The CHAIRMAN. The pending business is the demand for a recorded vote on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Vermont [Mr. Sanders] on which further proceedings were postponed, and on which the noes prevailed by voice vote.
The Clerk will designate the amendment.
The Clerk designated the amendment.
The CHAIRMAN. A recorded vote has been demanded.
A recorded vote was ordered.
The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--ayes 115, noes 311, not voting 7, as follows:
Roll No. 185
[Roll No. 185]
- Andrews
- Baldacci
- Barcia
- Barrett (WI)
- Becerra
- Bonior
- Brown (CA)
- Brown (FL)
- Brown (OH)
- Bryant (TX)
- Camp
- Campbell
- Clay
- Clayton
- Coble
- Collins (IL)
- Collins (MI)
- Condit
- Conyers
- Coyne
- Danner
- DeFazio
- DeLauro
- Dellums
- Duncan
- Durbin
- Ehlers
- Ensign
- Evans
- Farr
- Fattah
- Filner
- Foglietta
- Foley
- Fox
- Frank (MA)
- Furse
- Gordon
- Green (TX)
- Gutierrez
- Hilliard
- Hinchey
- Jackson (IL)
- Jackson-Lee (TX)
- Jacobs
- Jefferson
- Johnson (SD)
- Johnston
- Kanjorski
- Kennedy (MA)
- Kleczka
- Klug
- LaHood
- Lewis (GA)
- Lincoln
- Lofgren
- Luther
- Maloney
- Manzullo
- Markey
- McCarthy
- McDermott
- McKinney
- Meehan
- Meek
- Metcalf
- Millender-McDonald
- Miller (CA)
- Minge
- Mink
- Morella
- Nadler
- Neal
- Neumann
- Oberstar
- Obey
- Olver
- Owens
- Pastor
- Payne (NJ)
- Peterson (MN)
- Petri
- Pickett
- Poshard
- Ramstad
- Rangel
- Reed
- Roemer
- Rohrabacher
- Rose
- Roth
- Roybal-Allard
- Royce
- Rush
- Sanders
- Schroeder
- Schumer
- Sensenbrenner
- Serrano
- Shays
- Slaughter
- Stark
- Studds
- Stupak
- Torricelli
- Towns
- Upton
- Velazquez
- Vento
- Visclosky
- Waters
- Watt (NC)
- Williams
- Woolsey
- Yates
- Abercrombie
- Ackerman
- Allard
- Archer
- Armey
- Bachus
- Baesler
- Baker (CA)
- Baker (LA)
- Ballenger
- Barr
- Barrett (NE)
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Bass
- Bateman
- Beilenson
- Bentsen
- Bereuter
- Berman
- Bevill
- Bilbray
- Bilirakis
- Bishop
- Blute
- Boehlert
- Boehner
- Bonilla
- Bono
- Borski
- Boucher
- Brewster
- Browder
- Brownback
- Bryant (TN)
- Bunn
- Bunning
- Burr
- Burton
- Buyer
- Callahan
- Calvert
- Canady
- Cardin
- Castle
- Chabot
- Chambliss
- Chapman
- Chenoweth
- Christensen
- Chrysler
- Clement
- Clinger
- Clyburn
- Coburn
- Coleman
- Collins (GA)
- Combest
- Cooley
- Cox
- Cramer
- Crane
- Crapo
- Cremeans
- Cubin
- Cummings
- Cunningham
- Davis
- de la Garza
- Deal
- DeLay
- Deutsch
- Diaz-Balart
- Dickey
- Dicks
- Dingell
- Dixon
- Doggett
- Dooley
- Doolittle
- Dornan
- Doyle
- Dreier
- Dunn
- Edwards
- Ehrlich
- Emerson
- Engel
- English
- Eshoo
- Everett
- Ewing
- Fawell
- Fazio
- Fields (LA)
- Fields (TX)
- Flanagan
- Forbes
- Ford
- Fowler
- Franks (CT)
- Franks (NJ)
- Frelinghuysen
- Frisa
- Frost
- Gallegly
- Ganske
- Gejdenson
- Gekas
- Gephardt
- Geren
- Gibbons
- Gilchrest
- Gillmor
- Gilman
- Gonzalez
- Goodlatte
- Goodling
- Goss
- Graham
- Greene (UT)
- Greenwood
- Gunderson
- Gutknecht
- Hall (OH)
- Hall (TX)
- Hamilton
- Hancock
- Hansen
- Harman
- Hastert
- Hastings (FL)
- Hastings (WA)
- Hayes
- Hayworth
- Hefley
- Hefner
- Heineman
- Herger
- Hilleary
- Hobson
- Hoekstra
- Hoke
- Holden
- Horn
- Hostettler
- Houghton
- Hoyer
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Inglis
- Istook
- Johnson (CT)
- Johnson, E.B.
- Johnson, Sam
- Jones
- Kaptur
- Kasich
- Kelly
- Kennedy (RI)
- Kennelly
- Kildee
- Kim
- King
- Kingston
- Klink
- Knollenberg
- Kolbe
- LaFalce
- Lantos
- Largent
- Latham
- LaTourette
- Laughlin
- Lazio
- Leach
- Levin
- Lewis (CA)
- Lewis (KY)
- Lightfoot
- Linder
- Lipinski
- Livingston
- LoBiondo
- Longley
- Lowey
- Lucas
- Manton
- Martinez
- Martini
- Mascara
- Matsui
- McCollum
- McCrery
- McDade
- McHale
- McHugh
- McInnis
- McIntosh
- McKeon
- McNulty
- Menendez
- Meyers
- Mica
- Miller (FL)
- Mollohan
- Montgomery
- Moorhead
- Moran
- Murtha
- Myers
- Myrick
- Nethercutt
- Ney
- Norwood
- Nussle
- Ortiz
- Orton
- Oxley
- Packard
- Pallone
- Parker
- Paxon
- Payne (VA)
- Pelosi
- Peterson (FL)
- Pombo
- Pomeroy
- Porter
- Portman
- Pryce
- Quillen
- Quinn
- Radanovich
- Rahall
- Regula
- Richardson
- Riggs
- Rivers
- Roberts
- Rogers
- Ros-Lehtinen
- Roukema
- Sabo
- Salmon
- Sanford
- Sawyer
- Saxton
- Schaefer
- Schiff
- Scott
- Seastrand
- Shadegg
- Shaw
- Shuster
- Sisisky
- Skaggs
- Skeen
- Skelton
- Smith (MI)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Smith (WA)
- Solomon
- Souder
- Spence
- Spratt
- Stearns
- Stenholm
- Stockman
- Stokes
- Stump
- Talent
- Tanner
- Tate
- Tauzin
- Taylor (MS)
- Taylor (NC)
- Tejeda
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thornberry
- Thornton
- Thurman
- Tiahrt
- Torkildsen
- Torres
- Traficant
- Volkmer
- Vucanovich
- Walker
- Walsh
- Wamp
- Ward
- Watts (OK)
- Waxman
- Weldon (FL)
- Weldon (PA)
- Weller
- White
- Whitfield
- Wicker
- Wilson
- Wise
- Wolf
- Wynn
- Young (AK)
- Young (FL)
- Zeliff
- Zimmer
- Bliley
- Costello
- Flake
- Funderburk
- Moakley
- Molinari
- Scarborough
[TIME: 1439]
The Clerk announced the following pair:
On this vote:
Mr. Moakley for, with Mr. Scarborough against.
Mrs. CUBIN changed her vote from `aye' to `no.'
Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania and Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota changed their vote from `no' to `aye.'
So the amendment was rejected.
The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
[Page: H5421]