Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.
Mr. Speaker, I say to my colleagues, particularly on this side of the aisle, look what I have in my hand. It is the United States Department of State's April 1996, Patterns of Global Terrorism Report from 1 month ago. Let me read what it says.
It says, `Iran: Iran remains the premier state sponsor of international terrorism and is deeply involved in the planning and execution of terrorist acts, both by its own agents and by surrogate groups.' Surrogate groups that were placed in Bosnia to do their dirty work.
The report goes on to say, `Iran gives varying degrees of assistance to an assortment of radical Islamic and secular groups. Iran continues to view the United States of America as its principal foreign adversary, supporting groups such as Hezbollah that pose a threat to United States citizens.'
Mr. Speaker, that is what this is all about. To my colleagues who will attempt to defeat the previous question in order to force the Committee on International Relations to accomplish this same thing without the addition of one additional subcommittee, I say we cannot do that because on opening day a year and a half ago we cut one-third of the employees of this Congress. We have cut them out by one-third. We eliminated two subcommittees in the Committee on International Relations. They cannot do it without this amendment, without this report, without this resolution.
Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to please defeat the previous question and let us get on with our business.
Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time, and I move the previous question on the resolution.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Hansen). The question is on ordering the previous question.
The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the noes appeared to have it.
Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a quorum is not present and make the point of order that a quorum is not present.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evidently a quorum is not present.
The Sergeant at Arms will notify absent Members.
Pursuant to the provisions of clause 5 of rule XV, the Chair announces that he will reduce to a minimum of 5 minutes the period of time within which a vote by electronic device, if ordered, will be taken on the question of agreeing to the resolution.
The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 227, nays 187, not voting 19, as follows:
[Page: H4549]
Roll No. 150
[Roll No. 150]
- Allard
- Archer
- Armey
- Bachus
- Baker (CA)
- Baker (LA)
- Ballenger
- Barr
- Barrett (NE)
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Bass
- Bateman
- Bereuter
- Bilbray
- Bilirakis
- Bliley
- Blute
- Boehlert
- Boehner
- Bonilla
- Bono
- Brownback
- Bryant(TN)
- Bunn
- Bunning
- Burr
- Burton
- Buyer
- Callahan
- Calvert
- Camp
- Campbell
- Canady
- Castle
- Chabot
- Chambliss
- Chenoweth
- Christensen
- Chrysler
- Clinger
- Coble
- Coburn
- Collins (GA)
- Combest
- Cooley
- Crane
- Crapo
- Cremeans
- Cubin
- Cunningham
- Davis
- Deal
- DeLay
- Diaz-Balart
- Dickey
- Doolittle
- Dornan
- Dreier
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Ehlers
- Ehrlich
- Emerson
- English
- Ensign
- Everett
- Ewing
- Fawell
- Fields (TX)
- Flanagan
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Fox
- Franks (CT)
- Franks (NJ)
- Frelinghuysen
- Frisa
- Funderburk
- Gallegly
- Ganske
- Gekas
- Gilchrest
- Gillmor
- Gilman
- Goodlatte
- Goodling
- Goss
- Graham
- Greenwood
- Gunderson
- Gutknecht
- Hancock
- Hansen
- Hastert
- Hastings (WA)
- Hayworth
- Hefley
- Heineman
- Herger
- Hilleary
- Hobson
- Hoekstra
- Hoke
- Horn
- Houghton
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Inglis
- Istook
- Johnson (CT)
- Johnson, Sam
- Jones
- Kasich
- Kelly
- Kim
- King
- Kingston
- Klug
- Knollenberg
- Kolbe
- LaHood
- Largent
- Latham
- LaTourette
- Laughlin
- Lazio
- Leach
- Lewis (CA)
- Lewis (KY)
- Lightfoot
- Linder
- Livingston
- LoBiondo
- Longley
- Lucas
- Manzullo
- Martinez
- Martini
- McCollum
- McCrery
- McDade
- McHugh
- McInnis
- McKeon
- Metcalf
- Meyers
- Mica
- Miller (FL)
- Moorhead
- Morella
- Myers
- Myrick
- Nethercutt
- Neumann
- Ney
- Norwood
- Nussle
- Oxley
- Packard
- Parker
- Paxon
- Petri
- Pombo
- Porter
- Portman
- Pryce
- Quillen
- Quinn
- Radanovich
- Ramstad
- Regula
- Roberts
- Rogers
- Rohrabacher
- Ros-Lehtinen
- Roukema
- Royce
- Salmon
- Sanford
- Saxton
- Scarborough
- Schaefer
- Schiff
- Seastrand
- Sensenbrenner
- Shadegg
- Shaw
- Shays
- Shuster
- Skeen
- Smith (MI)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Smith (WA)
- Solomon
- Souder
- Spence
- Stearns
- Stockman
- Stump
- Talent
- Tate
- Taylor (NC)
- Thomas
- Thornberry
- Tiahrt
- Torkildsen
- Upton
- Vucanovich
- Walker
- Walsh
- Wamp
- Watts (OK)
- Weldon (FL)
- Weldon (PA)
- Weller
- White
- Whitfield
- Wicker
- Wolf
- Young (AK)
- Young (FL)
- Zeliff
- Zimmer
- Abercrombie
- Ackerman
- Andrews
- Baesler
- Baldacci
- Barcia
- Barrett (WI)
- Becerra
- Beilenson
- Bentsen
- Berman
- Bevill
- Bishop
- Bonior
- Borski
- Boucher
- Brewster
- Browder
- Brown (CA)
- Brown (FL)
- Brown (OH)
- Bryant (TX)
- Cardin
- Chapman
- Clay
- Clayton
- Clement
- Clyburn
- Coleman
- Collins (IL)
- Collins (MI)
- Condit
- Conyers
- Costello
- Cramer
- Cummings
- Danner
- DeFazio
- DeLauro
- Dellums
- Deutsch
- Dicks
- Dingell
- Dixon
- Doggett
- Dooley
- Doyle
- Durbin
- Edwards
- Engel
- Eshoo
- Evans
- Farr
- Fattah
- Fazio
- Fields (LA)
- Filner
- Flake
- Foglietta
- Frank (MA)
- Frost
- Furse
- Gejdenson
- Gephardt
- Geren
- Gibbons
- Gonzalez
- Gordon
- Green (TX)
- Gutierrez
- Hall (OH)
- Hall (TX)
- Hamilton
- Harman
- Hastings (FL)
- Hefner
- Hilliard
- Hinchey
- Holden
- Hoyer
- Jackson (IL)
- Jackson-Lee (TX)
- Jacobs
- Jefferson
- Johnson (SD)
- Johnson, E. B.
- Johnston
- Kanjorski
- Kaptur
- Kennedy (MA)
- Kennedy (RI)
- Kennelly
- Kildee
- Kleczka
- Klink
- LaFalce
- Lantos
- Levin
- Lewis (GA)
- Lincoln
- Lipinski
- Lofgren
- Lowey
- Luther
- Maloney
- Manton
- Markey
- Mascara
- Matsui
- McCarthy
- McDermott
- McHale
- McKinney
- McNulty
- Meehan
- Meek
- Menendez
- Millender-McDonald
- Miller (CA)
- Minge
- Mink
- Moakley
- Mollohan
- Moran
- Murtha
- Nadler
- Neal
- Oberstar
- Obey
- Olver
- Ortiz
- Orton
- Pallone
- Pastor
- Payne (NJ)
- Pelosi
- Peterson ()
- Peterson(MN)
- Pickett
- Pomeroy
- Poshard
- Rahall
- Rangel
- Reed
- Richardson
- Rivers
- Rose
- Roybal-Allard
- Rush
- Sabo
- Sanders
- Sawyer
- Schroeder
- Schumer
- Scott
- Serrano
- Sisisky
- Skaggs
- Skelton
- Slaughter
- Spratt
- Stark
- Stenholm
- Stokes
- Studds
- Stupak
- Tanner
- Taylor MS)
- Tejeda
- Thompson
- Thornton
- Thurman
- Torres
- Torricelli
- Towns
- Traficant
- Velazquez
- Vento
- Volkmer
- Ward
- Waters
- Watt (NC)
- Waxman
- Williams
- Wise
- Wynn
- Yates
- Cox
- Coyne
- de la Garza
- Ford
- Greene (UT)
- Hayes
- Hostettler
- McIntosh
- Molinari
- Montgomery
- Owens
- Payne (VA)
- Riggs
- Roemer
- Roth
- Tauzin
- Visclosky
- Wilson
- Woolsey
[TIME: 1256]
The Clerk announced the following pair:
On this vote:
Mr. McIntosh for, with Mr. Roemer against.
Mr. CRAMER changed his vote from `yea' to `nay.'
So the previous question was ordered.
The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Hansen). The question is on the resolution.
The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the ayes appeared to have it.
Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I demand a recorded vote.
A recorded vote was ordered.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a 5-minute vote.
The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--ayes 224, noes 187, not voting 22, as follows:
Roll No 151
[Roll No 151]
- Allard
- Archer
- Armey
- Bachus
- Baker (CA)
- Baker (LA)
- Ballenger
- Barr
- Barrett (NE)
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Bass
- Bateman
- Bereuter
- Bilbray
- Bilirakis
- Bliley
- Blute
- Boehlert
- Boehner
- Bonilla
- Bono
- Brownback
- Bryant (TN)
- Bunn
- Bunning
- Burr
- Burton
- Buyer
- Callahan
- Calvert
- Camp
- Campbell
- Canady
- Castle
- Chabot
- Chambliss
- Chenoweth
- Christensen
- Chrysler
- Clinger
- Coble
- Coburn
- Collins (GA)
- Combest
- Cooley
- Crane
- Crapo
- Cremeans
- Cubin
- Cunningham
- Davis
- Deal
- DeLay
- Diaz-Balart
- Doolittle
- Dornan
- Dreier
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Ehlers
- Ehrlich
- Emerson
- English
- Ensign
- Everett
- Ewing
- Fawell
- Fields (TX)
- Flanagan
- Foley
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Fox
- Franks (CT)
- Franks (NJ)
- Frelinghuysen
- Frisa
- Funderburk
- Gallegly
- Ganske
- Gekas
- Gilchrest
- Gillmor
- Gilman
- Goodlatte
- Goodling
- Goss
- Graham
- Greenwood
- Gunderson
- Gutknecht
- Hall (TX)
- Hancock
- Hansen
- Hastert
- Hastings (WA)
- Hayworth
- Hefley
- Heineman
- Herger
- Hilleary
- Hobson
- Hoekstra
- Hoke
- Horn
- Houghton
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Inglis
- Istook
- Johnson (CT)
- Johnson, Sam
- Jones
- Kasich
- Kelly
- Kim
- King
- Kingston
- Klug
- Knollenberg
- Kolbe
- LaHood
- Largent
- Latham
- LaTourette
- Laughlin
- Lazio
- Lewis (CA)
- Lewis (KY)
- Lightfoot
- Linder
- Livingston
- LoBiondo
- Longley
- Lucas
- Manzullo
- Martinez
- Martini
- McCollum
- McCrery
- McDade
- McHugh
- McInnis
- McIntosh
- McKeon
- Metcalf
- Meyers
- Mica
- Miller (FL)
- Moorhead
- Morella
- Myers
- Myrick
- Nethercutt
- Neumann
- Ney
- Norwood
- Nussle
- Oxley
- Packard
- Parker
- Paxon
- Petri
- Pombo
- Porter
- Portman
- Quillen
- Radanovich
- Ramstad
- Regula
- Roberts
- Rogers
- Rohrabacher
- Ros-Lehtinen
- Roukema
- Royce
- Salmon
- Sanford
- Saxton
- Scarborough
- Schaefer
- Schiff
- Seastrand
- Sensenbrenner
- Shadegg
- Shaw
- Shays
- Shuster
- Skeen
- Smith (MI)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Smith (WA)
- Solomon
- Souder
- Spence
- Stearns
- Stockman
- Stump
- Tate
- Taylor (MS)
- Taylor (NC)
- Thomas
- Thornberry
- Tiahrt
- Torkildsen
- Upton
- Vucanovich
- Walker
- Walsh
- Wamp
- Watts (OK)
- Weldon (FL)
- Weldon (PA)
- Weller
- White
- Wicker
- Wolf
- Young (AK)
- Young (FL)
- Zeliff
- Zimmer
- Abercrombie
- Ackerman
- Andrews
- Baesler
- Baldacci
- Barcia
- Barrett (WI)
- Becerra
- Beilenson
- Bentsen
- Berman
- Bevill
- Bishop
- Bonior
- Borski
- Boucher
- Brewster
- Browder
- Brown (CA)
- Brown (FL)
- Brown (OH)
- Bryant (TX)
- Cardin
- Chapman
- Clay
- Clayton
- Clement
- Clyburn
- Coleman
- Collins (IL)
- Collins (MI)
- Condit
- Conyers
- Costello
- Cramer
- Cummings
- Danner
- DeFazio
- DeLauro
- Dellums
- Deutsch
- Dicks
- Dingell
- Dixon
- Doggett
- Dooley
- Doyle
- Durbin
- Edwards
- Engel
- Eshoo
- Evans
- Farr
- Fattah
- Fazio
- Fields (LA)
- Filner
- Flake
- Foglietta
- Frank (MA)
- Frost
- Furse
- Gejdenson
- Gephardt
- Geren
- Gibbons
- Gonzalez
- Gordon
- Green (TX)
- Gutierrez
- Hall (OH)
- Hamilton
- Harman
- Hastings (FL)
- Hefner
- Hilliard
- Hinchey
- Holden
- Hoyer
- Jackson (IL)
- Jackson-Lee (TX)
- Jacobs
- Jefferson
- Johnson (SD)
- Johnson, E. B.
- Kanjorski
- Kaptur
- Kennedy (MA)
- Kennedy (RI)
- Kennelly
- Kildee
- Kleczka
- Klink
- LaFalce
- Lantos
- Levin
- Lewis (GA)
- Lincoln
- Lipinski
- Lofgren
- Lowey
- Luther
- Maloney
- Manton
- Markey
- Mascara
- Matsui
- McCarthy
- McDermott
- McHale
- McKinney
- McNulty
- Meehan
- Meek
- Menendez
- Millender-McDonald
- Miller (CA)
- Minge
- Mink
- Moakley
- Mollohan
- Moran
- Murtha
- Nadler
- Neal
- Oberstar
- Obey
- Olver
- Ortiz
- Orton
- Pallone
- Pastor
- Payne (NJ)
- Payne (VA)
- Pelosi
- Peterson (FL)
- Peterson (MN)
- Pickett
- Pomeroy
- Poshard
- Rahall
- Rangel
- Reed
- Richardson
- Rivers
- Roemer
- Rose
- Roybal-Allard
- Rush
- Sabo
- Sanders
- Sawyer
- Schroeder
- Schumer
- Scott
- Serrano
- Sisisky
- Skaggs
- Skelton
- Slaughter
- Spratt
- Stark
- Stenholm
- Stokes
- Studds
- Stupak
- Tanner
- Tejeda
- Thompson
- Thornton
- Thurman
- Torres
- Torricelli
- Towns
- Traficant
- Velazquez
- Vento
- Volkmer
- Ward
- Waters
- Watt (NC)
- Waxman
- Williams
- Wise
- Woolsey
- Wynn
- Yates
[Page: H4550]
- Cox
- Coyne
- de la Garza
- Dickey
- Ford
- Greene (UT)
- Hayes
- Hostettler
- Johnston
- Leach
- Molinari
- Montgomery
- Owens
- Pryce
- Quinn
- Riggs
- Roth
- Talent
- Tauzin
- Visclosky
- Whitfield
- Wilson
[TIME: 1305]
Mr. NEUMANN changed his vote from `no' to `aye.'
So the resolution was agreed to.
The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.