solution stands: The power to invade privacy must be used sparingly, guarded jealously, and shared equally between all three branches--all three branches of Government. Three decades ago, Congress embodied that solution in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA. FISA confirmed the President's power to conduct surveillance of international conversations involving anyone in the United States, provided that the Federal FISA Court issued a warrant, ensuring that wiretapping was aimed at safeguarding our security, and nothing else. The President's own Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, explained the rationale in an interview this summer: The United States, he said: ``did not want to allow [the intelligence community] to conduct . . . electronic surveillance of Americans for foreign intelligence unless you had a warrant, so that was required.'' As originally written in 1978, and as amended many times over the last three decades, FISA has accomplished its mission. It has been a valuable tool--a tremendously valuable tool--for conducting surveillance of terrorists and those who would harm our country. [[Page S313]] Every time Presidents have come to Congress openly to ask for more leeway under FISA, Congress has worked with them; Democrats and Republicans have negotiated; and together, Congress and the President have struck a balance that safeguards America while doing its utmost to protect privacy. This summer, Congress made a technical correction to FISA, enabling the President to wiretap, without a warrant, conversations between two foreign agents, even if those conversations are routed through American computers. For other reasons, I felt this summer's legislation went a bit too far, and I opposed it. But the point is that Congress once again proved its willingness to work with the President on FISA. Shouldn't that be enough? Just this past October and November, as we have seen, the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committees worked with the President to further refine FISA and ensure that, in a true emergency, the FISA Court could do nothing to slow down intelligence gathering. Shouldn't that be enough? And as for the FISA Court? Between 1978 and 2004, according to the Washington Post, the FISA Court approved 18,748 warrants--18,748 warrants. It rejected five, between 1978 and 2004. Let me repeat the numbers. They granted 18,748 warrants, and rejected 5 of them over that almost 30-year period. The FISA Court has sided with the executive 99.9 percent of the time. Shouldn't that be enough? One would think so. Is anything lacking? Have we forgotten something? Isn't all of this enough to keep us safe? It took three decades, three branches of government, four Presidents, and 12 Congresses to patiently, painstakingly build up that machinery. It only took one President to tear it down. Generations of leaders handed over to President Bush a system that brought security under the law, a system primed to bless nearly any eavesdropping he could possibly conceive or think of. And he responded: No, thank you; I'd rather break the law. He ignored not just a Federal court but a secret Federal court; not just a secret Federal court but a secret Federal court prepared to sign off on his actions 99.9 percent of the time. And he still has not given us a good reason why. He still has not shown how his lawbreaking makes us safer. So I am left to conclude that, to this President, this is not about security. It is about power: power in itself, power for itself. I make that point not to change the subject, but because I believe it solves a mystery. That is: Why is retroactive immunity so vital to this President? The answer, I believe, is that immunity means secrecy; and secrecy, to this administration, means power. It is no coincidence that the man who declared ``if the president does it, it's not illegal''--Richard Nixon--was the same man who raised executive secrecy to an art form in an earlier generation. The Senators of the Church Committee expressed succinctly the deep flaw in the Nixonian executive. I quote from them: ``Abuse thrives on secrecy.'' And in the exhaustive catalog of their report, they proved it. This administration shares a similar level of secrecy, and a similar level of abuse, I would add. Its push for immunity is no different. Secrecy is at its center. We find proof in their original version of retroactive immunity. Remember, this was their idea: a proposal not just to protect the telecoms but everyone involved in the wiretapping program. That is what they sought of the Intelligence Committee. Everyone involved in that program was to be protected. In their original proposal, that is, they wanted to immunize themselves. Think about that. It speaks to their fear and, perhaps, their guilt: their guilt that they had broken the law, and their fear that in the years to come they would be found liable or convicted. They knew better than anyone else what they had done. They must have had good reason to be afraid. Thankfully, immunity for the Executive is not part of the bill before us. But the original proposal--the original proposal--to immunize everyone involved ought to be instructive to Members here. Why did they seek such broad authority to immunize every individual? Why? What was behind that proposal? This is, and always has been, a self-preservation bill. Otherwise, why not have the trial to get it over with? If the President believes what he says, the corporations would win in a walk. After all, in the administration's telling, the telecoms were ordered to help the President spy without a warrant, and they patriotically complied. Read Justice Robert Jackson's briefs after Nuremberg. The 21 defendants at Nuremberg made that case, that they were only complying with orders they were given. And the court in the Nuremberg trials, in 1945, rejected that argument. Robert Jackson reminded us, in subsequent decisions he handed down as a Supreme Court Justice, that that argument, ``we were ordered to do it,'' is not a legitimate defense when you know what you are doing is wrong. And when you hear the President's story, ignore for a moment that in America we obey the laws, not the President's orders. Ignore that the telecoms were not unanimous; one, Qwest, wanted to see the legal basis for the order. They never received it, of course, and so they refused to comply. Ignore that a judge presiding over the case ruled that--and I quote--``AT&T cannot seriously contend that a reasonable entity in its position could have believed that the alleged domestic dragnet was legal.'' Ignore all of that. If the order the telecoms received was legally binding, they have an easy case to prove. The corporations only need to show a judge the authority and the assurances they were given, and they will be in and out of court in five minutes. If the telecoms are as defensible as the President says, why doesn't the President let them defend themselves? If the case is so easy to make, why doesn't he let them make it? It can't be that he is afraid of leaks. The Federal court system has dealt for decades with the most delicate national security matters, building up expertise in protecting classified information behind closed doors--ex parte, in camera. We can expect no less in these cases, as well. No intelligence sources need to be compromised. No state secrets need to be exposed. And after litigation at both the district court and circuit court level, no state secrets have been exposed. In fact, Federal District Court Judge Vaughan Walker, a Republican appointee, I might add, has already ruled that the issue can go to trial without putting state secrets in jeopardy. Judge Walker reasonably pointed out that the existence of the President's surveillance program is hardly a secret at all. I quote from him. He stated: The government has [already] disclosed the general contours of the ``terrorist surveillance program,'' which requires the assistance of a telecommunications provider. That is from Judge Walker. In his opinion, Judge Walker argued that even when it is reasonably grounded: the state secrets privilege [still] has its limits. While the court recognizes and respects the executive's constitutional duty to protect the nation from threats, the court also takes seriously its constitutional duty to adjudicate the disputes that come before it. To defer to a blanket assertion of secrecy here would be to abdicate that duty, particularly because the very subject matter of this litigation has been so publicly aired. That is Republican appointee Vaughan Walker speaking to the administration. He further goes on to say: The compromise between liberty and security remains a difficult one. But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security. That ought to be the epitaph of this administration: sacrificing liberty for no apparent enhancement of security. Worse than selling our soul, we are giving it away for free. The President is equally wrong, I would suggest, to claim that failing to grant this retroactive immunity will make the telecoms less likely to cooperate with surveillance in the future. The truth is that since the 1970s, FISA has compelled telecommunications companies to cooperate with surveillance when it is warranted. And what is more, it immunizes them. It has done that for more than 25 years. So cooperation in warranted wiretapping is not at stake today. Collusion in warrantless wiretapping is. And the warrant makes all the difference, [[Page S314]] because it is precisely the court's blessing that brings Presidential power under the rule of law. In sum, we know that giving the telecoms their day in court--giving the American people their day in court--would not jeopardize an ounce of our security. The conclusion, I again repeat, is clear: The only thing that stands to be exposed if these cases go to trial is the extent of the President's lawbreaking, of the administration's lawbreaking. That, he will keep from the light of a courtroom at all costs. This is a self-preservation bill. And given the lack of compelling alternatives, I can only conclude that self-preservation--secrecy for secrecy's sake--explains the President's vehemence. Well, you might say, he will be gone in a year. Why not let the secrets die with this administration and start afresh? Why take up all the time on this matter? Because those secrets never rightfully belonged to him. They belong to history, to our successors in this Chamber, to every one of us. Thirty years after the Church Committee, history repeated itself. If those who come after us are to prevent it from repeating again, they need the full truth. We need to set an unmistakable precedent. Determining guilt or innocence belongs to the courts, not to 51 Senators who may carry the day by a vote here, or the President, for that matter--that is what the courts are for. Lawless spying will no longer be tolerated. And, most of all, the truth is no one's private property. Which brings us, unfortunately, to economics. Because once the arguments from state secrets and patriotic duty are exhausted, immunity's defenders make their last stand as amateur economists. Here is how Mike McConnell put it: If you play out the suits at the value they're claimed, it would bankrupt these companies. So . . . we have to provide liability protection to these private sector entities. To begin with, that is a clear exaggeration. We are talking about some of the wealthiest, most successful companies in America. Let me quote an article from Dow Jones MarketWatch. The headline reads: ``AT&T's third-quarter profit rises 41.5 percent.'' I will quote the article: AT&T, Inc. on Tuesday said third-quarter earnings rose 41.5 percent, boosted by the acquisition of BellSouth and the addition of 2 million net wireless customers. . . . Net income totaled $3.6 billion . . . compared with $2.17 . . . a year ago. I should note that AT&T has posted these record profits at the same time of this very public litigation. Now, granted, that is only one quarter, and I understand that AT&T's most recent earnings aren't as large as the ones I have just quoted; but I think the point still stands. A company of that size, capable of posting a $3 billion quarter, couldn't be completely wiped out by anything but the most exorbitant and unlikely judgment. To assume that the telecoms would lose and that their judges would hand down such backbreaking penalties is already taking several leaps. The point, after all, has never been to financially cripple our telecommunications industry; the point is to bring checks and balances back to domestic spying. Setting that precedent would hardly require a crippling judgment. It is much more troubling, though, that the Director of National Intelligence has begun talking like a stockbroker, pronouncing on ``liability protection for private sector entities.'' How does that even begin to be relevant to letting the case go forward? Since when did we throw out entire lawsuits because the defendant stood to lose too much? Translate the point into plain English, and here is what Admiral McConnell is arguing: Some corporations are too rich to be sued. Even bringing money into the equation puts wealth above justice, above due process. I have rarely in public life heard an argument as venal as this one. But this administration would apparently rather protect the telecoms than the American people. In one breath, it can speak about national security and bottom lines. Approve immunity, and Congress will state clearly: The richer you are, the more successful you are, the more lawless you are entitled to be. A suit against you is a danger to the Republic. So at the rock bottom of its justifications, the administration is essentially arguing that immunity can be bought. The truth is exactly the opposite, in my view. The larger the corporation, the greater potential for abuse. Not that success should make a company suspect at all. Companies grow large and essential to our economy because they are excellent at what they do. I simply mean that size and wealth open the realm of possibilities for abuse far beyond the scope of the individual. After all, if everything alleged is true, the President and the telecoms have engineered one of the most massive violations of privacy in American history. A violation such as that would be inconceivable without the size and resources of a corporate behemoth behind it. If reasonable search and seizure means opening up a drug dealer's apartment, the telecoms' alleged actions would be the equivalent of strip-searching everyone in the building, ransacking their bedrooms, and prying up all the floorboards. That is the massive scale we are talking about, and that massive scale is precisely why no corporation must be above the law. Ultimately, that is all I am asking--not a verdict of guilty or innocent. I have my own views, but I don't have a right to pronounce those views. That is why there is something called the third branch of Government. It is called the courts--the courts. A simple majority of this body doesn't get the right to decide the guilt or innocence in this particular case. But when the day in court comes, I have absolutely no investment in the verdict either way. Just as it would be absurd for me to declare the telecoms clearly guilty, it would be equally absurd to close the case today without a decision. But their day in court, as far as I am concerned, is everything. Why? Because surveillance demands and deserves legitimacy, and the surest way to throw legitimacy away is to leave all of these questions hanging. Few things are as vital to our national security as giving domestic surveillance the legitimacy it deserves and needs to sustain public support. Because ``the threat to America is not going to expire.'' ``Staying a step ahead of the terrorists who want to attack us'' is ``essential to keeping America safe.'' In the end, ``Congress and the President have no higher responsibility than protecting the American people from enemies who attacked our country and who want to do it again.'' Those aren't my words; they are George Bush's words. He says all of this, yet he says he will veto the entire bill--this vital bill, this bill which is essential to protecting our very lives--all to keep a few corporations safe from lawsuits. There, at last, as honest as you will ever hear them, are this President's true priorities: secrecy over safety, favors over fairness. Marry those priorities to a contempt for the rule of law, and the results have been devastating. I don't have to repeat them. They aren't secret anymore. No, Mr. President we can't go back. We can't un-pass the Military Commissions Act. We can't un-destroy the CIA's interrogation tapes. We can't un-speak Alberto Gonzales's disgraceful testimony. We can't un- torture those who have been apprehended and held wrongfully. We can't undo all this administration has done in the last 6 years for the cause of lawlessness and fear. But we can do this: We can vote down this immunity. We can do this: We can grab hold of the one thread left to us here and pull until the whole garment unravels. We can start here. And why not here? Why not today? Why not provide for the protections we need, the surveillance we need, but without this grant of immunity? It is unwarranted, it is unneeded, it is unfair, it is wrong, and it is dangerous. So, on Monday, I hope my colleagues will reject the motion on cloture, allow these amendments to go forward, allow us to have a debate and a discussion, and then send a clean bill to the President-- one that enhances our security and protects our civil liberties. Mr. President, I yield the floor. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Tennessee is recognized. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to speak as in morning business. [[Page S315]] The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. ALEXANDER. I ask unanimous consent that when I finish with my remarks, the Senator from Texas be recognized. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Republican Retreat Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I would say to the Senator from Connecticut, welcome back. We are glad to have him here. He has traveled some roads that I know pretty well. We have missed some of his vigor and passion. Sometimes the American people say they don't like to see us engage in partisan bickering, and I am going to say something about that in just a minute. But what I think they do like to see us do, if I may say so, is what the Senator from Connecticut was doing just then and what the Senator from Arizona did on Friday: They were debating the balance of each American individual's right to liberty versus each American individual's right to security--coming to different conclusions but having a serious discussion about an issue that affects every single American in this country. That is what the people expect of the Senate. I come to a different conclusion than he does. We are moving to vote on cloture on a bill on Monday that has come out of the Intelligence Committee by a bipartisan majority of 13 to 2. But this is the kind of debate the Senate ought to have, and I am glad I got to hear his speech even though I disagree with much of it. The Republican Senators gathered in a retreat at the Library of Congress on Wednesday. This is something we do each year, and the Democratic side does it each year as well. We think about our responsibilities, and we look forward to the future. Many of our Members have said to me that this was one of our best days of retreat. In the first place, it was very well attended: 44 out of 49 of us were there, and 3 of those absent were campaigning in Florida, and 1 was ill. So we had virtually perfect attendance. Most of those attending spoke and participated and made proposals. Every single Republican Senator with whom I have talked since that meeting on Wednesday has told me he or she felt rejuvenated and looks forward to this year. I believe the reason for that is because of the way we conducted the day. It takes me back to what I just said a moment ago. Unless we are tone-deaf, I think we can hear what the American people are saying to us, especially through the Presidential campaign, which is that they are tired of the way we are doing business in Washington, DC, and they want us to change it. They want us to take the playpen politics and move it off the Senate floor and put it in the national committees or in the nursery where it belongs, and spend our time on big issues that affect our country--maybe in vigorous debates of the kind Senator Dodd and Senator Kyl would have on the intelligence bill, but spend our time on the serious issues facing our country. Then, after we have had our debate, work across the aisle to get a result. There are only two reasons to work across the aisle to get a result. One is, it is the right thing to do for our country. This is our job, and that is why they pay us our salaries. That is why they sent us here. No. 2, if you can count, it takes 60 votes to get anything meaningful done in the Senate. So if you want to get a result, you have to work across party lines because neither side has more than 60 votes. So what we Republicans did on Wednesday was say this: We have heard the talk that this is a Presidential year and we may get nothing done in Congress, and we reject that. Our leader said--Mitch McConnell--on Tuesday when he spoke: Republicans are eager to get to work on the unfinished business from last year. We are determined to address the other issues that have become more pressing or pronounced since we last stood here. We have had a presidential election in this country every 4 years since 1788 we won't use this one as an excuse to put off the people's business for another day. So there is no excuse for Congress to take this year off, given the serious issues facing our country. We want to change the way Washington does business, and we know how to do it; that is, get down to work on serious issues facing our country, propose specific solutions that solve problems, and then work across the aisle to get a result. We are not here to do bad things to Democrats; we are here to try to do good things for our country. That was the spirit of our retreat on Wednesday. I believe that is the way most Members on the other side feel. The more of that we do, the better. I would submit the approval rating of the Congress and of Washington, DC, will gradually go up if we were to do that. Let me say a word about exactly what we talked about on Wednesday-- the kind of approach that one can expect from Republican Senators this year. First, of course, is that we are here and ready to go to work on these specific solutions based on Republican principles, and we are either looking for bipartisan support or already have bipartisan support on many issues. Of course, to begin with, we know Americans are hurting and anxious because of the housing slump, because of gasoline prices, because of rising health care costs, and we are ready to work with the House and the President, across the aisle, to find the appropriate action to take to try to avoid an economic slowdown. I imagine the Senate will have some of its own views about its proposals when the House brings its proposal here. But we want a result. I, for one, would like to see--and I believe most of my colleagues on this side of the aisle would like to see--a proposal that grows the economy and not the Government. But we will have a debate about that. That is not partisan bickering; that is the Senate in its finest tradition addressing an issue that is central to every single family in this country. We know we need to intercept the communications of terrorists so we can keep our country safe from attack. We know when we do that, we have to carefully balance each of our right to liberty versus each of our right to security. Samuel Huntington, the Harvard professor, once wrote--he was President of the American Political Science Association--that most of our politics is about conflicts between principles or among principles with which almost all of us agree. That is important to Americans because what unifies us, other than our common language, is these few principles, security and liberty being two. Republicans support the Rockefeller-Bond bipartisan proposal which passed 13 to 2 by the Intelligence Committee. We want to make sure those companies which help us defend ourselves aren't penalized for helping to make the country secure, while at the same time protecting individual liberties. We know there are 47 million Americans who don't have health insurance, and Republican Senators said in our retreat on Wednesday that we are ready to go to work this year to make sure every American is insured. Some say put it off a year. Well, perhaps we can't get it all done in 2008, but we can surely start. Senator Byrd and Senator DeMint and Senator Bennett and Senator Corker, among others, spoke at our retreat on this issue. We would like to get going now. We could begin with the Small Business Health Insurance Act, which would permit small companies to pool their resources and offer more health insurance at a lower cost to their employees. That would be a beginning. Many of us on the Republican side have sponsored a bipartisan bill-- one of two or three that have the same general approach to reforming the Tax Code, to put cash in the hands of American families and individuals so they can afford to buy their own private insurance, putting together four words that usually don't go together: ``universal access'' and ``private insurance.'' Those are based on principles we Republicans agree with: free market and equal opportunity. We know on this side of the aisle--and I suspect many over on that side know as well; I know they do--if we don't do something about the runaway growth of Medicare and Medicaid--entitlement spending, in other words--we will bankrupt our country. Every year that we wait to deal with that is a year that makes the solution harder. So Senator Gregg, at our retreat, talked about his proposal with Senator [[Page S316]] Conrad, a Democratic Senator, to create a base-closing-task-force-type task force for the sole purpose of recommending to the Congress a way to control entitlement spending and force an up-or-down vote on that. That is the principle of limited government. That is a principle that most Republicans and a proposal that many Democrats can support. We know there is a great force in Washington, DC, to spend more money, to issue more regulations and rules, and there are almost no countervailing forces to spend less money, repeal rules, and revise regulations. So Senators Domenici, Isakson, and Sessions, among others, have proposed an idea to change our budgeting and appropriations process from 1 year to 2 years. That may help us get appropriations bills done on time so we can save money in our contracting in the Defense Department and Department of Transportation, for example. But more important to me, and to many on this side of the aisle, it would create a countervailing force of oversight so that every other year we would spend most of our time on oversight, meaning we could review, repeal, and change and improve laws, regulations, and rules that have been in place for a long time. We want to keep jobs from going overseas, and we believe we know how to do it. Last year, we worked with Senator Bingaman and others on the other side to pass the America COMPETES Act. This is an extraordinary response to our challenge to keep our brain power advantage so we can keep our jobs, in competition with China and India. Senator Hutchison has been a leader on this issue. She, with Senator Bingaman, began the effort to fully fund advanced placement courses so more children could take those courses. So we are ready--many on this side of the aisle--to implement the advanced placement provisions in the America COMPETES Act. That will help 1.5 million children to have those opportunities. We are ready to implement the provision that would put 10,000 more math and science teachers in our classrooms. Many of us are ready to implement the recommendation that we pin a green card to every single foreign student legally here and who graduates from an American university in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Some proposals ought to be bipartisan, but they are not--or at least they weren't. I made one, and we talked about this for a while on Wednesday. In order to encourage unity in this country, we need a common language. That seems to be common sense. Therefore, we ought to pass a law making it clear that the Federal Government should not be suing the Salvation Army, telling them they cannot require employees to speak English on the job. We got it through the Senate and to the House, where the Speaker stopped it. Now Senator Conrad has joined in support, as have Senators McConnell, Byrd, Landrieu, and Nelson of Nebraska. So now we have a bipartisan approach on another important issue. We talked about the idea and the problem of the number of rural women in this country who are pregnant and cannot get the proper prenatal health care. OB/GYN doctors are leaving rural areas because runaway malpractice lawsuits are running malpractice insurance over $100,000 a year. So the pregnant women are having to drive 70 miles to Memphis or other big cities to see a doctor and get the prenatal health care they need and to have the baby. We have proposals to stop it in the way Texas and Mississippi did. We invite bipartisan proposals on that. Mr. President, the Republican agenda will emerge over time. What I would like to say to our colleagues on the other side of the aisle and to the American people is, we want to change the way Washington does business, and we believe we know how. The way is to stand up every single day and week with new specific proposals on real issues and have a debate where one is needed. Let Senator Dodd and Senator Kyl have a principled argument about security versus liberty. That is in the finest tradition. Let's cut out the playpen politics. Let's don't have that, and let's earn back the confidence of the American people by dealing with specific solutions. That is what you are going to hear from Republican Senators. No sooner had I heard some encouraging remarks from the majority leader, out comes this release from the Senate leadership and majority leader Harry Reid: For immediate release. Democratic policy experts discuss President Bush's legacy of broken promises. That was announced. This is playpen politics. I am sure we do it here sometimes, but I will do my best as the Republican conference chairman to make the political reward for this playpen politics so low that this kind of release and activity is moved into the nursery school where it belongs, over to the national committee where it belongs, whether it is the Democratic playpen or the Republican playpen, and that we devote ourselves to the issues facing our country. How can we help the economy? How can we help every American be insured? How can we stop the terrorists? How can we implement the America COMPETES Act? Those are the debates we ought to have. I hope that is clear to the American people and to our colleagues. We are looking forward to this year. Republicans are ready for change in the way we do business in Washington. The people of this country are ready for that, too. I look forward to it. I yield the floor. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Texas is recognized. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I express my gratitude to Senator Alexander, my colleague from Tennessee, for his comments and for his leadership. We decided it would be helpful to come to the floor and talk a little bit about the retreat that Senator Alexander laid out and our reasons for believing that it is important that we not take the year off just because it is a Presidential election. I think Senator McConnell most recently pointed out that we have had elections in this country every 2 years since 1788. So if we are going to use that as an excuse for not getting things done, we will never get anything done. We have a lot of important issues we need to address, and we will. The month or so that we were in recess, from the Wednesday before Christmas until we came back the day after Martin Luther King's national holiday, I enjoyed being at home in Texas. As always, I traveled around the State and talked to a lot of people. But I also listened. What I heard from my constituents is the same thing I bet virtually every single Senator heard, and that is that people are sick and tired of the bickering and partisanship. They are sick and tired of seeing Congress not solving problems that only Congress can solve. Frankly, they are beginning to feel more and more like Congress is irrelevant to their daily lives. I think that is what accounts for the historically low approval rating we have seen of the Congress in the last year. The problem is--and the occupant of the chair knows as well as I do-- that I don't think the public differentiates between Republicans and Democrats when they give Congress a low approval rating, by and large. I think it is up to us, working together, to try to elevate that low approval rating by doing what our constituents expect us to do, and that is to work together when we can, without sacrificing our basic principles. Let me say a word about that. Lest anybody confuse what Senator Alexander and I are saying, that we are somehow taking leave of our principles, that is absolutely not true. In Washington, I usually tell folks that we have Democrats in Texas and we have Republicans in Texas. They are all pretty much conservative by national standards, Washington standards. But the fact is, my constituents expect for me to get something done. But that is not done by sacrificing principles. I do think we have important differences, and I think those should be debated, and then we should vote. We should be held accountable in the next election for our votes and for what we have done or not done. I think there is an important difference between standing on your principles and then looking for common ground to try to come together and solve problems. I agree with what the Senator from Tennessee said. We all know it is a fact of life in the Senate [[Page S317]] that you cannot get anything done without bipartisan support. Our 60- vote rule for cloture to close off debate in order to have an up-or- down vote requires it. So why not recognize that, sure, we can say no, no, no, but occasionally I think we ought to look for an opportunity to say yes where it doesn't sacrifice our principles, but it does find common ground to try to get things done on behalf of the American people. I have constituents who asked me, as recently as last night: Don't you find life in the Senate and in Washington and in the Congress frustrating? Many say I could never do what you do because I would be so frustrated by it. I think there is plenty of opportunity for frustration, if we dwell on that. But I prefer to look at the opportunities for making life better for the American people and for offering solutions on the difficult issues that confront us. To me, that is what I get up and come to work for. That is why I enjoy being in the Senate. I believe it gives me a chance, as one American, to do what I can to try to make life better and to make a difference. It is not about sacrificing principles. It is doing what we said in the preamble to the Constitution when we said: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. . . . We said that in 1787, in a document that was ratified by all of the States by 1790. That should be our goal still today--to be true to that statement of principle about what our goals are as a nation. The Senator from Tennessee did go through a number of concrete proposals and talked about what our alternative will be to the proposals being made on the other side of the aisle. Again, I agree with him, that the American people don't expect us to come here and split the difference on everything in order to come up with an agreement if they believe that outcome is devoid of principle or sacrifices fundamental values. There are differences between the parties. Those differences ought to be reflected in a dignified and civilized and respectful debate that highlights those differences, and then we have a vote on those different points of view. We will either pass legislation or not based on that vote. But I think it will be acting in the greatest tradition of the Senate, and in a way that our constituents back home earnestly wish we would act and, unfortunately, in a way that we have not always acted. I have to believe all Members of this body want to see our economy as strong as it can possibly be going forward. They want to see that our Nation is secure and our defense remains the best in the world; that all Americans have access to quality health care; that taxpayers not be compelled to foot the bill for wasteful Washington spending. I have to believe that all of our constituents, and indeed all Members of the Senate, believe that we need a sustainable energy policy that allows us to turn away from our over-reliance on imported oil and gas from dangerous parts of the world. I think, as Senator Alexander pointed out, principled differences on important legislation need to be debated in the Senate and voted on and resolved rather than be left without a solution and unaddressed. We do have an opportunity, I believe, this new year as we have come back not just to say no, no, no, to every idea that is offered on the floor but to say: Here are our alternative solutions to the problems that confront America. Mr. President, you will be hearing us on the floor of the Senate on a weekly basis not only addressing legislation offered by the majority-- and, of course, it is the majority leader's prerogative to set the agenda to call up bills; we will not be able to do that as Members of the minority--but what you will hear from us is a principled proposal to solve the problems that confront America on each of the big issues this Nation wants us to address and wants us to expend our very best efforts to try to solve. I am delighted we have seen a sort of renewed enthusiasm for finding solutions in a principled way. I agree with the Senator from Tennessee, the retreat we had I thought was one of the most hopeful retreats I have ever participated in as a Member of the Senate because I think what we saw is a recommitment to try to solve problems, to avoid the partisan bickering and the divisiveness that has resulted in the historically lower approval rating of Congress and which turns off so many of our constituents. Of course, as we all know, as elected officials, if we do not respond to our employer and try to address the concerns our employer has--and our employers are our constituents--then our employers may look for somebody else to do the job in the next election. It is up to us to be responsive to those concerns, and I think without sacrificing principles, by staying true to those values we brought with us but looking for common ground. That is the art in our job, and it is more art than science. I have said it before and I will say it again, I think compromise for compromise's sake is overrated because if all compromise means is sacrificing your principles in order to get a problem behind you, I don't think you have done your job. Doing your job means standing on your principles but looking for common ground, consistent with those principles, to solve problems. There is plenty of common ground to find if we will work a little bit harder and a little bit more in earnest to try to find it. I yield the floor, and I suggest the absence of a quorum. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. ____________________ [Congressional Record: January 25, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S317-S320] FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2007--Continued Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam President, I ask that the pending amendment be set aside so I may call up amendment No. 3905. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Mr. BOND. I object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection is heard. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam President, I guess I would like to start by saying I appreciate very much the sentiments that were recently expressed by the Senator from Tennessee and the Senator from Texas, who is my friend who served with me as attorney general at the same time in our respective States, Texas and Rhode Island. I ask them to let me know when that new approach will begin because I am, frankly, not seeing much of it in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act procedures we are going through on the floor. I confess, I am a new Member of this body, and I do not understand why. We heard Senator Dodd, the very distinguished Senator from Connecticut, who has served in this body for 27 years, describe how important this Chamber is and that it is the right of Senators to debate matters, not for the sake of ventilating themselves but toward actually getting a vote on a real amendment on a matter of real significance. We had one vote on a committee amendment. Not one Senator has achieved getting a vote, and we are on a very short timeframe. I may be new, but I will tell you that in the 1 year I have served, I have presided a great [[Page S318]] deal. The Presiding Officer, the Senator from Minnesota, and I have both spent a lot of time in that chair. It is a wonderful place to sit, and you get a great view and a great education as to what goes on in the Chamber. I can recall over and over hearing my colleagues on the Republican side of the aisle, as mad as they could be, complaining bitterly because the majority had offered them only 10 amendments on a bill or only 20 amendments on a bill. I cannot get one called up. Let me first say, this is an important issue. On the one hand, we have to deal with perhaps the greatest danger our country faces at this moment, which is the threat that comes from international terrorism, and we have at the same time to deal with one of the basic principles of our Government--freedom, freedom from, among other things, Government surveillance, unless it is done properly and by the law. This is not some new idea. It goes back to the Bill of Rights, where the very Founders of this country mandated that before the Government could intrude into the persons, places, houses, and effects of Americans, they had to get permission from a court. The balance between freedom and security is an important one, a historic one. So this is no minor issue on which to avoid real debate, and the amendments are important ones. The amendments involve the immunity issue about which Senator Dodd spoke so passionately. This is a very important issue. As I see it, we have some cleaning up to do in this body as a result of a real mess the Bush administration left us. They could have gotten a court order, and we know perfectly well that if a court order had been obtained, there would be no issue of immunity for us to address. A company following a court order is protected. End of story. They couldn't be troubled to get a court order to protect these companies they are so concerned about now. But you do not necessarily need a court order. You can actually get a certification from the appropriate Government official using language this Congress has provided, and it will also provide protection to companies that cooperate in Government surveillance, as long as they have been notified properly through the certification process. One would think the litigation would be over, if that certification process had been complied with. It would be a slam dunk. Which raises the logical conclusion that for some reason, the Government did not comply with the certification process. I don't know why they did that. I don't know if anybody else knows why they did that. It could be being obtuse and stubborn and insisting it had to be done under the President's unitary article II authority that they purposefully, deliberately failed to follow the certification process to prove that point they wanted to prove. If that is the case, they have walked these phone companies into all this concern we now have to address for no purpose whatsoever. But now we do have to address the problem. No matter how they got into it, we have this problem to address, and it is not an easy problem. One side says: Well, blanket immunity. Well, that is fine, but you are taking away rights and due process of people who are in court right now. A judge has looked at this case and he didn't throw it out. There is nothing to suggest that the litigation going on right now is not entirely legitimate. So if we do that, we are taking away real rights of real Americans that are currently in play right now before a court. I don't know of a time the Congress has ever done that. As a former prosecutor, like the Presiding Officer, the very notion that it is the legislature's job to go into ongoing legitimate litigation and make decisions about who should win and who should lose seems to me a spectacular trespass over the doctrine of separation of powers. I hope my colleagues in this body who are in the Federalist Society would be concerned about this separation of powers. On the other hand, we could strip the legislation of its immunity entirely and leave the companies in the litigation. That is not a great solution either. There is a problem with that solution. The problem with that solution is that the Bush administration has bound and gagged the company defendants--instructed them they may not defend themselves. So here you have legitimate American corporations in legitimate litigation being told by the Government that they may not speak, they may not answer, they may not defend themselves. That doesn't seem like a great outcome either. Well, an amendment I wish to offer, the one I just tried to call up, proposes a potential solution. If the Government is going to tell them they can't defend themselves, then in all decency shouldn't the Government step in for them and say: OK, we are going to bind you and we are going to gag you in this ring of litigation combat, but we are going to step in for you and not leave you unable to defend yourself? Isn't that the most decent, basic thing you could expect the Government to do? That is what this amendment would do. It would substitute the Government for the defendant corporations that the Government has bound and gagged in this litigation--muzzled. It would do another thing: It would make sure that a court decided that these companies had in fact acted in good faith before they were given that relief. They have told us they have acted in good faith, but we are a legislature. Good faith is a finding the courts make. We are not judges. We haven't heard from all sides. We haven't had hearings, such as a court would have to get to the bottom of this. There is an easy way to do it. You let the FISA Court, which has the secrecy necessary to get to the bottom of this, make the determination, the fundamental determination: Did these companies, in fact, act in good faith? That is a basic point of entry. We have all assumed it to be true, but it is not our job as Members of Congress to decide on the good faith of an individual litigant in a matter that is before a court. I think this is a very legitimate amendment. It may not be germane postcloture. It may never come up as a result of this. Maybe it is just the new Senator. Poor kid, all this work on these bills. Doesn't he know the merits don't matter around here? Maybe it is a situation related to me not knowing my way around here yet. But I don't think so. Because Senator Feinstein, who has been here for a very long time, who is very distinguished, who is one of the most bipartisan Senators in this Chamber, if not the most bipartisan Senator in this Chamber, has a very similar piece of legislation. She has taken the good faith test in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and picked it out as a separate, solitary piece of legislation, and she is pursuing that. That amendment can't be called up either. You could say: Well, maybe it is because I am a Democrat; they are shutting down all the Democrats. But my amendment is cosponsored by Arlen Specter, the very distinguished Senator from Pennsylvania, who has been the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. It is the Specter- Whitehouse amendment. I don't see how you could have a better credential, a better bipartisan credential than to have the Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee as the cosponsor of the amendment. And yet we can't call it up, and because of the cloture motion that has been filed, it may never be called up. I think we are doing serious work, and I think we should get votes on these amendments. I know some of my colleagues have said: Well, you should defer to the committee bill. The committee bill was so good, it was bipartisan, it passed 13 to 2. Well, I was in that committee. Yes, it passed 13 to 2, but an awful lot of us said in our remarks on that bill that we passed it out of that committee in order to work on it further in the Judiciary Committee and in order to move amendments on the floor. It did not pass with a 13-to-2 vote of Senators saying this is ready to go to the President; this is ready to clear the Senate. It passed on a 13-to-2 vote of Senators who knew that the bill was going to the Judiciary Committee and who knew that the bill was going to the floor and had reason to expect the ordinary courtesies of this body to be able to offer amendments would be honored. In fact, the amendment I tried to offer yesterday that was objected to, that I can't call up, I raised in the Intelligence Committee. I was told by the executive branch officials there--and I should say that throughout this process I hope nobody would challenge how [[Page S319]] carefully my office has worked with the administration to get these things right, to get technical language worked through properly--I was told by the executive branch officials that the way I had written the amendment caused technical difficulties. So I didn't pursue it in the Intelligence Committee. I withdrew it, noting that we would work through the technical difficulties and then bring it up again later on. Nobody said then, oh, Senator Whitehouse, there is going to be no later on; the committee vote is all you will get. Nobody said that. Because that would violate the history and traditions of the Senate, because it would be wrong, and because it wasn't the program. It wasn't the plan at the time. I feel it has been represented to me that these amendments would be voted on, and I feel that representation has been dishonored by the procedure we are in right now. I want to read something. I prepared remarks in the event that this amendment was going to go in. Of course, I thought it was going to go in. I had the Republican former chairman of the Judiciary Committee as a cosponsor and it addresses the biggest question in this legislation. It provides a potential resolution of the conflict between the two arguments. Why on Earth would it not be something that I would be able to exercise my traditional right to raise on the floor? So I planned ahead and I wrote remarks for that occasion. Here is what I wrote at the very end of the remarks. Madam President, whether this amendment passes or fails, I would like to say that it is the product of a truly commendable process. Everybody here knows the old saw that the making of law is like the making of sausage. You might like the results, but you don't want to see what goes into making it. Not so here. This amendment and Senator Feinstein's are the results of many hours of thoughtful, bipartisan consideration, hard work by Senators and their staffs, reasoned and respectful committee debate, and what I am sure will be thorough debate on the floor. Those are the remarks I wrote. And I have to say right now, those words taste like ashes in my mouth. I hope the spirit that Senator Alexander and Senator Cornyn brought to the floor a moment ago will begin to animate the FISA debate, and that legitimate--and I believe my Republican colleagues will concede these are legitimate--and sincere-- and I believe my Republican colleagues will concede these are sincere-- and important amendments have a chance to be raised and debated and voted on here on the floor of the Senate. Madam President, I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Missouri is recognized. Mr. BOND. Madam President, first, I express my admiration for the Senator from Rhode Island. The hard work he has put in on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the experience he brings to that committee is very important. We have worked with him on many issues that we were able to accomplish in the committee. I agree with his assertion that we need to balance freedom and security. That is one of the heavy responsibilities we have in the Senate Intelligence Committee. He talks about an amendment he has presented on a bipartisan basis, and he and his Republican cosponsor feel very strongly about it. I would be happy at the appropriate time to have debate and a vote on this very important measure. But I also happen to agree with the Senate majority leader, who said back in December that the issues before us on this FISA bill are so important that we must ensure they have a 60-vote margin for passage, the same vote that would have to occur if we were to overcome a filibuster. That will ensure that there will be no filibuster of the bill. We filed cloture to make sure we could go forward with the bill. We are waiting to see how that works out. But the measures, as I have stated earlier--and the proponent of this amendment had the distinct misfortune to be in the chair when I addressed this earlier today--but for my colleagues, I would say that we have before us a very carefully crafted bipartisan compromise to improve the FISA, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, significantly and to ensure that it can work to keep our country safe. Passing these measures on a 60-vote margin is nothing new. When I brought the Protect America Act to the floor on August 3, I brought it on an agreement that we had to have 60 votes to pass it, because it is a very important bill. And I assume that this bill, which I hope will pass, will have to pass with 60 votes. I think it is a reasonable proposition to say that a 60-vote threshold must be achieved to ensure there is bipartisan agreement on something that is this important to our security and our freedom. Now, my colleague raised the question about why the immediate interception of foreign intelligence did not go forward right after 9/ 11, when the President determined there must be interception of telephone and other electronic transmissions coming from foreign terrorists abroad into the United States. I am told the administration met with the Gang of 8, leaders of the House and Senate and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. They were faced with the problems that arose when the court order occurred in the spring of last year, saying the existing FISA law did not permit interception of communications coming through the way--coming the way by which they now come, through cable and wire. Previously, collections occurred routinely against foreign sources by radio wave. And there were minimization procedures. But the FISA Court was not involved. Because of the change in technology, as the order of the court indicated last spring, FISA applied to collection of most of the foreign terrorist communications, whether they were coming into the United States or into other areas. We were advised by the commanding general, Special Operations Command General McCrystal, that the limitations of FISA in April and May and June and July prevented our intelligence authorities from collecting vital signals information on communications among terrorists in the battlefield, putting our troops at risk. He begged and pleaded to get it done. Well, despite the begging and pleading to get it done, you have seen how long it takes us to get FISA changed. As I understand the conversations held in the aftermath of 9/ 11, when we knew there were other attacks being planned and we needed to get control of them, there was general agreement among the parties, legislative and executive, that we could not afford to try to take the time to try to change FISA, to make it work with the new electronic signals means of communication in time to stop further terrorist attacks. How long has it taken to get FISA passed? Well, the Director of National Intelligence sent up a bill in April pointing out that the old FISA law did not permit collection of foreign signals intelligence from known terrorist targets abroad. He sent it up in April. He testified before our committee in May. He came to the Senate and had a hearing in our classified room telling leaders of both parties how important and how sensitive it was. Another month passed. Nothing happened. He came back with a short- term extension that had to have a 6-month sunset on it. We passed that. We passed that with a 60-vote margin. That has become standard for any controversial and important legislation coming before this body, which is applied not only in FISA but many other circumstances. So we got a 6-month extension. Now, we are still debating whether to have a slightly longer extension of the FISA bill. We reported the bill on a bipartisan 13-to-2 majority in October. It sat for 2 months. The majority leader tried to bring it up, but he was filibustered from bringing it up. We are now at the end of January, when the Protect America Act expires on February 1. We need to move forward to get this bill passed. We need to move forward as promptly as we can. But we need to move forward on the same ground rules by which other major legislation and which the Protect America Act came to the floor; that is, a 60-vote margin to ensure there is bipartisan agreement on something as important as the freedom and security framed by the FISA debate. Let me add a word or two about the FISA Court. I had thought the distinguished Senator from Rhode Island was going to offer an amendment on assessing compliance and toss that to the FISA Court. Well, the FISA Court, or FISC as we call it, was created in 1978 [[Page S320]] to issue orders for domestic surveillance on particular targets. Congress specifically left foreign surveillance activities to the executive branch and to the intelligence community. The FISA Court, they are article III judges who are called in from time to time to make the judgments of probable cause for issuing warrants. They have expertise in issuing warrants for surveillance on a domestic basis. The bill before us gives them that responsibility, as did the other FISA, the old FISA, for issuing those orders for people or facilities in the United States. The old one said ``facilities in the United States.'' Well, that court is not set up to deal with foreign intelligence surveillance. As I quoted yesterday, the court's own words said--and this is the December 11, In re: Motion for Court Records. The court stated that: The FISA Court judges are not expected to or desire to become experts in foreign intelligence activities and do not make substantive judgments on the propriety or need for a particular surveillance. Even if a typical FISA judge has more expertise in national security matters than a typical district court judge, that expertise would still not equal that of the executive branch which is constitutionally entrusted with protecting national security. So I expect we will get to the point where we will be debating the distinguished Senator's assessing compliance amendment. But he has brought today the substitution amendment. I have already explained why we could not get through signals collection immediately after 9/11 if we had gone to the old FISA. How many months would it have taken? Well, the leaders who apparently spoke with the intelligence community and the White House said they did not want to highlight the fact that we were going to be listening in and they did not think it would work quickly. The intelligence committee has carefully assessed the orders which were given to the telecommunications carriers which may or may not have participated in the Terrorist Surveillance Program. And they were based, yes, they were based largely on article II. The FISC has already indicated nothing Congress can do can extinguish the President's authority under article II, but Congress also passed the authorization for use of military force, which was a counterbalance in the weighing of the constitutional arguments of article II with the provisions of the FISA law. I have reviewed the Attorney General's findings, the Department of Justice findings. I have read the authorizations and the directives. It is clear to me, and clear to others, most of the others who have reviewed it, they were clearly acting under the color of law. I happen to think they were right. You can make an argument that maybe they were not right. But the carriers that may have participated were not in a position to challenge those. They got a lawful order from the head of the intelligence community, based on authorization from the President, in a manner cleared by the Department of Justice. Under those circumstances, I believe it would not only have been unpatriotic, but it would have been willful for the carriers to refuse to participate. Yet they are being sued. I think the suits are designed to cripple our intelligence community. There are not going to be significant judgments awarded no matter what they say because anybody who was intercepted would have to come in to court and say they were intercepted and prove harm. I really question whether they can do that. But under the substitution argument, the disaster to our intelligence operations is clear, as is the damage to the reputation and the business of any carriers which may have participated. Back in 2006, right after the disclosure of this and the terrorist finance tracking measure, when the newspapers carried it, television carried it, terrorist leaders--very bright people--abroad learned of it, communicated about it on their own communications, and those communications, I was told in the field, went down significantly. So I asked General Hayden, at his confirmation hearing to be head of CIA, how badly these disclosures hurt us. And he said at the time that we are applying the Darwinian theory to terrorists; we are only capturing dummies. The more we disclose about the workings of our intelligence intercept capabilities, the more those whom we would target know how to avoid them. And they are taking steps; they know too much about it. Any further disclosures would further complicate and damage the collection capabilities of our intelligence community. Moreover, the damage to the reputation of the carriers would be significant. The damage would occur likely in exposing the carriers-- their employees and their facilities--to terrorist activities or vigilante activities. It would destroy their business reputation, cause untold harm in the United States, and probably effectively curtail their ability to operate overseas. If they are put out of operation or if they are limited in their operations, then the intelligence community loses a substantial means of acquiring the intelligence we need. So when this bill comes up--I expect it will come up, but I believe it must come up under a 60-vote rule or we are going to go through the normal process of getting to 60 votes, and we will never get anywhere. I think both sides of the aisle should recognize that. I will be happy to make these arguments. I know my colleague from Rhode Island is a very skilled lawyer, a very effective debater. He will present his arguments, I will present my arguments, and there will be others who will join with us. So while I would love to get on with the debate and votes, we are not going to go there until we resolve the question of whether there is a 60-vote margin. So I thank the Chair, and I thank my colleague from Rhode Island. I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Rhode Island is recognized. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam President, I appreciate very much the arguments made by the very distinguished Senator from Missouri, who is also the vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee and possesses great experience in this area. My point, though, is that all these arguments are for naught if the simple courtesy of a Senator being allowed to vote on his amendment is not honored. This particular amendment being nongermane postcloture means it may very well be squeezed out by the procedural devices the Republican leader has applied. So my simple question is, if I may ask it through the Chair to the distinguished Senator from Missouri, the Republican manager of this bill, can we assure Senator Specter and myself that this amendment will, at the appropriate time in this legislation, receive a vote? Mr. BOND. Madam President, I am happy to respond as soon as we go back to the normal means of proceeding on FISA matters, establishing a 60-vote threshold, which is the standard I had to meet to bring the Protect America Act to the floor. I would certainly expect that his amendment would be brought up, fully discussed, and debated. This is one of the major issues we have to decide. But we have to decide it on a 60-vote point of order. ____________________ [Congressional Record: January 25, 2008 (Senate)] [Page S320-S322] FISA Mr. DORGAN. Madam President, we are talking about FISA we use a lot of acronyms in Washington, DC, unfortunately--the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It is a complicated subject, and one, if people have been watching the debate, that is also controversial. There is a lot of passion about this subject. We have people standing up and saying: None of this should be disclosed. We should not be talking about this. This is about the ability to protect our country against terrorists. Of course, we have to listen into communications and intercept communications. It is the only way to find out if there are terrorist acts being plotted by terrorist groups, and so on. There is that kind of thing. There are concerns on the other side by people who say: Wait a second. [[Page S321]] There is something called a Constitution in this country. There is a right to privacy, a right to expect that the Government will not be spying on American citizens without cause. This is a very controversial and difficult subject. Frankly, nearly everyone, with the possible exception of the chairman and ranking member or maybe one or two others on the Intelligence Committee, knows very little about that which we are discussing. Let me put up a photograph of a door. This is a door in San Francisco, CA, a rather unremarkable photograph of a door. This is a door that is in AT&T's central offices in San Francisco. A courageous employee of AT&T named Mark Klein, who had been with the company for 22 years, blew the whistle on what was happening behind this door. According to Mark Klein, the National Security Agency had connected fiber optic cables to AT&T's circuits through which the National Security Agency could essentially monitor all of the data crossing the Internet. Here is what Mr. Klein had to say went on behind this door: It appears the [National Security Agency] is capable of conducting what amounts to vacuum-cleaner surveillance of all the data crossing the Internet--whether that be people's e- mail, web surfing, or any other data. The description of what was happening at this one telephone company in this one location in San Francisco was this: the intercepting of communications at the AT&T Folsom Street facility, millions, perhaps billions of communications from ordinary Americans coming into and through the facility, which would normally have been the case for a telephone company, and a splitter being used, according to the discussion by Mark Klein, splitting off all of this conversation into an NSA-controlled room, to be eventually evaluated with sophisticated programming, and then going back out in order to complete the communication. So you have effectively a copy of everything that is happening going through with a splitter to a secret room. When this became public, when a whistleblower working for the company said, here is what is happening, there was an unbelievable outcry on both sides. Some people said: What on Earth is happening? We have secret rooms in which the National Security Agency is running all this data and all this information through and spying on American citizens? Others said: What is going on? Who on Earth would have decided they should disclose this publicly? They are going to alert the terrorists to what we are doing. We had both sides aghast that this was disclosed. It is important to say that, initially, almost no one in an official capacity was willing to admit to this. Finally, it was admitted, yes, there was a program. The President said: Yes, there is a program-- speaking, apparently, of just this program; we don't know of other programs that exist or may exist, but this program existed without our knowledge. The President indicated this program existed because we are going after the bad guys, and we have a right to do that. And we did this program because the process that had been set up because of abuses with respect to eavesdropping and spying on American citizens decades ago, that process was way too cumbersome, took far too much time, and we needed to streamline that. That is a paraphrase. But there was an admission that this program existed and no additional legal authority needed to empower the President to do it. So that is where we are. Most of us don't know the full extent of this program at all. In fact, my understanding is that rooms like this exist in other parts of the country with other telephone companies where splitters are used to move data to separate rooms and data is evaluated. This whole process comes from several decades ago when something called the FISA Court was set up, a court to evaluate the questions about when it is legal and appropriate and when the Government is able to intercept communications. The FISA Court was established for the very purpose of trying to make the judgment about when it is appropriate to go after the bad guys and how to protect our civil liberties at the same time. The FISA Court was an outgrowth of concern by the Congress when we discovered that there was a time in this country when we had the National Security Agency running secret projects called Shamrock and Minaret to gather both international communications and also domestic communications. Project Shamrock actually started during the Second World War when major communications companies of the day gave the Federal Government access to all of their international traffic. One can imagine, in the fight against the Nazis and the Japanese Imperial Army, the desire for international communications to evaluate things that might threaten this country's security. But the Shamrock program then, as we know, changed over time. At first the goal was to intercept international telegrams relating to foreign targets. Then, soon the Government began to intercept telegrams of U.S. citizens. By the time there were hearings held in the Congress, the National Security Agency was intercepting and analyzing about 150,000 messages per month. Data from Project Shamrock was then used for another project code named Project Minaret, which we now know spied on perceived political opponents of the then-administration of Richard Nixon. Under this program the NSA added Vietnam war protesters to its watch list. After there was a march on the Pentagon, the Army requested that they add antiwar protesters. The list included people such as folk singer Joan Baez and civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We just celebrated within the week the Federal holiday celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Yet it was not too many decades ago that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was under surveillance by his own Government. The Congress passed its findings, when it did investigative hearings, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act created the FISA Court. Here is the experience with the FISA Courts. Between 1975 and 2006, there were 2,990 warrants issued by the FISA Court. Only five were denied. What that suggests is that it is not too difficult to get approval by the FISA Court for surveillance. But the President and Mr. McConnell, the head of our intelligence agency, have indicated that there has been a problem. For example, Mr. McConnell cited the capture of three American soldiers who were later killed in Iraq. Right after they were captured there was a period of time when it was critically important to be able to intercept communications in Iraq, and they were encumbered at a time when it was critical to find out who held these soldiers. That is not accurate, and the head of intelligence would have known that. I don't know why he represented that. There is a period of time when in an emergency situation, you can begin surveillance without having to go to FISA. You have to go FISA after that period of time, but you are given an opportunity for emergency surveillance even before you get the approval or even before you go to the FISA Court. What we have learned, however, through all of this process is from a December 2005 report in the newspapers. President Bush had authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop without warrants inside the United States which bypassed the entire FISA Court system. It turns out that most of the large telephone companies in this country had gone along with the administration's request for that activity. We are told that the administration, Attorney General Gonzales, and others furnished the telephone companies with some sort of letter, a certification of sorts. We don't know what that letter was, however, because the administration, citing the State Secrets Act, refuses to allow that to be disclosed. I think if they provide certification to a telephone company--and the telephone company relies on that--by officers of the Federal Government, in good faith, let's have that disclosed. Why should we wonder about the actions of a telephone company? If, in fact, you have an Attorney General of the United States who is certifying, let's find out what this administration did. Let's find out how they did it. Let's not have them tell us you cannot even see what was provided to a telephone company in terms of certification. That, in my judgment, does not pass the red face test. I hope very much we will begin to learn at some point what this administration has done, when they did it, and [[Page S322]] what the consequences of it are. This issue of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has become a political football by this administration. The last time we debated this, some while ago, it was quite clear that the politics of it were viewed as wonderful politics by the other side and by the White House. But this ought not be about politics at all. This ought to be about two issues, both of which are critically important: One is protecting this country's interests, yes, giving us a chance to make sure we understand what the terrorists are doing, how to foil terrorist attempts to injure this country--it is about that; and that is very important--but it is also about civil liberties and protecting the rights of the American people at the same time. We thought we had done that by putting together the FISA Court. We thought we had done that by establishing a procedure that needed to be followed. We now understand the President, with his lawyers, says those laws do not matter. There is in the Constitution, they say, something about the powers of the Commander in Chief, and he can do whatever he wants. That is a pretty dangerous interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. We debate this in so much ignorance because almost no one knows what this administration has done, and they are preventing us from knowing as much as we should know, in most cases, by claiming protection under the State Secrets Act, and not even allowing the release of the letter that was provided to the telephone companies that cooperated that describes to them the legal authority for doing so. I think there is much to be learned here, much we need to know. I think it is very important, as we reach an agreement on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act--and we should because it is an important circumstance by which we need, in certain cases, when we believe there is information being passed from terrorist to terrorist, and so on--if those communications are being run through this country, we need to be able to intercept and interpret what is happening--but it is critically important we not allow a kind of an approach to this where there is no oversight, there is no check. We have a government of checks and balances. What the President and his people seem to be saying to us is: We are not interested in checks and balances. We have the authority in the Constitution, as we interpret it, and that means it exceeds every law you can pass. We are going to do what we want to do. And if you don't like it, tough luck. And if you don't like it, by the way, what we will say to the American people is you are not willing to stand up for the security of this country. It is outrageous. It is dragging this issue smack-dab in the middle of their little political balloon. But this is a much more important process than that. We need to do this, and we need to get it right in order to protect America. We need to do this, and we need to get it right in order to protect the interests of the American people as well--and that interest of privacy and that interest of making sure that ``big brother government'' is not running all of your telephone calls and all of your e-mails and all of your information through its drift net to find out what you are saying and what you are doing and who you are talking to. That is not what I understand to be the best interests of this country or the guarantees that exist in the Constitution for the American people. That is why this is worth an important controversy and an important fight. It is why it is for us to take enough time to get it right. This is a big issue. We do a lot of things on the floor of the Senate that are not so big--not big issues. They are smaller issues in consequence. This issue is about freedom and liberty and the guarantees given the American people in the Constitution. It is about whether there is a check on Presidential power that assumes they have the power that exceeds all other laws. If we do not have that kind of check and balance in this Government, then we have bigger problems than I thought. So I only wanted to say, with respect to this issue, we do not know much about it. We know at this point that behind this door, as shown on this chart--behind this door--exists information split off what is called a splitter from the main line. Massive amounts of information come into it--in this case, it was AT&T; it could have been other telephone companies--it is split off, and then all of it is evaluated to find out: Is there something there that is suspicious? It is not the way America has ever worked, and not the way it should work. So the more we know, I think the more we will be able to better understand how to do two things at once: protect our country against terrorists, and protect the civil liberties of the American people. Both are important. At least there is one group of people in this political system of ours that believes the first is far more important than the second. They are wrong. They are both important, and both worth standing up for. ____________________