Testimony United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary "FBI Oversight" May 2, 2006
John Gannon Vice President for Global Analysis , BAE Systems
Information Technology
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee. Thank you for
the opportunity to participate in this important hearing on the FBI. I
have great respect for the Bureau as a Federal law enforcement agency,
and strong admiration for FBI officers with whom I have worked over the
years. FBI officers are working hard today in the most challenging
environment they have ever faced under an able Director of legendary
energy, dedication, and integrity. They are not helped by outside
carping. I am sensitive to this. But the debate about a domestic
intelligence capability--analysis and collection--is important to our
national security, and I believe the core of that debate should be
This written statement to the committee draws
heavily on input I made to a recent Century Foundation task force. The
views expressed are my own. They are shaped by my professional
experience working with the FBI during a 24-year career at CIA, during
a brief stint as the team leader for intelligence in the Transition
Planning Office for the Department of Homeland Security (2002-2003),
and during a two-year tour as the first Staff Director of the House
Homeland Security Committee (2003 to 2005). They also are influenced my
long experience building and managing analytic programs in the
Intelligence Community, where I served as CIA's Deputy Director for
Intelligence, as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, and as
Assistant Director for Analysis and Production.
I should
point out that I have been working in the private sector for the past
year, and have not had the close contact with the Bureau that I
previously enjoyed. I concede that my perspective, therefore, is not as
fresh on every point as I would like. In drafting this paper, I have
opted for candor over caution and have some critical things to say. I
do this as a former insider who is open to the charge that I could have
done better at my series of jobs at CIA, the White House, and on the
Hill. I accept this.
The salient fact is that, approaching
five years after 9/11, we still do not have a domestic intelligence
service that can collect effectively against the terrorist threat to
the homeland or provide authoritative analysis of that threat. It is
not enough to say these things take time. It could not be clearer from
the Intelligence Community's experience over the past 25 years that it
is extraordinarily difficult to blend the families of intelligence and
law enforcement, and that the Bureau's organizational bias toward the
latter--for deep-seated historic reasons--is powerful and persistent.
Looking at where we are, we should be asking why it is so hard for the
FBI to develop a national intelligence capability, and opening
ourselves to the possibility that we have asked too much of an
otherwise capable criminal-investigation agency. We should be looking
seriously at other options.
Looking at where we want to be,
we also should be viewing domestic intelligence in the much broader
context of US intelligence transformation, of the growing interlinkage
of all our intelligence agencies, and of the globalization of
intelligence and the threats that drive it. All this calls for
unprecedented collaboration across US government agencies and a
commitment to state-of-the art information technology--neither of
which, in my experience, is a strong suit of the FBI.
argued for some time after 9/11 that the FBI was the appropriate agency
to develop a domestic intelligence capability, partly because of my
aversion toward a new domestic intelligence agency, but even more
because of what I clearly saw as the growing interconnectedness of
intelligence and law enforcement, especially in combating transnational
issues. I still have trouble letting go of that notion. But, watching
the FBI struggle with its new national intelligence mandate and
recalling earlier interagency "culture wars" in my career, I have
changed my mind. I now doubt that the FBI, on its present course, can
get there from here.
My view today can be encapsulated in the following six points:
First, the FBI has made some progress on intelligence. I distinguish
between the Bureau's traditional law-enforcement mission and its new
national intelligence mandate. In the first instance, I believe that
the FBI is increasingly using intelligence collection and analysis,
including in its new Field Intelligence Groups, against the
increasingly complex issues associated with its criminal-investigation
mission. The Bureau should be encouraged in this path--intelligence
that benefits a Special Agent in Charge can also be useful at the
national level.
The FBI is unacceptably behind, however, in
developing a national intelligence collection and analytic capability.
The Bureau has not structured an intelligence collection requirements
process that legitimate consumers can readily tap, and it is not, to my
knowledge, producing, on any predictable basis, authoritative
assessments of the terrorist threat to the homeland. These are serious
gaps. It is a good thing that the Bureau's law-enforcement culture is
being enriched by intelligence. It is not a good thing that
law-enforcement continues to trump intelligence in the effort to build
a domestic intelligence capability.
Even if the FBI were
doing better on this domestic intelligence mission, I believe we would
find that the mission in today's information environment is much bigger
than the FBI, and well beyond its resources and competence to carry
out. Domestic intelligence today is about protecting the US homeland
from threats mostly of foreign origin. It does involve the FBI's
law-enforcement and counterterrorism work, but it relates more to the
establishment of a national intelligence capability integrating
Federal, state, and local government, and when appropriate, the private
sector in a secure collaborative network to stop our enemies before
they act and to confront all those adversaries capable of using global
electronic and human networks to attack our people, our physical and
cyber infrastructure, and our space systems. These adversaries include
WMD proliferators, terrorists, organized criminals, narcotics
traffickers, human traffickers, and countries big and small--working
alone or in combination against US interests. I see the FBI, on its
present course, as a contributor to this vital effort--but not as the
leader of a new model of collaborative effort in the information age. .
Domestic intelligence, moreover, should be viewed as an
integral part of US Intelligence Community reform. The connection
between foreign and domestic intelligence must be seamless today
because the threats we face know no borders. The challenge is
government wide, has historic roots that long precede 9/11, and must be
concerned, as I have suggested, with a range of deadly threats to our
national security largely from abroad and not restricted to
international terrorism. The domestic piece must be an essential part
of the transformation of US intelligence driven by the Directory of
National Intelligence (DNI), the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney
General, and the Secretary of homeland Security. That coordinated
effort today--which, in my view, needs stronger, sustained direction
from the White House and the Congress--should be moving, as a top
priority, to unify strategies, to clarify roles and responsibilities
across competing agencies, and to reduce the IC's bloated
bureaucracy--which is today larger than ever.
The status quo
is unacceptable. The two courses I suggest to get us moving forward,
neither an easy fix, would require some shift of Federal Government
resources and authorities and strong leadership from the Executive and
Legislative branches.
o First, if the FBI is to remain the
agency of choice in developing a domestic intelligence capability, it
will need much stronger and clearer direction and much closer oversight
from the Executive and Legislative branches on the much bigger and
faster structural steps it needs to take. The urgent objective must be
to develop an intelligence capability that is not subordinated to the
Bureau's criminal investigation mission and that is based on a level of
collaboration--including with non-government experts--unprecedented in
FBI history. I will not say that it cannot be done, but the evidence to
date suggests otherwise.
o The second suggestion, which takes
some explaining, is to give the lead on domestic intelligence to a
resuscitated and revitalized Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with
the resources and authorities that the Homeland Security Act of 2002
intended--but were never provided. That Act, I believe, rightly
recognized that the domestic intelligence mission requires a new
collaborative model, not just new rules for old games among legacy
agencies. DHS's small and under-resourced Office of Intelligence is, by
design, a collaborative enterprise involving multiple Federal, state,
and local agencies. DHS itself has the mandate for outreach to the
private sector and to non-government sources of information and
expertise--which is made easier because the larger Department is neither
a law-enforcement nor an intelligence agency. Conceptually, I believe
DHS could succeed as the coordinator of domestic intelligence. And its
prospects for success would increase significantly if the Department
established regional organizations across the country--which are
essential to the collaborative model I describe. But this will never
happen unless the White House and Congress, altering their current
posture, push hard for it.
Finally, I would argue strongly
against the creation of a new, stand-alone domestic intelligence
agency. When asked why we have not had a terrorist attack on US soil
since 9.11, I give three reasons. First, the President's early decision
to go after the terrorists wherever they could be found in the world
weakened their capabilities and served as a powerful disincentive to
strike us again. Second, the preventative and protective security
measures taken by our Federal, state, and local governments--coordinated
and not--have made it harder for terrorists to operate here. And, third,
I believe that the hard-won Constitutional freedoms enjoyed by
Americans, along with our unparalleled commitment to civil liberties
embedded in law, work against the development of domestic terrorist
networks that could be exploited by foreigners. In this context,
America stands in marked and magnificent contrast to many of the
regimes I covered daily and experienced on the ground as a CIA analyst.
When I think through the implications of a nation-wide domestic
intelligence service under the control of the Executive Branch, I
conclude that it is neither needed nor desirable in our society. At
best, the proposal is premature.
The Changing Threat
Today, the threat to the US homeland is global in nature and our
response must integrate foreign and domestic intelligence as never
before. Al Qaeda's attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington on
9/11 revealed that Osama bin Laden had developed-- below the radar of
US intelligence--a human and electronic network across some sixty
countries, spanning from the pre-modern world of Afghanistan to the
post-modern world of Europe and the United States. Al Qaeda's flat
network defeated a vast US government hierarchy that was not networked,
including both our foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. The
terrorists knew more about our world, and how to train and operate in
it, than we did about theirs--the classic recipe for an intelligence
failure. By any reckoning, the US government was not prepared to
protect its people, not only against international terrorism but
against the potential exploitation by any of our adversaries of global,
IT-driven networks.
Domestic intelligence today must be
global in perspective, collaborative to the core, and thoroughly
networked to bring together the most reliable information, the best
expertise, and the most advanced capabilities--in real time--to deal with
today's dynamic, distributed, and dangerous threat environment. It must
have state-of-the-art, multi-level-security communications to support a
broad range of activities from assisting a big-city police officer to
pursue sketchy intelligence leads in a gritty subway to helping expert
analysts to track potential cyber attacks in a chrome-plated,
plasma-screened national center. Domestic intelligence, in this
context, should be seen as a critical element of the US Government's
long-term transformation driven by the geopolitical and technological
revolutions of the post-Cold War period.
The domestic intelligence challenge is not new, a critical point that
both the 9/11 Commission and the WMD Commission missed in their failure
to provide balanced historical perspective. The challenge long predates
9/11. It relates to the three distinct but intersecting revolutions
faced by the Intelligence Community-- including the FBI--over the past
twenty years, which have encouraged trends that continue today. I focus
briefly on this because I believe these revolutions, with or without
9/11, demand dramatically new and different models for US
intelligence--not legacy makeovers.
The first revolution was
geopolitical. It swept away the Soviet Union, transformed the face of
Europe, and forced the Intelligence Community to confront a new,
dispersed global threat environment in which non-state actors,
including conventional and cyber terrorists, narcotics traffickers, and
organized criminals, operated against US interests across national
borders, including our own. The second revolution involves technology,
primarily information technology, but also the rapidly advancing
biological sciences, nanotechnology, and the material sciences--all
bearing good news and "dual-use" bad news for America and mankind. The
third revolution relates to homeland security. This is not just about
the alarming proximity of the threat, but even more about the new
national security stakeholders it brought to the fore,
"first-responders" with a legitimate need and justifiable demand for
intelligence support.
The IC, the policy community, and the
Congress actually began to respond to this new, distributed threat
environment in the mid 1980s, with the pace picking up dramatically in
the ensuing decade. The FBI was involved at every turn. The DCI
established the Counterterrorism Center (CTC) at CIA in 1986, followed
thereafter by the Counternarcotics Center and several iterations of a
counter-proliferation center--all mandated to focus collection,
integrate analysis, and promote information sharing. Both CIA and DIA
reorganized their intelligence units to meet new threats and enable
technology in the mid 1990s. The FBI took similar steps later in the
decade. The White House in 1998 established the position of National
Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and
Advancing technology drove the
controversial creation of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency
(NIMA) in 1996. NIMA(later named National Geospatial-Intelligence
Agency--NGA) launched a major push to get ahead of the geospatial
technology curve, while the National Security Agency (NSA) began a
fundamental transformation to adapt to the global revolution in
communications technology. In 1998, the Ballistic Missile Commission,
headed by Donald Rumsfeld, included with its report a "sideletter"
critiquing IC analytic performance that was an impressive blueprint for
reform. The FBI significantly increased its overseas presence and,
prodded by the Webster Commission, developed a five-year strategic plan
in the late 1990s that included goals to develop a comprehensive
intelligence collection and analytic capability. Late in the decade, it
established separate counterterrorism and counterintelligence centers.
The point I want to emphasize is that the FBI, as I observed it first
hand, was acutely aware of an intelligence world turning upside down.
It was closely involved in the establishment of the IC centers. DCI
William Webster came from the FBI to CIA in 1987, where he issued a
forward-looking –and, I believe, historic--directive that prohibited
analysts who were directly supporting operations from providing the
authoritative assessment on the impact of such operations. FBI leaders
persuasively argued for the development of analytic capability in the
Bureau during a strategic planning process in the late 1990s about the
same time FBI launched its counterterrorism and counterintelligence
divisions. The FBI also participated with IC analytic units in the work
of the Community-side National Intelligence Producers Board, which did
a baseline assessment of IC analytic capabilities and followed it up
early in 2001 with a strategic investment plan for IC analysis.
The investment plan flagged to Congress the alarming decline in
investment in analysis across the Community and the urgent need to
build or strengthen interagency training, database interoperability, IC
collaborative networks, a system for issue prioritization, links to
outside experts, and an effective open-source strategy. The consensus,
which included FBI, was strong that the IC needed to transform, and it
was transforming--but neither fast enough nor in alignment with the
unfocused and fast-changing priorities of the White House and Congress.
The FBI's leadership, as I saw it, was committed to
transformation but its commitment seemed to flag over time. Its early
post-war determination to share information and push the "wall" on
information sharing between intelligence and law enforcement was set
back by the sensational Ames, Nicholson, and Hanson espionage cases.
And, to a large extent, I understood and accepted the reasons for this.
In the larger culture war, however, I believe that change agents simply
lost out to classic agents who successfully resisted reform to Bureau
policies and practices. The need to transform against a new threat
environment was well recognized, but the goal of establishing a
distinct intelligence career service for analysts and collectors, with
their own budgets and chains of command, did not get off the ground. To
enhance collaboration, a small handful of Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs)
in the early 1990s grew to over 120 today, but I heard complaints that
they, with some notable exceptions, were inadequate because they"
served up" in the Federal bureaucracy much better than "down" into
vulnerable localities where vital intelligence needed to be collected.
Pre 9/11 Trends
Four trends were clear as the IC entered the twenty-first century, and
they all appear irreversible today. In one way or the other, they
relate to America's current efforts to reform its intelligence services
and to the particular challenge of domestic intelligence.
First, agencies were beginning seriously to respond to the growing
impact of globalization. Globalization--the interconnectedness of
networks moving information, culture, technology, capital, goods, and
services with unprecedented speed and efficiency around the world and
across the homeland--came to be seen not as a passing phenomenon but as
the defining reality of our age. In a shrinking world of
communications, foreign and domestic intelligence know no borders. This
is not to say the whole Community wholeheartedly embraced technology to
enable transformation nor that the White House or Congress made this a
priority. But the direction was set. And the glaring technological
shortcomings of HUMINT collection, the FBI, and local law enforcement
came into sharp relief.
Second, pressures within the IC
increasingly were toward decentralization, not the centralized,
"one-stop-shopping" models--including some ambitious interpretations of
the National Counterintelligence Center (NCTC)--generally favored by
Washington. The demand grew among diplomats and "warfighters" for a
distributed model of collection management and analysis, because they
were dealing increasingly with diverse transnational threats close to
their locations. And they were aware that technology existed to reduce
dramatically the "distance" between the producers and users of
intelligence Combatant commanders, often playing the diplomat's role,
demanded real-time intelligence support and insisted that they have
their own analysts in place. While Federal agencies moved slowly and
the FBI lagged behind, the defense community accelerated its
transformation with the same determination that would later be shown
after 9/11 by homeland "first responders."
-- Third, DoD,
in this environment, gained increasing influence in IC forums and
debates, including on budget priorities. The Congress in the late 1990s
created the positions of Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for
Community Management (DDCI-CM), and assistant directors of collection
and analysis and production, all of which were resisted by CIA and
inexplicably underutilized by the DCI to run an increasingly complex
Intelligence Community. By sharp contrast, the Secretary of Defense
successfully lobbied, against surprisingly little IC resistance, for
the creation of an Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence position,
which was approved in 2002, adding more heft to what already was the
IC's thousand pound gorilla. Significantly, the defense community got
out ahead of the national community in calling for--and developing--both
centralized and decentralized networks that would bring analysis and
collection capabilities closer to military personnel on the front
lines. The DoD turf grab further wounded a weakened CIA and eventually
raised concerns about military involvement in domestic intelligence,
but it also responded to real, unmet defense community requirements for
improved analysis and collection management.
blue-ribbon commissions in the late 1990s, as well as the IC's own
strategic work, recognized the growing need for a homeland security
strategy, including for domestic intelligence, against catastrophic
threats from terrorism, WMD proliferation, and cyberspace. It also
stressed the vital role of the private sector as a source of critical
information and solutions to hard security problems. Serious worries
about the state of US homeland security long predated 9/11. In 1996,
the Critical Infrastructure Commission pointed out how vulnerable we
were to attack, and the Bremer, Gilmore, and Hart-Rudman Commissions
were eloquent well before 9/11 in flagging our lack of preparedness for
a terrorist attack--including the glaring shortcomings of both foreign
and domestic intelligence.
What have we done since 9/11?
Since 9/11, we have created a large Department of Homeland Security; a
Terrorist Threat Integration Center, later transformed into a more
muscular National Counterterrorism Center; an FBI Directorate of
Intelligence to staff and train analysts, an FBI National Security
Program integrating the Bureau's three intelligence divisions, a
Bureau-controlled Terrorist Screening Center to integrate terrorist
watch lists; and a Director of National Intelligence to restructure the
IC--an impressive array of new organizations. We have done more to
protect our airspace, ports, and borders than at any time since World
War II, though, in the absence of strategy, we have struggled to
establish priorities--as Hurricane Katrina revealed-- and to discipline
spending. State and local governments have improved their security
sometimes on a regional level, often in unprecedented collaboration
across jurisdictions. On the offensive, we successfully pursued
terrorists relentlessly at home and abroad, which is arguably a major
reason why we have not had another attack to the homeland. The
importance of these hard-won achievements should not be diminished
But in a period of extensive government restructuring, we have not--nor
could we have--hit the intended target every time. Small things have
been neglected forgivably in an overly ambitious agenda, and so have
some big things like adequately resourced programs for cybersecurity,
biosecurity, critical infrastructure protection, government-wide
information sharing, and domestic intelligence. And sometimes both the
Administration and Congress have missed critical targets by a long
shot, as Hurricane Katrina revealed in the fall of 2005. In New
Orleans, DHS failed on its fundamental commitment--which I now believe
exaggerated its potential from the get-go-- to coordinate Federal,
State, and local preparedness. And the Congress, in a bloated 2005
Transportation bill larded with pork, completely missed the glaring
infrastructure vulnerabilities in the Gulf. Before Katrina, we knew we
were not where we should be in protecting America. Katrina showed we
were much worse off than we thought.
Since I am prepared to
argue that DHS could be the hub of a collaborative domestic
intelligence service, I need to explain why the Department has been
such a disappointment thus far. DHS, whatever its shortcomings, was the
first answer of the Administration and Congress to the question of how
to construct an overarching structure to integrate and focus government
on homeland security. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 positioned DHS
to play a leading role in enhancing US counterterrorism capabilities
and in establishing the architecture for domestic intelligence. While
not collecting intelligence, DHS would fuse terrorism-related
intelligence from all sources in its mission to integrate foreign and
domestic analysis of the terrorist threat. It would provide threat
information to the twenty-two agencies integrated into the Department;
to state and local governments; and, when appropriate, to the private
sector. It would collect actionable information from them, and would
produce integrated threat analysis to help prioritize the protection of
America's critical infrastructure. It would be a key leader in
promoting information sharing across the US Government. It would be the
Federal coordinator of critically needed programs to address the
threats of cyber- and bio-terrorism.
The core mission of DHS
was to develop new capabilities to prevent another catastrophic attack
on the homeland, to prioritize the protection of our critical
infrastructure, and to improve our national--Federal, state, and local
government--response if an attack should occur. Making America safer
through new capabilities took precedence over the
merger-and-acquisition questions related to standing up a
180,000-member department in the largest US Government restructuring in
half a century. FBI would collect intelligence within the homeland,
while the Department would be the primary integrator of intelligence
from all sources and the primary analyzer of the terrorist threat to
the homeland. It would also serve the IC, President, and the Congress
as an indispensable evaluator--an upscale "team B"--of all intelligence
inputs into its terrorism threat analysis. The DHS intelligence
organization would compete with other agencies in senior expertise, not
in numbers. With a broad information-sharing mission well beyond
intelligence, it would be uniquely positioned to collaborate with
non-government experts anywhere in the world.
While the
design may have been imperfect, the execution was surely flawed. DHS
stumbled from the start and, after three years of trying, has not
achieved compliance with the Homeland Security Act. Congressional
oversight has been uneven and largely unfocused. Both House and Senate
committees, including the intelligence overseers, generally have fought
harder to strengthen their own fractured jurisdiction than to
coordinate a constructive approach to DHS and its vital national
security mission.
We now have abundant data to assess DHS's
and the IC's performance since 9/11. These include multiple
Congressional hearings and investigations, reports from the the Office
of management and Budget, the General Accountability Office, the
Congressional Budget Office, the Congressional Research Staff, various
Inspectors General, think tanks of every political persuasion, and the
media with its growing access to former Administration officials. The
IC story is disappointing but still with hope under the DNI. For DHS,
it is largely a chronicle of a few victories made hard to achieve and
many failures that should have been avoided.
Bush's surprising announcement in his January 2003 State of the Union
address of the creation the Terrorism Threat Integration Center (TTIC)
was a well-intentioned and legally defensible initiative to promote
sensitive intelligence sharing among key intelligence agencies. And it
had immediate political appeal, including among leading Democrats as
well as Republicans in the Congress. But it also was an alarming
rejection of an urgently needed, overarching model for interagency
collaboration that would not be easily replaced--and, in fact, never
was. In resource terms, it was a body blow to the not-yet-functioning
DHS, which had just been given comparable responsibilities for fusing
intelligence and integrating foreign and domestic analysis under the
freshly minted Homeland Security Act. Agencies that had committed to
provide detailees to the fledgling Department backed off to husband
scarce resources. Congress was surprised and confused and found many
other reasons to be disappointed by White House restraints on the
Department, especially its reluctance to provide DHS's intelligence
component with the facilities, infrastructure, connectivity, and
personnel it need to do its job. But, with some exceptions, its own
oversight rarely approached a rigorous standard.
9/11, Congress has consistently favored creating new "boxes" rather
than fixing or eliminating the old ones--without seriously assessing the
cost to existing critical programs. Structure itself, in my experience
in the IC, is rarely either the cause or the remedy for performance
problems. In the effort to stand up new structures after 9/11, Congress
did not baseline existing IC resources. It created new centers while
pulsing up rather than consolidating old ones It unintentionally
encouraged the stretching of scarce analytic resources literally to the
breaking point, the dispersal of valuable expertise, and an
unprecedented reliance on the contracting community for analytic
staffing, workforce management, and training. When I left the Hill over
a year ago, a significant majority of the analysts assigned to the
NCTC--our new gold standard in counterterrorism--were contractors.
The expansion, as I saw it first hand, increased production while
reducing authoritative analysis--or quality control--across these units.
This has produced the first generation of intelligence analysts without
adequate numbers of experienced managers to train them. I once argued,
and the intelligence oversight committees agreed, that it takes the
better part of a decade to bring a new IC analyst to peak performance.
Today, the majority of analysts in many units have less than five years
While the current situation is correctable,
Post-9-11 restructuring has divided--not concentrated--accountability for
threat assessments across a larger number of analytic units at CIA,
FBI, DHS, and NCTC. It has confused civilian and military roles and
raised alarms about military involvement domestic intelligence in the
emergence the powerful and effective Northern Command, in the expansion
of DoD's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) that protects US
military facilities, and in NSA's "warrentless" surveillance of US
citizens' communications. FBI has fallen short in developing analytic
and collection capabilities, and DHS is way behind in building the
necessary relationship with the private sector to counter serious and
growing threats from cyber- and bioterrorists. If the FBI were to be
placed in the IC penalty box, it would have plenty of company.
Our record since 9/11, then, is a mixture of notable successes,
commendable but stalled efforts, and significant failures Much of what
we have done has been understandably reactive and uncoordinated--often
resulting from conflicting priorities and unfocused interplay of the
Executive and Legislative branches in an atmosphere of crisis. Current
approaches, as a whole, are not cost effective as a blueprint for the
future. America needs a comprehensive strategy for national
security--including homeland security and domestic intelligence--and bold
leadership to implement it.
What do we need to do?
The hastily drafted Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of
2004 created opportunities but no guarantees for enhancing our national
security, and it left a lot of holes that only smart leaders can fill.
In moving forward, the Executive Branch, in close collaboration with
Congressional Committees of jurisdiction, needs to develop a strategic
reform agenda with clear reform goals and metrics. We should see this
not as an option on a healthy progression on homeland security and
intelligence reform but as an imperative on a troubled journey in which
too many opportunities have been missed and too many mistakes have been
made--and not admitted let alone addressed. And there is nothing
self-correcting about many of the alarming trends we observe today.
It is normally a feckless exercise to recommend that a President take
direct charge of a government program. But Intelligence transformation,
in my view, is not simply another government program. It is the epic
mission of our generation, with major implications for the future
security of our country. As matters stand today, the President's
leadership will be essential to get the government on the right course
and to reverse the effects of high-level bureaucratic gamesmanship and,
in some cases, failed, unaccountable leadership at lower levels. What
follows are my own recommendations intended to help focus a needed
debate. I know well that I am open to challenge. And, I am glad to say,
on several issues, my mind can be changed.
1-- Restore Accountability: The President should establish by executive
order an Intelligence Transformation Group (ITG)--or its functional
equivalent--of the National Security Council, chaired by the President
with delegation to the National Security Adviser, to include the
Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Attorney
General, and the DNI. The mandate should be to develop and implement a
strategic plan for IC reform, based on agreed-upon priorities
consistent with the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of
2004, led by the President in close collaboration with the major
agencies affected. The organization need not be so formal, if the
President so chooses, but his strong hand must be evident in making
relevant agency heads responsible and accountable for implementation of
his agenda and for presenting a unified front in dealing with the
Recommendation 2--Resist Structural Buildup:
The Administration and the Congress need to restrain their longstanding
tendency to adopt structural solutions to functional problems. It is
politically more difficult to make leadership accountable for fixing
existing organizations, including streamlining them, but it is
ultimately less costly and more effective in implementing real reform.
In any restructuring, we need to balance better than we have the
competing needs for centralized and decentralized models for analysis
and collection. The hasty establishment of the TTIC and NCTC taught us
that the resistance encountered to these centralized models was in part
the result of legitimate leadership concern about degrading critical
capabilities needed in an increasingly decentralized Intelligence
Community. Structure, by itself, is no panacea.
the merits that some see to a new, stand-alone domestic intelligence
service (including on the UK or Canadian models), the proposal is
premature. I believe it is a bad idea in the first place. If adopted,
however, the original vision of its proponents would likely be
significantly altered in the counterproductive interplay between the
Administration and the Congress. The journey would be painful and
protracted, and the destination would not be what its proponents
planned, which was surely the case with DHS. .
Recommendation 3--Strengthen DHS and Give it an Overarching Domestic
Intelligence Role The President should publicly, as well as in his
leadership of the ITG, make clear his support for a strong DHS--with
the capabilities the Homeland Security Act intended--to coordinate the
programs and prioritize the activities of Federal, state, and local
governments to prevent man-made (e.g. terrorism) and natural disasters,
to protect our people and critical infrastructure, and to respond
effectively if such disasters should occur. DHS was designed in statute
to be an independent agency to nurture new capabilities to protect
America against information-age threats. If properly resourced and
supported by the White House, it would be well positioned to be
America's focal point for domestic intelligence.
Recommendation 4--Establish DHS Domestic Regions: The DHS second-phase
review should be revised to give the Secretary responsibility for
assuring a two-way intelligence exchange with state and local
governments--as well as with the 22 agencies incorporated into DHS. As a
matter of priority, it should call for the development of strong
regional organizations--indispensable to a national intelligence system
as well as to effective DHS preparedness and response--to help fulfill
this mission.
While the Federal Government in recent years
has fallen short in delivering threat-based information to enable state
and local governments and the private sector to prioritize critical
infrastructure protection, regions around the country have taken
impressive steps largely on their own to improve their counterterrorism
capabilities across jurisdictions. Obvious examples are New York City
(with Northern New Jersey), the District of Columbia (with Baltimore
and Richmond), Miami, Houston, Los-Angeles-Long Beach, Seattle-Tacoma,
Chicago, and Detroit.
These regions should have unfettered
access to all Federal intelligence agencies, not just the FBI or the
NCTC. The Federal Government has protested that it cannot grant
security clearances to 13,000 police departments across the country.
But it can clear selected officials in these eight regions as a start
toward a reliable and sustainable national intelligence system.
Recommendation 5--Clarify FBI's Particular Role in Domestic
Intelligence: The FBI, its fifty-six field stations, and its growing
network of over 120 Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) have a part to
play in the development of a national intelligence capability but, as
we have argued, it should be a collaborative, not a leading role. We
should, once and for all, lower expectations of a dominant role for the
Bureau in domestic intelligence. The FBI, unless the White House and
Congress are prepared to push a fundamental FBI restructuring in favor
of intelligence, should not be expected to produce either the
authoritative analysis of the terrorist threat to the homeland or a
national collection requirements system. The President and the ITG
should make FBI accountable only for developing an intelligence
collection system to support law enforcement and a limited analytic
capability in collaboration with state and local governments--both of
which the Bureau is pursuing now.
Recommendation 6: Clarify
Departmental Roles and Responsibilities: The President and the ITG
should work urgently to clarify roles and responsibilities of key
agencies with responsibilities for intelligence and homeland security
missions. The NCTC, DHS, DoD (especially the Northern Command), CIA,
and FBI, while understandably enlarging their missions, are bumping
into each other in the integration of foreign and domestic
intelligence, and colliding in establishing working relationships with
state and local governments. This is a manageable problem if caught
early, a serious issue with implications for preparedness, response,
and civil liberties if ignored. Recent press reports of military
involvement in domestic intelligence collection may or may not turn out
to be serious concerns for the protection of civil liberties. They are,
however, clear indications of a Federal Government and Congress that
have failed to clarify roles and responsibilities in a new threat
Recommendation 7--Promote Government-wide
Information Sharing: This goes to the heart of reform that will enable
us to fight tomorrow's war, not yesterday's. The Program Director for
Information Sharing, a position given government-wide authorities by
statute, should be placed preferably in the National Security Council
or otherwise in an invigorated DHS, not under the DNI where the White
House recently has placed it at least partly on the misguided
recommendation of the WMD Commission. The effect of the White House
action, which will be felt across the Federal Government as well as in
a jurisdiction-focused Congress, will be to foster the backward-looking
impression that information sharing is just an intelligence issue. It
also will take pressure off other agencies--including the Department of
Justice--to play seriously in this top-priority effort, and it will
guarantee the perpetuation of "legacy" behavior over the long term. It
lessons the probability that an effective, government-wide
information-sharing network, such as the Markle Trusted Network, will
be implemented any time soon.
Recommendation 8--Back the
DNI, but Hold Him Accountable: The President and the ITG should
actively support and carefully monitor the implementation of the DNI's
agenda to reform IC management, to professionalize the intelligence
service, and to improve intelligence collection and analysis. The DNI's
agenda should include priorities of common concern to DoD, DHS, and the
Attorney General: improving HUMINT capabilities to steal secrets (with
less public exposure), enhancing technical collection, and open-source
capabilities; upgrading analysis (with greater outside exposure);
establishing a cross-agency program evaluation capability; developing
interagency professional and technical training programs in a National
Intelligence University; building a user-friendly collection management
system capable of responding to real-time requirements in the field as
well as in Washington; and forging enduring relationships with outside
experts, especially with the global scientific community. The high
expectations on the DNI, of course, will only be realized if he has the
backing of the White House.
Recommendation 9--Clarify CIA's
Role Under the DNI: The advent of the DNI has ruptured CIA's 57-year
special relationship with the President. CIA analysts and HUMINT
officers were directly responsible through their Director to the
President as IC coordinators rather than to a cabinet-level
policymaker. The recent placement in CIA of the new National HUMINT
Service, with IC-wide coordinating responsibilities, is a good step.
The Agency's unique analytic capabilities need to be recognized and
fostered in a similar fashion. They are an invaluable asset to the DNI
and the President that should not be squandered.
Recommendation 10--Push Congressional Reform: The Executive Branch
should continue to press for the reform of Congressional jurisdiction.
The 9/11 Commission rendered a serious and damning critique of
Congressional oversight. Both the House and Senate have commendably
created committees to consolidate some of the far-flung jurisdiction on
homeland security, though jurisdiction still is scattered over multiple
committees and subcommittees. None of this, moreover, has changed the
inadequate oversight of the intelligence agencies or otherwise gone far
enough to align, in any lasting way, Executive and Legislative branch
priorities for IC reform. Reform of Congressional oversight will be a
continuous work in progress for the indefinite future. Improving
our intelligence capabilities is today an imperative, not an option, if
we are to confront the complicated, globally distributed, and
increasingly lethal national-security threats of the 21st century. -----------
The US Intelligence Community today is much more than technical
collection agencies in league with an espionage service. It is one of
the world's largest information companies, which is directly challenged
by the IT revolution to exploit the glut of open-source information; to
access the best sources of expertise on national security issues,
wherever they may reside; and to make the operational focus
global--including for domestic intelligence. The IT revolution has
literally transformed the IC workplace, significantly raised its
customers' expectations in Washington and in the field, and
fast-forwarded the movement of the complicated and dangerous world it
Transformation affects all players in the IC, who
must see intelligence more as a collaborative and less as a competitive
business. Technical collectors, primarily the National Security Agency
and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, are challenged as
never before to combine resources, to exploit together technologies of
common application, and to integrate their collection strategies. And
the espionage service, in its mission to "steal secrets," is impelled
to blend foreign and domestic perspectives, to fuse classified and
unclassified information, and to collaborate with other collection
disciplines in the difficult effort to penetrate evasive, fast-moving
On domestic intelligence, we are challenged to
build a national collaborative network--including Federal, state, and
local governments, and the private sector--that can bring together in
real time the best information, the foremost experts, and well trained
first responders to meet any threat to the homeland. This is the goal.
Achieving it is a long-term proposition in which we must confront the
twin obstacles of smarter, more capable adversaries and of persistent,
change-resistant US bureaucracies. We know there will be no easy fixes.
The core challenge for the Executive Branch and the Congress is to set
the right direction and stick with it.