[Congressional Record: June 13, 2007 (Senate)] [Page S7650-S7652] STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. Chambliss): S. 1613. A bill to require the Director of National Intelligence to submit to Congress an unclassified report on energy security and for other purposes; to the Select Committee on Intelligence. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today Senator Chambliss and I are introducing legislation that could have a far-reaching impact on the national security of the United States. As every American knows, one of the most important elements of our national security infrastructure is the collection of agencies that make up our national intelligence community. But when most Americans think about the CIA, the FBI, or the NSA, they tend to think of agencies that are focused on a small handful of James Bond-style issues, such as missile stockpiles, new weapons technologies, and coups in foreign lands. These issues are still important, but in the modem world it is essential to recognize that protecting national security is a lot more complicated than it was during the Cold War, and there are many other issues that require attention and action. Thankfully, the men and women of the intelligence community already recognize this crucial fact, and are working hard to address the wide variety of threats and challenges that face America in the 21st century. Unfortunately, many policymakers still think of intelligence in 20th century terms, and as a result many of our national intelligence capabilities are underused and underappreciated. The best example of this is unquestionably in the field of energy security. American dependence on foreign oil has made our Nation less safe. Oil revenues have provided income for dangerous rogue states, they have sparked bloody civil wars, and they have even provided funding for terrorism. In a sickening phenomenon that I call the terror tax, every time that Americans drive their cars down to the gas station and fill up at the pump, the reality is that a portion of that money is then turned over to foreign governments that ``backdoor'' it over to Islamist extremists, who use that money to perpetuate terrorism and hate. As the GAO has pointed out, while talking about the oil-rich nation of Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia's multibillion-dollar petroleum industry, although largely owned by the government, has fostered the creation of large private fortunes, enabling many wealthy Saudis to sponsor charities and educational foundations whose operations extend to many countries. U.S. government and other expert reports have linked some Saudi donations to the global propagation of religious intolerance, hatred of Western values, and support to terrorist activities. [[Page S7651]] Furthermore, by allowing our national energy security to depend on foreign oil, we are leaving the American economy vulnerable to external shocks and disruptions. Recent American history is full of examples of events overseas jolting U.S. energy supplies, and just a couple decades ago the oil cartel known as OPEC declared an embargo which sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin. There are many other challenges out there that have the potential to affect U.S. national security and energy security. For example, it seems clear that the Middle East will remain in turmoil for years to come, and policmakers will have to consider the potential impact of events such as a terrorist attack on a major oil facility, or a change in government in an oil-producing state, or the further deterioration of the situation in Iraq. Outside of the Middle East there are other challenges to face, including the continued growth of major energy consuming countries like India and China, the policies of less- predictable governments such as Russia and Venezuela, and the emergence of new energy producers in unstable areas of the world. As policymakers attempt to grapple with these challenges, it is vital for them to be informed by the best thinking available, and as I said, the men and women of our national intelligence agencies are already performing quality analysis on many topics relevant to national security. This expertise is spread throughout the intelligence community, and includes professionals at the National Intelligence Council, the CIA's Office of Transnational Issues, and the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the Department of Energy. Unfortunately, this expertise is rarely used to inform energy policy debates, primarily because these agencies generally use it to produce classified assessments. This means that I can discuss them in closed sessions of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, but not at hearings of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, even though I am a member of both committees. This legislation would address this problem by requiring the Director of National Intelligence to coordinate the production of an unclassified report on the intelligence community's assessments of key energy issues that have implications for the national security of the United States. It will be up to the intelligence agencies to determine what information can safely be discussed in public, but I am confident that the Director will be able to provide Congress with a report that includes thoughtful, insightful discussion of these issues, without revealing any sensitive information or compromising any sources and methods. This legislation is entitled the Weighing Intelligence for Smarter Energy Act, or the WISE Act for short. I think that my colleagues and the American public would agree that when it comes to protecting our national energy security, it certainly wouldn't hurt for Congress to be a little bit wiser. I ask unanimous consent that the text of the bill be printed in the Record. There being no objection, the text of the bill was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows: S. 1613 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Weighing Intelligence for Smarter Energy Act of 2007'' or the ``WISE Act of 2007''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) The members of the intelligence community in the United States, most notably the National Intelligence Council, the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy, and the Office of Transnational Issues of the Central Intelligence Agency, possess substantial analytic expertise with regard to global energy issues. (2) Energy policy debates generally do not use, to the fullest extent possible, the expertise available in the intelligence community. SEC. 3. REPORT ON ENERGY SECURITY. (a) Requirement.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall submit to Congress a report on the long- term energy security of the United States. (2) Form of report.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in an unclassified form and may include a classified annex. (b) Content.--The report submitted pursuant to subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) An assessment of key energy issues that have national security or foreign policy implications for the United States. (2) An assessment of the future of world energy supplies, including the impact likely and unlikely scenarios may have on world energy supply. (3) A description of-- (A) the policies being pursued, or expected to be pursued, by the major energy producing countries or by the major energy consuming countries, including developing countries, to include policies that utilize renewable resources for electrical and biofuel production; (B) an evaluation of the probable outcomes of carrying out such policy options, including-- (i) the economic and geopolitical impact of the energy policy strategies likely to be pursued by such countries; (ii) the likely impact of such strategies on the decision- making processes on major energy cartels; and (iii) the impact of policies that utilize renewable resources for electrical and biofuel production, including an assessment of the ability of energy consuming countries to reduce dependence on oil using renewable resources, the economic, environmental, and developmental impact of an increase in biofuels production in both developed and developing countries, and the impact of an increase in biofuels production on global food supplies; and (C) the potential impact of such outcomes on the energy security and national security of the United States. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I rise today in support of the Weighing Intelligence for Smarter Energy Act, or the WISE Act. I worked with Senator Wyden to introduce this bill and am happy to be an original cosponsor. As a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I see some of the most sensitive products produced by our intelligence community. The intelligence community's analysts possess an extensive and wide range of expertise on all matters which could have national security implications for the United States. However, because of the secretive nature of the intelligence community and the sensitive work which it conducts, few policymakers are privy to many of its products. In most cases, this is essential in order to protect the sensitive sources and methods used by our intelligence agencies. In other areas, including matters related to global energy security, our intelligence analysts can provide some valuable analysis at an unclassified level. Energy policy and energy security have far reaching implications for the United States. As the country recognizes the danger of relying on imported oil, we need to develop an energy policy that is aggressive while at the same time thoughtful. Renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel are not the solution to our problems, but they can help reduce our dependence on imported oil from unstable regions of the world during a time of rising crude oil prices. At the same time, we must understand and be prepared for the unintended consequences of pursuing alternative fuel policies and to be sensitive to their impact on other sectors of the U.S. and global economies. Already, incentives for ethanol and biodiesel in the United States, Europe, Brazil and other developed and developing countries are forcing changes in the agriculture economy not seen in over a generation. While rising demand for alternative fuels will increase prices for agriculture commodities and benefit farmers, will this increase strain development in developing countries, in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa? We don't know yet, but these are questions we should and must ask. We already know the impact poverty and food insecurity has on populations around the world. However, policymakers, especially here in Congress, are not realizing the full extent of information available to them. Energy policy debates usually do not harness the full expertise of the intelligence community or consider the substantive analysis they may contribute to the debate. Experts in the intelligence community may examine the effects of energy policy around the globe and the impact those decisions may have on U.S. policy. In addition, the intelligence community can provide an analysis of the impact around the world of policies that utilize renewable resources. This legislation asks for just that type of analysis. The WISE Act asks the intelligence community to provide an intelligence [[Page S7652]] assessment on the long-term energy security of the United States. The bill requests that as much of the assessment as possible be unclassified, while taking into consideration the need to protect valuable sources and methods by including a classified portion, it is my hope that this bill will better inform energy policy. In addition to informing policymakers of the energy security of the United States, the bill will also provide important analysis on the international impact of energy policies around the world. The WISE Act will harness fully the expertise of our intelligence community and allow policymakers to formulate more informed energy policy. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the bill. ______