Congressional Record: March 20, 2002 (House) Page H1076 RECOGNIZING MS. DIANE S. ROARK The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Goss) is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. GOSS. Madam Speaker, in the past, usually during consideration of the Intelligence budget, I have risen before this body and mentioned the superb and thoroughly knowledgeable staff that resides in the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of which we are very proud. These individuals are specially selected because of their knowledge and their understanding of the intelligence world, a world that is actually very arcane and confusing to people who do not spend time in it. We do not talk a lot about these folks and they do not seek recognition. They are not that kind. They understand that much of the work must be done in secret so as not to betray the sensitive information they handle, but let me assure my colleagues and the American people that this group of dedicated people works very hard, and they dig very deeply into the operations of the Intelligence Community in order to ensure that there is oversight of intelligence activity and that our Nation is secure and the Intelligence Community is playing by the rules. I want to specifically recognize one of these dedicated people who has served the committee and our country diligently for almost 2 decades. Her name is Diane Roark, and I am sorry to say that when this body reconvenes in April Diane will no longer be on our staff. She is retiring from the House and from government service. Madam Speaker, Diane first joined the committee in April 1985, having previously served in the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, and just prior to joining us, on the National Security Council, where she was Deputy Director of Intelligence Programs. Since joining the committee, Diane has excelled in the very difficult, technical areas of our oversight. She was the program monitor for the National Reconnaissance Office where she not only challenged the embedded bureaucracy and made it become more innovative in approaches to future election, but she also forced the office to restructure and reform their fiscal accountability system so that oversight was assured. Most recently, Diane has been our program manager for the National Security Agency, a vital agency for us. This agency has many, severe challenges, Madam Speaker, and if it were not for the efforts of Ms. Roark, I do believe that our committee's efforts to oversee and advocate for NAS would have been much less effective, and for that she has my personal thanks. Diane is known as a very dedicated, tough-minded program monitor who digs into the issues and forces agencies to see and understand what they sometimes miss themselves. She is also known as a very knowledgeable task master, and her arrival at an agency is often anticipated with apprehension. Those managing the community know that she is usually on the mark with her assessments and that she takes the public's trust very well to heart. Recently, one of the senior managers within the community commented on her performance by saying that our staff ``is very aggressive in their oversight and has a very serious and in-depth knowledge of our programs, sometimes a better understanding than some of the senior managers do.'' I think that this is the type of oversight capability that the American people are entitled to and should demand. I cannot think of any greater tribute for Diane than knowing that agency leaders throughout the community recognize that her instincts and assessments are sound. So, Madam Speaker, it is with some sadness that I rise today to say farewell to a public servant who has dedicated a career to ensuring our security, each and every one of us. Diane's departure is truly our loss, although I know that her younger son, Bryce, will enjoy having Mom around home more. We are going to miss her. On behalf of the committee I thank Diane for her professionalism, her dedication, her unfailing commitment to our Nation and its security. We wish her well in her future endeavors, whatever they be. Know that she has served her country well and she will be missed. Job well done. ____________________