Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.
The CHAIRMAN. Was the amendment printed in the Congressional Record?
Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Chairman, this is the amendment authorized by unanimous consent.
The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will report the amendment.
The Clerk read as follows:
Amendment offered by Mr. Traficant:
Page 10, after line 15, insert the following new section:
No funds appropriated pursuant to this Act may be expended by an entity unless the entity agrees that in expending the assistance the entity will comply with sections 2 through 4 of the Act of March 3, 1933 (41 U.S.C. 10a-10c, popularly known as the `Buy American Act').
(a) Purchase of American-Made Equipment and Products.--In the case of any equipment or products that may be authorized to be purchased with financial assistance provided under this Act, it is the sense of the Congress that entities receiving such assistance should, in expending the assistance, purchase only American-made equipment and products.
(b) Notice to Recipients of Assistance.--In providing financial assistance under the Act, the head of the appropriate element of the Intelligence Community shall provide to each recipient of the assistance a notice describing the statement made in subsection (a) by the Congress.
If it has been finally determined by a court or Federal agency that any person intentionally affixed a fraudulent label bearing a `Made in America' inscription, or any inscription with the same meaning, to any product sold in or shipped to the United States that was not made in the United States, such person shall be ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds provided pursuant to this Act, pursuant to the debarment, suspension, and ineligibility procedures described in sections 9.400 through 9.409 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations.
Mr. TRAFICANT (during the reading). Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that the amendment be considered as read and printed in the Record.
The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ohio?
There was no objection.
Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Chairman, one of the most innovative Members of the House, the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. Barney Frank, said this is the Spy America Amendment, so I will accept that. He is usually very brilliant. I will call it the Spy Buy America Amendment.
If we are going to have all these covert buys and all this covert budget, we can have a covert understanding that when they buy these high-technology James Bond items, they try to buy them in America and from American producers, from American workers and companies who pay corporation taxes and who pay income taxes and excise taxes and hidden taxes and sales taxes and property taxes and State taxes and estate taxes and inheritance taxes and surtaxes and hidden taxes. We should hold them to account in an attempt to at least buy in America.
Mr. GOSS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. TRAFICANT. I yield to the gentleman from Florida.
Mr. GOSS. Mr. Chairman, I would be happy to accept the amendment, of course, because I understand it was inadvertently left out, and it is not a new issue; it is one that I have supported before.
I just want to make sure the gentleman is entirely clear that occasionally, because of the uniqueness of the intelligence business, it is necessary to buy something that is not American made or to acquire something that is not American made, and I want the gentleman to fully understand that that is not a violation of the spirit.
[Page: H4960]
Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Chairman, reclaiming my time, if the gentleman was, for example, a Korean spy, he would want to buy American to make us think that the gentleman was close to America. So who is to know? It is like a stealth amendment.
Mr. DICKS. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. TRAFICANT. I yield to the gentleman from Washington.
(Mr. DICKS asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. DICKS. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the gentleman yielding.
We have no problem with his amendment. We have supported it enthusiastically in the past, but the chairman is correct; we have to understand there will be times when we will have to do something that might breach the amendment.
Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Chairman, we understand that.
I ask for support on the amendment and move the question.
The CHAIRMAN. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. Traficant].
The amendment was agreed to.