Congressional Record: March 6, 2007 (Senate) Page S2677-S2678 Unanimous-Consent Request--S. 375 Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the immediate consideration of Calendar No. 20, S. 372, the Intelligence authorization, 2007; that the Rockefeller-Bond amendment at the desk be considered and agreed to; that the bill, as amended, be read the third time and passed; that the motion to reconsider be laid upon the table; that a statement by Senator Rockefeller be printed in the Record as if read, without intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, on behalf of another Senator--not myself--I do object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection is heard. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam President, let me take this opportunity to thank many people but not the particular Senator who is objecting--1 out of 100. Nevertheless, Senators Reid, Bond, myself, and others have worked very hard to move this fiscal year 2007 Intelligence authorization bill forward. All parties have been enormously supportive in this effort. It is one of the more embarrassing efforts I have been associated with in my 24 years in this body. I must express my dismay, my absolute dismay. I will hold it to that. Despite considerable efforts on the part of the chairman and Vice Chairman Bond and extensive efforts and negotiations to get agreement on this bill, there is still an objection from one Senator for its consideration. Is it just another bill? Not quite. The Senate's failure to pass this critical national security legislation for the past 2 years is remarkably shocking and inexcusable. In 2005, the Senate failed, for the first time since the establishment of the congressional intelligence committees, to pass an annual Intelligence authorization bill. That means for 27 years we passed authorization bills for the Intelligence Committee. It is not an inconsequential committee. It instructs how intelligence is to be done. There are a number of changes that have been agreed to. All of that failure was followed by a repeat failure in 2006--in 2005 and then in 2006. [[Page S2678]] So from 1978 through 2004, the Senate had an unbroken 27-year record of completing its work on this critical legislation. You cannot move to appropriations until you go through authorization, particularly in a field such as intelligence authorization that has an unbelievably important role. The Intelligence authorization bill has been considered must-pass legislation for many years--until recently. Now, in the midst of the war on terror, with things going downhill in Iraq, going downhill in Afghanistan, and our continued military involvement in both places, when good intelligence is not just vital but a matter of life and death--and I emphasize the second--we have been prevented from passing that bill that provides the legislative roadmap for our intelligence programs. Similar to the Defense authorization and appropriations bills, the Intelligence authorization bill is at the core of our efforts to protect America. That is why it is simply incomprehensible, shocking, and debasing that we cannot find a way to bring up and pass this critical legislation. The result of this continued obstruction will be diminished authority for intelligence agencies to do their job in protecting America. I hope the Senator involved takes satisfaction in that. I am not sure his constituents--if it is a he--would. Yes, I am angry. The authorization bill contains 16 separate provisions enhancing or clarifying the authority of the Director of National Intelligence. The bill includes major improvements in the way we approach and manage human intelligence, information sharing, protection of sources and methods, and even the nominations process for key intelligence community leaders. I came to the floor several times last year to explain those provisions in detail. Today, I reiterate how important this legislation is to the war on terrorism and to every other aspect of our national security, including the ongoing fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. This should have happened years ago. Somebody objects and, of course, it cannot happen; the rules of the Senate prevail. There is no reason the Senate cannot pass this bill quickly, so that we can confer with the House before the committee is required to turn its attention to drafting and reporting out what will be another experiment, the 2008 authorization, which we should already be halfway toward completing. If there is objection to passing this bill by unanimous consent, we have been--the vice chairman and I, who worked very well together--more than willing to negotiate a time agreement and quickly debate and pass this long-overdue national security bill. It is essential we assist the men and women of the intelligence agencies to continue their vital work on the frontlines of Iraq and Afghanistan and something called the war on terror. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator has used his 5 minutes. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam President, I conclude by simply saying we need this bill. I yield the floor. Several Senators addressed the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who yields time? Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, parliamentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Vermont will state his inquiry. Mr. LEAHY. Has there been time reserved for the Senator from Vermont? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator has 13 minutes. Mr. LEAHY. Further parliamentary inquiry: Is there an order for recognition? The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is not. Mr. LEAHY. Further parliamentary inquiry: Does anybody else have time reserved to them? Mrs. FEINSTEIN. I believe I do for an amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Illinois and the Senator from California each have 13 minutes. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Madam President, may I just appeal to whatever reasoned and reasonable people there may be around here, and that is that the vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee has something to say on this matter which relates to what I said. There is a sequential power in that which I think deserves consideration. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I reserve my time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Maine. Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, in order for the Senator from Missouri to speak, would the Senator from Maine or one of the sponsors have to yield time to him? The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is correct. Ms. COLLINS. How much time does the Senator from Maine have remaining? The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is 6 minutes remaining. Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I yield 4 minutes to the Senator from Missouri. Mr. BOND. Madam President, I thank the ranking member of the committee. When this committee was formed a long time ago--30 years ago--we lacked congressional oversight. Since 9/11, we found that congressional oversight had not been as good as it should have been, and one of my first acts when I was appointed vice chairman was I suggested to the chairman that passing the authorization bill was the top priority. He agreed. We have to be able to pass authorization bills if we are to have an impact on the intelligence community. There are already a number of Rockefeller-Bond amendments on this 9/ 11 bill. There will be more. There are some who say there is nothing an executive branch agency values more than a lack of congressional oversight. But I believe congressional oversight can help them do their job better. Is this bill perfect? No. But it is largely the same bill as last year, and we have changed provisions that were objectionable. On the good side, it would ensure that the exemption of Freedom of Information Act requirements carries over to operational files. There is a specific provision creating, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, a National Space Intelligence Center. In reviewing all these, we worked very closely together to deal with problems in the bill. I believe we have taken care of most of the problems people raised. What I am afraid of is that people are objecting to the bill without knowing what is in the bill, without knowing the changes we have made, the accommodations that have been made by the chairman and by the vice chairman to make this bill acceptable. Some have said that the administration has concerns. If the administration has concerns, obviously they could exercise those concerns in a veto. But if they have concerns, I am not sure they know the changes and the provisions we have added to this bill. I invite my colleagues who have problems with the bill to talk with me or with the chairman about the bill so we can move it. We have worked long and hard to help improve the operations of the intelligence community. Our bill is the one way we have of providing that guidance and sharing with the intelligence community the issues that the bipartisan members of this committee believe are important. I invite anybody, all people or any person who has a hold on this bill, to come forward and find out what is in the bill. Don't judge it by what you think it may contain. Madam President, I yield the floor. ____________________