TRIBUTE TO THE MEN OF THE U.S.S. LIBERTY -- HON. BOB FRANKS (Extension of Remarks - June 18, 1997)
[Page: E1253]
in the House of Representatives
- Mr. FRANKS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the 34 men who gave their lives in the defense of the U.S.S. Liberty 30 years ago.
- On June 8, 1967, the American intelligence ship U.S.S. Liberty was attacked during a grueling 75 minute strike in the Mediterranean Sea. The unarmed ship was defended with great honor and valor during the onslaught. The entire crew battled to keep the ship afloat after rocket attacks and a torpedo hit. Despite these debilitating attacks, the crew managed to save the ship and guide her safely to port. However, 34 American men lost their lives due to enemy fire and in attempts to save the ship.
- Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this moment to pay tribute to the men who gave their lives in defense of the U.S.S. Liberty. This selfless act reminds us of the commitment that our servicemen and women demonstrate every day and the extreme dangers inherent in the defense of the U.S. Congress and the citizens of our country should be mindful of their sacrifice and valor.
- This memorial shall serve as a tribute to the men of the U.S.S. Liberty who served their country so faithfully. I urge my colleagues to join me and applaud the actions of these men and their families and friends who keep their memory alive.