Congressional Record: March 29, 2006 (Senate) Page S2535-S2537 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. SCHUMER: S. 2468. A bill to provide standing for civil actions for declaratory and injunctive relief to persons who refrain from electronic communications through fear of being subject to warrantless electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, one of the issues that has been hovering over this Chamber--and this country, of course--is the NSA program, the President's program to do wiretaps on American citizens if part of the call originated in a foreign country. First, let me stress that I think most of us in this Chamber, Democrat and Republican--certainly myself--believe the President should be given the tools he needs to fight terror. In this brave new world, the tools are different, and because a rule worked in 1960 or 1980 does not necessarily mean it works in 2005 or 2006 or 2004. We have to be flexible. I think you can be flexible in a way that both protects our security and protects our liberty. In most issues, this does not conflict. My watchword on most of these issues is: Have a debate, have a standard, and have an independent arbiter check that that standard is being met. That worked, for instance, in wiretaps. Before 1971, it was a mess. J. Edgar Hoover was listening in on whomever he chose. There was a debate on this issue. There was a standard--probable cause--and there is an independent arbiter, a federal judge, who determines whether probable cause is met. And it works. Neither the prosecutors nor the defense bar have any complaints. We could come to the same exact conclusion in the new world we face, where warrants are needed far more quickly regarding many more people. If you are doing information gathering where you look for patterns, that might be needed. Again, because one way worked in the past doesn't mean it still works, and I think most Members, myself included, want to be flexible. The problem is when the executive branch arrogates this issue to itself and says, We can decide to do whatever we want, either under the constitutional executive power--that is pretty broad--or even under a grant of war powers, a grant to use force which, as most know, I supported back when the President asked for it in 2001. Now there is a great debate. The President and his supporters say he was allowed to do these wiretaps without changing the law, without congressional approval. Some on the other side say he never should have been allowed to do it. I think that is a small minority. Many others say: Yes, he should be allowed to do it, but there ought to be a congressional debate, a change in the law, and perhaps a standard would be applied. Right now we are deadlocked on that issue. We are deadlocked because, whether it is the Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee on which I serve, this body in general, or the Nation--nobody knows, did the President go outside the ambit of the law about asking for a warrant? Some think yes, and they are pretty sure of that. Some think no, and they are pretty sure of it. They are pretty sure that he couldn't. Many are not sure at all. I ask you, who is the logical group or person to make that determination? The executive branch generally through our history has had a lean to expand executive power. That is natural. The legislative branch has had a lean on the other side. That is how the Founding Fathers set up our Government in their wisdom and it seems to have worked very well ever since 1789. To say we should just go along with what the executive branch wants is not going to work. Frankly, even though I am a Senator and believe in protecting the legislative prerogative, if we only did what the legislative branch wanted, that probably wouldn't work, either; and, needless to say, we are divided on this. The most logical place for this to be settled is in the U.S. Supreme Court. They don't side with executive or legislative power, necessarily. They are authoritative, they are respected, in a sense they are the supreme arbiters, and they could put this question to rest and we could move on. There is one difficulty. There will be people who will challenge these wiretaps through the normal process and we might get to the Supreme Court in 3 or 4 years. During all that time, the gridlock and deadlock we face on this issue, and the concomitant gridlock and deadlock that occurs in other issues related to this, would be hanging over this body. So I tried to figure out how can we get the Supreme Court to hear this case quickly. The bill I am introducing right now will do just that. We have consulted some expert authorities and there are two basic problems--one easier, one harder. The easier is to simply expedite the judicial process, to grant expedited review. The minute a case is decided in the district court, it goes right up to the Supreme Court because time is of the essence--and I believe it is here. We have good precedent for this. It was done recently so the Supreme Court could hear on an expedited basis McCain-Feingold, and they came to a conclusion, and elections could be held and we moved forward. That is a typical example of where you would do that. Our bill does grant such expedited review. But what about standing? How do you quickly get into the district court to do this? And, by the way, I have a feeling very few in this body would want to grant an expedited hearing to someone who might be participating in or accused of terrorism. So you have a dilemma that, while you want expedited review and it would seem logical that the Supreme Court should be the place, the cases that are out there are not the ones that would seem to merit that kind of expedited review--a special case; particularly if someone is accused of terrorism. We in New York know better than anywhere else that is a dastardly act. What we have done--frankly, in consultation with some leading experts on this--is we have granted standing to a [[Page S2536]] very narrow class of citizens who actually have refrained from making overseas calls because of a fear that they might be listened to under the NSA program. But these are not people who are accused of terrorism in any way. These are, rather, people who maybe would be--and it is a small class--business people who would regularly call, say, Afghanistan. Maybe they are importing rugs, who knows? But they are afraid to because their calls might be listened in to. It might be academics, maybe a professor of linguistics who might be doing research into the Pashtun language, and now has refrained from making calls. These are people who have been chilled by the reports that their calls might be listened in to. They are American citizens calling the foreign country and would have standing. Our bill gives those people standing, gives them a right to go to district court quickly and then with expedited review to the Supreme Court, so we could actually get a decision, very possibly, on whether the President's wiretapping was under the ambit of the law very quickly. It is very authoritative. It might break through the dilemmas we face. I am introducing this legislation this afternoon and I ask my colleagues to give it careful consideration. It is clearly not partisan legislation. Given the current composition of the Supreme Court and the two new Justices who have just been added, it is hardly a liberal or Democratic court, and it could settle the issue once and for all so our country could achieve some comity on this issue and move on and discuss other issues. I urge my colleagues and everyone else in this great country of ours to examine this legislation, see if they wish to support this legislation or something close to it, and maybe we can move this kind of bill on the floor quickly so we could get the kind of expedited review that I think many of us would seek from the one body that would have the authority to make such review ultimately, and that is the U.S. Supreme Court. The bill will be handed to the desk for introduction. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will be received and appropriately referred. ______
S 2468 IS
Mr. SCHUMER introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary