
The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the rule, proceedings will now resume on those amendments on which further proceedings were postponed, in the following order: the amendment, as amended, offered by the gentleman from New Mexico [Mr. Richardson]; the amendment offered by the gentleman from Vermont [Mr. Sanders]; and the amendment offered by the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. Conyers].
The Chair will reduce to 5 minutes the time for any electronic vote after the second vote in this series.
The CHAIRMAN. The pending business is the demand for a recorded vote on the amendment, as amended, offered by the gentleman from New Mexico [Mr. Richardson] on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the ayes prevailed by voice vote.
The Clerk will designate the amendment, as amended.
The Clerk designated the amendment, as amended.
The CHAIRMAN. A recorded vote has been demanded.
A recorded vote was ordered.
The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--ayes 417, noes 6, not voting 10, as follows:
Roll No 184
[Roll No 184]
- Abercrombie
- Ackerman
- Allard
- Andrews
- Archer
- Armey
- Bachus
- Baesler
- Baker (CA)
- Baker (LA)
- Baldacci
- Ballenger
- Barcia
- Barr
- Barrett (NE)
- Barrett (WI)
- Bartlett
- Bass
- Bateman
- Becerra
- Beilenson
- Bentsen
- Bereuter
- Berman
- Bevill
- Bilbray
- Bilirakis
- Bishop
- Blute
- Boehlert
- Boehner
- Bonilla
- Bonior
- Bono
- Borski
- Boucher
- Brewster
- Browder
- Brown (CA)
- Brown (FL)
- Brown (OH)
- Brownback
- Bryant (TN)
- Bryant (TX)
- Bunn
- Bunning
- Burr
- Burton
- Buyer
- Callahan
- Calvert
- Camp
- Canady
- Cardin
- Castle
- Chabot
- Chambliss
- Chapman
- Christensen
- Chrysler
- Clay
- Clayton
- Clement
- Clinger
- Clyburn
- Coble
- Coleman
- Collins (GA)
- Collins (IL)
- Collins (MI)
- Combest
- Condit
- Conyers
- Cooley
- Cox
- Coyne
- Cramer
- Crane
- Crapo
- Cremeans
- Cubin
- Cummings
- Cunningham
- Danner
- Davis
- de la Garza
- Deal
- DeFazio
- DeLauro
- DeLay
- Dellums
- Deutsch
- Diaz-Balart
- Dickey
- Dicks
- Dingell
- Dixon
- Doggett
- Dooley
- Doolittle
- Dornan
- Doyle
- Dreier
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Durbin
- Edwards
- Ehlers
- Ehrlich
- Emerson
- Engel
- English
- Ensign
- Eshoo
- Evans
- Everett
- Ewing
- Farr
- Fattah
- Fawell
- Fazio
- Fields (LA)
- Fields (TX)
- Filner
- Flanagan
- Foglietta
- Foley
- Forbes
- Ford
- Fowler
- Fox
- Frank (MA)
- Franks (CT)
- Franks (NJ)
- Frelinghuysen
- Frisa
- Frost
- Furse
- Gallegly
- Ganske
- Gejdenson
- Gekas
- Gephardt
- Geren
- Gibbons
- Gilchrest
- Gillmor
- Gilman
- Gonzalez
- Goodlatte
- Goodling
- Gordon
- Goss
- Graham
- Green (TX)
- Greene (UT)
- Greenwood
- Gunderson
- Gutierrez
- Gutknecht
- Hall (OH)
- Hall (TX)
- Hamilton
- Hancock
- Hansen
- Harman
- Hastert
- Hastings (FL)
- Hastings (WA)
- Hayes
- Hayworth
- Hefner
- Heineman
- Herger
- Hilleary
- Hilliard
- Hinchey
- Hobson
- Hoekstra
- Hoke
- Holden
- Horn
- Hostettler
- Houghton
- Hoyer
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Inglis
- Jackson (IL)
- Jackson-Lee (TX)
- Jacobs
- Jefferson
- Johnson (CT)
- Johnson (SD)
- Johnson, E. B.
- Johnson, Sam
- Johnston
- Jones
- Kanjorski
- Kaptur
- Kasich
- Kelly
- Kennedy (MA)
- Kennedy (RI)
- Kennelly
- Kildee
- Kim
- King
- Kingston
- Kleczka
- Klink
- Klug
- Knollenberg
- Kolbe
- LaFalce
- LaHood
- Lantos
- Largent
- Latham
- LaTourette
- Laughlin
- Lazio
- Leach
- Levin
- Lewis (CA)
- Lewis (GA)
- Lewis (KY)
- Lightfoot
- Lincoln
- Linder
- Lipinski
- Livingston
- LoBiondo
- Lofgren
- Longley
- Lowey
- Lucas
- Luther
- Maloney
- Manton
- Manzullo
- Markey
- Martinez
- Martini
- Mascara
- Matsui
- McCarthy
- McCollum
- McCrery
- McDade
- McDermott
- McHale
- McHugh
- McInnis
- McIntosh
- McKeon
- McKinney
- McNulty
- Meehan
- Meek
- Menendez
- Metcalf
- Meyers
- Mica
- Millender-McDonald
- Miller (CA)
- Miller (FL)
- Minge
- Mink
- Mollohan
- Montgomery
- Moorhead
- Moran
- Morella
- Murtha
- Myers
- Myrick
- Nadler
- Neal
- Nethercutt
- Neumann
- Ney
- Norwood
- Nussle
- Oberstar
- Obey
- Olver
- Ortiz
- Orton
- Owens
- Oxley
- Packard
- Pallone
- Parker
- Pastor
- Paxon
- Payne (NJ)
- Payne (VA)
- Pelosi
- Peterson (FL)
- Peterson (MN)
- Petri
- Pickett
- Pombo
- Pomeroy
- Porter
- Portman
- Poshard
- Pryce
- Quillen
- Quinn
- Radanovich
- Rahall
- Ramstad
- Rangel
- Reed
- Regula
- Richardson
- Riggs
- Rivers
- Roberts
- Roemer
- Rogers
- Rohrabacher
- Ros-Lehtinen
- Rose
- Roth
- Roukema
- Roybal-Allard
- Royce
- Rush
- Sabo
- Salmon
- Sanders
- Sawyer
- Saxton
- Schaefer
- Schiff
- Schroeder
- Schumer
- Scott
- Seastrand
- Sensenbrenner
- Serrano
- Shaw
- Shays
- Shuster
- Sisisky
- Skaggs
- Skeen
- Skelton
- Slaughter
- Smith (MI)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Smith (WA)
- Solomon
- Spence
- Spratt
- Stark
- Stearns
- Stenholm
- Stockman
- Stokes
- Studds
- Stump
- Stupak
- Talent
- Tanner
- Tate
- Tauzin
- Taylor (MS)
- Taylor (NC)
- Tejeda
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thornberry
- Thornton
- Thurman
- Tiahrt
- Torkildsen
- Torres
- Torricelli
- Towns
- Traficant
- Upton
- Velazquez
- Vento
- Visclosky
- Volkmer
- Vucanovich
- Walker
- Walsh
- Wamp
- Ward
- Waters
- Watt (NC)
- Watts (OK)
- Waxman
- Weldon (FL)
- Weldon (PA)
- Weller
- White
- Whitfield
- Wicker
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wise
- Wolf
- Woolsey
- Wynn
- Yates
- Young (AK)
- Young (FL)
- Zeliff
- Zimmer
[Page: H5420]
- Campbell
- Coburn
- Istook
- Sanford
- Shadegg
- Souder
- Barton
- Bliley
- Chenoweth
- Costello
- Flake
- Funderburk
- Hefley
- Moakley
- Molinari
- Scarborough
[TIME: 1421]
Messrs. PETERSON of Minnesota, ZELIFF, EVERETT, WILSON, and STOCKMAN changed their vote from `no' to `aye.'
So the amendment, as amended, was agreed to.
The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.