FY98 Program Element Descriptive Summaries / RDDS

0605709A Exploitation of Foreign Items

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
Total Program Element (PE) Cost 8413 7193 7762 4349 8287 8211 8645 8658 Continuing Continuing
D650 Exploitation of Foreign Items 3315 3235 3342 0 0 0 0 0 0 9947
DC28 Acquisition/Exploitation of Threat Items 5098 3958 4420 4349 8287 8211 8645 8658 Continuing Continuing

Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This is a continuing project for acquisition and exploitation of foreign materiel to support force and materiel development, scientific and technical intelligence needs, operations and training. Primary program objectives are to reduce research and development times for U.S. systems by analyzing innovations and technology in foreign materiel, and to make research and development more efficient by reducing uncertainties concerning potential advanced technology threats to U.S. systems. The program also serves to develop counter measures and to support operational commanders with items for training the force. This program enables the Army to conserve research and development funds and man-hours, enhance and improve U.S. designs, and provide realistic testing and training. These projects fund foreign materiel acquisitions and exploitations in support of the U.S. Army testing, training and intelligence programs required for general research and development and, since they are not allocable to specific R&D missions, are appropriately funded in Budget Activity 6.
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D650 Exploitation of Foreign Items 3315 3235 3342 0 0 0 0 0 0 9947

A. Mission Description and Justification: Project D650 - Exploitation/Evaluation of Foreign Items: This project affords the Army's research and development (R&D) community an opportunity to acquire and exploit/evaluate worldwide leading edge technologies. This exploitation/evaluation of foreign technological capabilities is required in order to prevent technological surprise, eliminate or compress the R&D time cycle, contribute to R&D cost avoidance, enhance U.S. system and program designs, and to explore non-developmental items.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
1300 Continued on-going project evaluations and exploitations identified prior to FY 96.
1203 New start FY 96 acquisitions of 25 projects.
812 New start FY 96 evaluations and exploitations of foreign materiel and/or technologies.
Total 3315

FY 1997 Planned Program:
1300 Continue on-going project evaluations and exploitations identified prior to FY 97.
1124 Plan new start FY 97 acquisitions of 23 projects.
735 Plan new start FY 97 evaluations and exploitations of foreign materiel and/or technologies.
76 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Transfer Technology (SBIR/STTR) Programs.
Total 3235

FY 1998 Planned Program:
1300 Continue on-going project evaluations and exploitations identified prior to FY 98.
1200 Plan new start FY 98 acquisitions of 24 projects.
842 Plan new start FY 98 evaluations and exploitations of foreign materiel and/or technologies.
Total 3342

FY 1999 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 99.
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY 97 President's Budget 3398 3304 3328 3289
Appropriated Value 3493 3235
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -178
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 3315 3235 3342 0

Change Summary Explanation: Funding: FY 1999 realigned to fund higher priority programs (-3289).
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
DC28 Acquisition/Exploitation of Threat Items 5098 3958 4420 4349 8287 8211 8645 8658 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Justification: Project DC28 - Acquisition/Exploitation of Threat Items: This is a continuing project for acquisition and exploitation of foreign materiel constituting potential advanced technology threats to U.S. systems. The primary aim of this project is to maximize the efficiency of research and development for force and materiel development by reducing the uncertainties concerning these threats. The project also answers general scientific and technical intelligence requirements, aids in the development of countermeasures to threat materiel and threat technology, and provides materiel for realistic testing and training. Acquisitions and exploitations are executed according to an Army Foreign Materiel Review Board and with the approval of the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT).

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
1000 Acquired threat systems identified and prioritized in the FY 96 Army Foreign Materiel Program (FMP) Five Year Plan.
2148 Initiated, continued or completed exploitation projects on ground systems of Army interest identified in the FY 96 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
1950 Initiated, continued or completed exploitation projects on missile systems of Army interest identified in the FY 96 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
Total 5098

FY 1997 Planned Program:
450 Acquire threat systems identified and prioritized in the FY 97 Army Foreign Materiel Program (FMP) Five Year Plan.
2412 Initiate, continue or complete exploitation projects on ground systems of Army interest identified in the FY 97 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
1000 Initiate, continue or complete exploitation projects on missile systems of Army interest identified in the FY 97 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
96 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Programs.
Total 3958

FY 1998 Planned Program:
900 Acquire threat systems identified and prioritized in the FY 98 Army Foreign Materiel Program (FMP) Five Year Plan.
2320 Initiate, continue or complete exploitation projects on ground systems of Army interest identified in the FY 98 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
1200 Initiate, continue or complete exploitation projects on missile systems of Army interest identified in the FY 98 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
Total 4420

FY 1999 Planned Program:
900 Acquire threat systems identified and prioritized in the FY 99 Army Foreign Materiel Program (FMP) Five Year Plan.
2300 Initiate, continue, or complete exploitation projects on ground systems of Army interest identified in the FY 99 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
1149 Initiate, continue, or complete exploitation projects on missile systems of Army interest identified in the FY 99 Army FMP Exploitation Plan.
Total 4349
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY 97 President's Budget 5229 4043 4429 4349
Appropriated Value 5376 3958
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -278
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 5098 3958 4420 4349