Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I submit the following material for the Record:


Bill No.; Title; Resolution No.; Process used for floor consideration; Amendments in order.

H.R. 1*; Compliance.

H. Res. 6; Closed; None.

H. Res. 6; Opening Day Rules Package.

H. Res. 5; Closed; contained a closed rule on H.R. 1 within the closed rule; None.

H.R. 5*; Unfunded Mandates.

H. Res. 38; Restrictive; Motion adopted over Democratic objection in the Committee of the Whole to limit debate on section 4; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.J. Res. 2*; Balanced Budget.

H. Res. 44; Restrictive; only certain substitutes; PQ 2R; 4D.

H. Res. 43; Committee Hearings Scheduling.

H. Res. 43 (OJ) Restrictive; considered in House no amendments; N/A.

H.R. 101; To transfer a parcel of land to the Taos Pueblo Indians of New Mexico.

H. Res. 51; Open; N/A.

H.R. 400; To provide for the exchange of lands within Gates of the Arctic National Park Preserve.

H. Res. 52; Open; N/A.

H.R. 440; To provide for the conveyance of lands to certain individuals in Butte County, California.

H. Res. 53; Open; N/A.

H.R. 2*; Line Item Veto.

H. Res. 55; Open; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.R. 665*; Victim Restitution Act of 1995.

H. Res. 61; Open; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.R. 666*; Exclusionary Rule Reform Act of 1995.

H. Res. 60; Open; Pre-printing gets preference.

H.R. 667*; Violent Criminal Incarceration Act of 1995.

H. Res. 63; Restrictive; 10 hr. Time Cap on amendments; N/A.

H.R. 668*; The Criminal Alien Deportation Improvement Act.

H. Res. 69; Open; Pre-printing gets preference; Contains self-executing provision; N/A.

H.R. 728*; Local Government Law Enforcement Block Grants.

H. Res. 79; Restrictive; 10 hr. Time Cap on amendments; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.R. 7*; National Security Revitalization Act.

H. Res. 83; Restrictive; 10 hr. Time Cap on amendments; Pre-printing gets preference; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 729*; Death Penalty/Habeas; N/A; Restrictive; brought up under UC with a 6 hr. time cap on amendments; N/A.

S. 2; Senate Compliance; N/A; Closed; Put on Suspension Calendar over Democratic objection; None.

H.R. 831; To Permanently Extend the Health Insurance Deduction for the Self-Employed.

H. Res. 88; Restrictive; makes in order only the Gibbons amendment; Waives all points of order; Contains self-executing provision; PQ, 1D.

H.R. 830*; The Paperwork Reduction Act.

H. Res. 91; Open; N/A.

H.R. 889; Emergency Supplemental/Rescinding Certain Budget Authority.

H. Res. 92; Restrictive; makes in order only the obey substitute 1D.

H.R. 450*; Regulatory Moratorium.

H. Res. 93; Restrictive; 10 hr. Time Cap on amendments; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.R. 1022*; Risk Assessment.

H. Res. 96;Restrictive; 10 hr. Time Cap on amendments; N./A.

H.R. 926*; Regulatory Flexibility.

H. Res. 100; Open; N/A.

H.R. 925*; Private Property Protection Act.

H. Res. 101; Restrictive; 12 hr. time cap on amendments; Requires Members to pre-print their amendments in the Record prior to the bill's consideration for amendment, waives germaneness and budget act points of order as well as points of order concerning appropriating on a legislative bill against the committee substitute used as base text 1D.

H.R. 1058*; Securities Litigation Reform Act.

H. Res. 105; Restrictive; 8 hr. time cap on amendments; Pre-printing gets preference; Makes in order the Wyden amendment and waives germaneness against it; 1D.

H.R. 988*; The Attorney Accountability Act of 1995.

H. Res. 104; Restrictive; 7 hr. time cap on amendments; Pre-printing gets preference; N/A.

H.R. 956*; Product Liability and Legal Reform Act.

H. Res. 109; Restrictive; makes in order only 15 germane amendments and denies 64 germane amendments from being considered; PQ; 8D; 7R.

H.R. 1158; Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions.

H. Res. 115; Restrictive; Combines emergency H.R. 1158 & nonemergency 1159 and strikes the abortion provision; makes in order only pre-printed amendments that include offsets within the same chapter (deeper cuts in programs already cut); waives points of order against three amendments; waives cl 2 of rule XXI against the bill, cl 2, XXI and cl 7 of rule XVI against the substitute; waives cl 2(e) of rule XXI against the amendments in the Record; 10 hr time cap on amendments. 30 minutes debate on each amendment; N/A.

H.J. Res. 73*; Term Limits.

H. Res. 116; Restrictive; Makes in order only 4 amendments considered under a `Queen of the Hill' procedure and denies 21 germane amendments from being considered; 1D; 3R.

H.R. 4*; Welfare Reform.

H. Res. 119; Restrictive; Makes in order only 31 perfecting amendments and two substitutes; Denies 130 germane amendments from being considered; The substitutes are to be considered under a `Queen of the Hill' procedure; All points of order are waived against the amendments; 5D; 26R.

H.R. 1271*; Family Privacy Act.

H. Res. 125; Open; N/A.

H.R. 660*; Housing for Older Persons Act.

H. Res. 126; Open; N/A.

H.R. 1215*; The Contract With America Tax Relief Act of 1995.

H. Res. 129; Restrictive; Self Executes language that makes tax cuts contingent on the adoption of a balanced budget plan and strikes section 3006. Makes in order only one substitute. Waives all points of order against the bill, substitute made in order as original text and Gephardt substitute; 1D.

H.R. 483; Medicare Select Extension.

H. Res. 130; Restrictive; waives cl 2(1)(6) of rule XI against the bill; makes H.R. 1391 in order as original text; makes in order only the Dingell substitute; allows Commerce Committee to file a report on the bill at any time; 1D.

H.R. 655; Hydrogen Future Act.

H. Res. 136; Open; N/A.

H.R. 1361; Coast Guard Authorization.

H. Res. 139; Open; waives sections 302(f) and 308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act against the bill's consideration and the committee substitute; waives cl 5(a) of rule XXI against the committee substitute; N/A.

H.R. 961; Clean Water Act.

H. Res. 140; Open; pre-printing gets preference; waives sections 302(f) and 602(b) of the Budget Act against the bill's consideration; waives cl 7 of rule XVI, cl 5(a) of rule XXI and section 302(f) of the Budget Act against the committee substitute. Makes in order Shuster substitute as first order of business; N/A.

H.R. 535; Corning National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act.

H. Res. 144; Open; N/A.

H.R. 584; Conveyance of the Fairport National Fish Hatchery to the State of Iowa.

H. Res. 145; Open; N/A.

H.R. 614; Conveyance of the New London National Fish Hatchery Production Facility.

H. Res. 146; Open; N/A.

H. Con. Res. 67; Budget Resolution.

H. Res. 149; Restrictive; Makes in order 4 substitutes under regular order; Gephardt, Neumann/Solomon, Payne/Owens, President's Budget if printed in Record on 5/17/95; waives all points of order against substitutes and concurrent resolution; suspends application of Rule XLIX with respect to the resolution; self-executes Agriculture language; PQ; 3D; 1R.

H.R. 1561; American Overseas Interests Act of 1995.

H. Res. 155; Restrictive; Requires amendments to be printed in the Record prior to their consideration; 10 hr. time cap; waives cl 2(1)(6) of rule XI against the bill's consideration; Also waives sections 302(f), 303(a), 308(a) and 402(a) against the bill's consideration and the committee amendment in order as original text; waives cl 5(a) of rule XXI against the amendment; amendment consideration is closed at 2:30 p.m. on May 25, 1995. Self-executes provision which removes section 2210 from the bill. This was done at the request of the Budget Committee; N/A.

H.R. 1530l National Defense Authorization Act; FY 1996.

H. Res. 164; Restrictive; Makes in order only the amendments printed in the report; waives all points of order against the bill, substitute and amendments printed in the report. Gives the Chairman en bloc authority. Self-executes a provision which strikes section 807 of the bill; provides for an additional 30 min. of debate on Nunn-Lugar section; Allows Mr. Clinger to offer a modification of his amendment with the concurrence of Ms. Collins; PQ; 36R; 18D; 2 Bipartisan.

H.R. 1817; Military Construction Appropriations; FY 1996.

H. Res. 167; Open; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against the bill; 1 hr. general debate; Uses House passed budget numbers as threshold for spending amounts pending passage of Budget; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1854; Legislative Branch Appropriations.

H. Res. 169; Restrictive; Makes in order only 11 amendments; waives sections 302(f) and 308(a) of the Budget Act against the bill and cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against the bill. All points of order are waived against the amendments; PQ; 5R; 4D; 2 Bipartisan.

H.R. 1868; Foreign Operations Appropriations.

H. Res. 170; Open; waives cl. 2, cl. 5(b), and cl. 6 of rule XXI against the bill; makes in order the Gilman amendments as first order of business; waives all points of order against the amendments; if adopted they will be considered as original text; waives cl. 2 of rule XXI against the amendments printed in the report. Pre-printing gets priority (Hall) (Menendez) (Goss) (Smith, NJ); PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1905; Energy & Water Appropriations.

H. Res. 171; Open; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against the bill; makes in order the Shuster amendment as the first order of business; waives all points of order against the amendment; if adopted it will be considered as original text; Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.J. Res. 79; Constitutional Amendment to Permit Congress and States to Prohibit the Physical Desecration of the American Flag.

H. Res. 173; Closed; provides one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit with or without instructions; if there are instructions, the MO is debatable for 1 hr; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1944; Recissions Bill.

H. Res. 175; Restrictive; Provides for consideration of the bill in the House; Permits the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee to offer one amendment which is unamendable; waives all points of order against the amendment; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1868 (2nd rule); Foreign Operations Appropriations.

H. Res. 177; Restrictive; Provides for further consideration of the bill; makes in order only the four amendments printed in the rules report (20 min. each). Waives all points of order against the amendments; Prohibits intervening motions in the Committee of the Whole; Provides for an automatic rise and report following the disposition of the amendments; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1977 *Rule Defeated*; Interior Appropriations.

H. Res. 185; Open; waives sections 302(f) and 308(a) of the Budget Act and cl 2 and cl 6 of rule XXI; provides that the bill be read by title; waives all points of order against the Tauzin amendment; self-executes Budget Committee amendment; waives cl 2(e) of rule XXI against amendments to the bill; Pre-printing gets priority; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1977; Interior Appropriations.

H. Res. 187; Open; waives sections 302(f), 306 and 308(a) of the Budget Act; waives clauses 2 and 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; waives all points of order against the Tauzin amendment; provides that the bill be read by title; self-executes Budget Committee amendment and makes NEA funding subject to House passed authorization; waives cl 2(e) of rule XXI against the amendments to the bill; Pre-printing gets priority; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1976; Agriculture Appropriations.

H. Res. 188; Open; waives clauses 2 and 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; provides that the bill be read by title; Makes Skeen amendment first order of business, if adopted the amendment will be considered as base text (10 min.); Pre-printing gets priority; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1977 (3rd rule); Interior Appropriations.

H. Res. 189; Restrictive; provides for the further consideration of the bill; allows only amendments pre-printed before July 14th to be considered; limits motions to rise; N/A.

H.R. 2020; Treasury Postal Appropriations.

H. Res. 190; Open; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; provides the bill be read by title; Pre-printing gets priority; PQ; N/A.

H.J. Res. 96; Disapproving MFN for China.

H. Res. 193 Restrictive; provides for consideration in the House of H.R. 2058 (90 min.) And H.J. Res. 96 (1 hr). Waives certain provisions of the Trade Act; N/A.

H.R. 2002; Transportation Appropriations.

H. Res. 194; Open; waives cl. 3 0f rule XIII and section 401 (a) of the CBA against consideration of the bill; waives cl. 6 and cl. 2 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; Makes in order the Clinger/Solomon amendment waives all points of order against the amendment (Line Item Veto); provides the bill be read by title; Pre-printing gets priority; PQ. *RULE AMENDED*; N/A.

H.R. 70; Exports of Alaskan North Slope Oil.

H. Res. 197; Open; Makes in order the Resources Committee amendment in the nature of a substitute as original text; Pre-printing gets priority; Provides a Senate hook-up with S. 395; N/A.

H.R. 2076; Commerce, Justice Appropriations.

H. Res. 198; Open; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; Pre-printing gets priority; provides the bill be read by title; N/A.

H.R. 2099; VA/HUD Appropriations.

H. Res. 201; Open; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; Provides that the amendment in part 1 of the report is the first business, if adopted it will be considered as base text (30 min.); waives all points of order against the Klug and Davis amendments; Pre-printing gets priority; Provides that the bill be read by title; N/A.

S. 21; Termination of U.S. Arms Embargo on Bosnia.

H. Res. 204; Restrictive; 3 hours of general debate; Makes in order an amendment to be offered by the Minority Leader or a designee (1 hr); If motion to recommit has instructions it can only be offered by the Minority Leader or a designee; ID.

H.R. 2126; Defense Appropriations.

H. Res. 205; Open; waives cl. 2(l)(6) of rule XI and section 306 of the Congressional Budget Act against consideration of the bill; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; self-executes a strike of sections 8021 and 8024 of the bill as requested by the Budget Committee; Pre-printing gets priority; Provides the bill be read by title; N/A.

H.R. 1555; Communications Act of 1995.

H. Res. 207; Restrictive; waives sec. 302(f) of the Budget Act against consideration of the bill; Makes in order the Commerce Committee amendment as original text and waives sec. 302(f) of the Budget Act and cl. 5(a) of rule XXI against the amendment; Makes in order the Bliley amendment (30 min.) as the first order of business, if adopted it will be original text; makes in order only the amendments printed in the report and waives all points of order against the amendments; provides a Senate hook-up with S. 652; 2R/3D/3 Bi-partisan.

H.R. 2127; Labor/HHS Appropriations Act.

H. Res. 208; Open; Provides that the first order of business will be the managers amendments (10 min.), if adopted they will be considered as base text; waives cl. 2 and cl. 6 of rule XXI against provisions in the bill; waives all points of order against certain amendments printed in the report; Pre-printing gets priority; Provides the bill be read by title; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 1594; Economically Targeted Investments.

H. Res. 215; Open; 2 hr of gen. debate. makes in order the committee substitute as original text; N/A.

H.R. 1655; Intelligence Authorization.

H. Res. 216; Restrictive; waives sections 302(f), 308(a) and 401(b) of the Budget Act. Makes in order the committee substitute as modified by Govt. Reform amend (striking sec. 505) and an amendment striking title VII. Cl 7 of rule XVI and cl 5(a) of rule XXI are waived against the substitute. Sections 302(f) and 401(b) of the CBA are also waived against the substitute. Amendments must also be pre-printed in the Congressional record; N/A.

H.R. 1162; Deficit Reduction Lock Box.

H. Res. 218; Open; waives cl 7 of rule XVI against the committee substitute made in order as original text; Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.R. 1670; Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995.

H. Res. 219; Open; waives sections 302(f) and 308(a) of the Budget Act against consideration of the bill; bill will be read by title; waives cl 5(a) of rule XXI and section 302(f) of the Budget Act against the committee substitute. Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.R. 1617; To Consolidate and Reform Workforce Development and Literacy Programs Act (CAREERS).

H. Res. 222; Open; waives sections 302(f) and 401(b) of the Budget Act against the substitute made in order as original text (H.R. 2332), cl. 5(a) of rule XXI is also waived against the substitute. Provides for consideration of the managers amendment (10 min.) If adopted, it is considered as base text; N/A.

H.R. 2274; National Highway System Designation Act of 1995.

H. Res. 224; Open; waives section 302(f) of the Budget Act against consideration of the bill; Makes H.R. 2349 in order as original text; waives section 302(f) of the Budget Act against the substitute as well as cl. 5(a) of rule XXI and cl. 1(q)(10) of rule X against the substitute; provides for the consideration of a managers amendment (10 min). If adopted, it is considered as base text; Pre-printing gets priority; PQ; N/A.

H.R. 927; Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1995.

H. Res. 225; Restrictive; waives cl 2(l)(2)(B) of rule XI against consideration of the bill; makes in order H.R. 2347 as base text; waives cl 7 of rule XVI against the substitute; Makes Hamilton amendment the first amendment to be considered (1 hr). Makes in order only amendments printed in the report; 2R/2D.

H.R. 743; The Teamwork for Employees and managers Act of 1995.

H. Res. 226; Open; waives cl 2(l)(2)(b) of rule XI against consideration of the bill; makes in order the committee amendment as original text; Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.R. 1170; 3-Judge Court for Certain Injunctions.

H. Res. 227; Open; makes in order a committee amendment as original text; Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.R. 1601; International Space Station Authorization Act of 1995.

H. Res. 228; Open; makes in order a committee amendment as original text; pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.J. Res. 108; Making Continuing Appropriations for FY 1996.

H. Res. 230; Closed; Provides for the immediate consideration of the CR; one motion to recommit which may have instructions only if offered by the Minority Leader or a designee.

H.R. 2405; Omnibus Civilian Science Authorization Act of 1995.

H. Res. 234; Open; self-executes a provision striking section 304(b)(3) of the bill (Commerce Committee request); Pre-printing gets priority; N/A.

H.R. 2259; To Disapprove Certain Sentencing Guideline Amendments.

H. Res. 237; Restrictive; waives cl 2(l)(2)(B) of rule XI against the bill's consideration; makes in order the text of the Senate bill S. 1254 as original text; Makes in order only a Conyers substitute; provides a senate hook-up after adoption; 1D.

H.R. 2425; Medicare Preservation Act.

H. Res. 238; Restrictive; waives all points of order against the bill's consideration; makes in order the text of H.R. 2485 as original text; waives all points of order against H.R. 2485; makes in order only an amendment offered by the Minority Leader or a designee; waives all points of order against the amendment; waives cl 5(c) of rule XXI ( 3/5 requirement on votes raising taxes); PQ; 1D.

H.R. 2492; Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill.

H. Res. 239; Restrictive; provides for consideration of the bill in the House; N/A.

H.R. 2491.

H. Con. Res. 109; 7 Year Balanced Budget Reconciliation Social Security Earnings Test Reform.

H. Res. 245; Restrictive; makes in order H.R. 2517 as original text; waives all pints of order against the bill; Makes in order only H.R. 2530 as an amendment only if offered by the Minority Leader or a designee; waives all points of order against the amendment; waives cl 5(c) of rule XXI ( 3/5 requirement on votes raising taxes); PQ; 1D.

H.R. 1833; Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995.

H. Res. 251; Closed; N/A.

H.R. 2546; D.C. Appropriations FY 1996.

H. Res. 252; Restrictive; waives all points of order against the bill's consideration; Makes in order the Walsh amendment as the first order of business (10 min.); if adopted it is considered as base text; waives cl 2 and 6 of rule XXI against the bill; makes in order the Bonilla, Gunderson and Hostettler amendments (30 min.); waives all points of order against the amendments; debate on any further amendments is limited to 30 min. each; N/A.

H.J. Res. 115; Further Continuing Appropriations for FY 1996.

H. Res. 257; Closed; Provides for the immediate consideration of the CR; one motion to recommit which may have instructions only if offered by the Minority Leader or a designee N/A.

H.R. 2586; Temporary Increase in the Statutory Debt Limit.

H. Res. 258; Restrictive; Provides for the immediate consideration of the CR; one motion to recommit which may have instructions only if offered by the Minority Leader or a designee; self-executes 4 amendments in the rule; Solomon, Medicare Coverage of Certain Anti-Cancer Drug Treatments, Habeas Corpus Reform, Chrysler (MI); makes in order the Walker amend (40 min.) on regulatory reform 5R

H.R. 2539; ICC Termination.

H. Res. 259; Open; waives section 302(f) and section 308(a).

H.J. Res. 115; Further Continuing Appropriations for FY 1996.

H. Res. 261; Closed; provides for the immediate consideration of a motion by the Majority Leader or his designees to dispose of the Senate amendments (1hr); N/A.

H.R. 2586; Temporary Increase in the Statutory Limit on the Public Debt.

H. Res. 262; Closed; provides for the immediate consideration of a motion by the Majority Leader or his designees to dispose of the Senate amendments (1hr); N/A.

H.R. 3019; a further downpayment toward a balanced budget.

H.R. 2703; the Effective Death Penalty and Public Safety Act of 1996.

H.J. Res. 165; making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 1996.

H.R. 125; the Crime Enforcement and Second Amendment Restoration Act of 1996.

H.R. 3136; the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996.

H.J. Res. 159; tax limitation constitutional amendment.

H.R. 1675; National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act of 1995.

H.J. Res. 175; making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 1996.