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Mr. BOREN. Mr. President, as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I have developed great respect for Lt. Gen. Harry E. Soyster, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who retires in October after more than 34 years of distinguished service to the U.S. Army.

General Soyster has the reputation of always being fair and consistent, which has earned him the respect and loyalty of those who work for him. I am sure this unique capability plays no small role in his success.

During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the Defense Intelligence Agency under his leadership contributed significantly to the successful coordination of the national Intelligence Community effort in support of the forces deployed in the Persian Gulf.

Throughout his 3 years at the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Soyster concentrated on enhancing the quality of intelligence his Agency supplied to national policymakers, defense officials, and U.S. operational commanders worldwide. In fact, a key element in his recent reorganization of the Agency was the strengthening of elements providing direct, daily, intelligence support to the Joint Chief of Staff.

By virtue of his Agency's work in arms control monitoring, counternarcotics, counterterrorism, and the monitoring of weapons proliferation and technology transfer, General Soyster has had a decidedly positive influence over national policymaking. His tenure has been characterized by intelligence reporting that is timely, objective, and lucid.

I especially appreciate the help General Soyster has given to our committee during his time of service. He has been candid and direct with the committee. He has taken the initiative to make sure that we had the best possible information available to us. His nonbureaucratic approach has been especially admired by our committee.

I am glad to have this opportunity to pay tribute to this outstanding military officer who has worked so hard to bring distinction and recognition to the Defense Intelligence Agency. His achievements are noteworthy and I offer my most sincere best wishes for his future success.