Congressional Record: May 1, 2006 (Senate)
Page S3814                     

                           TEXT OF AMENDMENTS

   SA 3762. Mr. KERRY submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by 
him to the bill H.R. 4939, making emergency supplemental appropriations 
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and for other purposes; 
which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

       On page 126, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following:

  report on alleged clandestine detention facilities for individuals 
                captured in the global war on terrorism

       Sec. 1406. (a) In General.--The President shall ensure that 
     the United States Government continues to comply with the 
     authorization, reporting, and notification requirements of 
     title V of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 413 
     et seq.).
       (b) Director of National Intelligence Report.--
       (1) Report required.--Utilizing funds appropriated by this 
     Act and available for the intelligence and intelligence-
     related activities of the United States Government in an 
     amount not to exceed $100,000, the Director of National 
     Intelligence shall, not later than 60 days after the date of 
     the enactment of this Act, provide to the members of the 
     Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the 
     Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of 
     Representatives a detailed report setting forth the nature 
     and cost of, and otherwise providing a full accounting on, 
     any clandestine prison or detention facility currently or 
     formerly operated by the United States Government, regardless 
     of location, where detainees in the global war on terrorism 
     are or were being held.
       (2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall 
     set forth, for each prison or facility, if any, covered by 
     such report, the following:
       (A) The location and size of such prison or facility.
       (B) If such prison or facility is no longer being operated 
     by the United States Government, the disposition of such 
     prison or facility.
       (C) The number of detainees currently held or formerly 
     held, as the case may be, at such prison or facility.
       (D) Any plans for the ultimate disposition of any detainees 
     currently held at such prison or facility.
       (E) A description of the interrogation procedures used or 
     formerly used on detainees at such prison or facility and a 
     determination, in coordination with other appropriate 
     officials, on whether such procedures are or were in 
     compliance with United States obligations under the Geneva 
     Conventions and the Convention Against Torture.
       (3) Form of report.--The report required by paragraph (1) 
     shall be submitted in classified form.