FY98 Program Element Descriptive Summaries / RDDS

0604805A Command, Control, Communications Systems - Engineering Development

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
Total Program Element (PE) Cost 16740 9556 11052 16395 16423 15890 15768 15629 Continuing Continuing
D097 C3I Interoperability Network Activity 4090 1660 4178 4274 3180 3195 3090 3210 Continuing Continuing
D098 Tactical Radio Accessories 185 542 508 506 0 0 0 0 0 4734
D282 SINCGARS-V Engineering Development 7189 6883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19897
D485 C4I Interoperability Standardization and Certification 1892 471 3205 5078 5419 4786 4550 4405 Continuing Continuing
D488 Tactical Net Radio Communications 3384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Continuing Continuing
D589 Army Systems Engineering & Warfighting Technical Support 0 0 3161 6537 7824 7909 8128 8014 Continuing Continuing

Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Supports the Army Enterprise Strategy to achieve interoperability within the Army and with the Joint/Combined forces. This program includes Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), interoperability evaluation of Army command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) systems and equipment, and the supporting interoperability facilities. Also included is engineering development of life-cycle capability to develop, test, and maintain interoperability, and support an interoperability development and evaluation process consisting of an Army interoperability board and technical management to ensure that the integration of new technologies for emerging systems support joint interoperable Force XXI architecture for Army battlefield digitization. Also included is the Army portion of engineering development efforts in support of the Combat Survivor Evader Locator System (CSEL). This includes the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) product improvements identified in the SINCGARS System Improvement Plan; the Frequency Hopping Multiplexer (FH MUX) which allows multiple radios to operate on one antenna for reduced visual signature and rapid transportability and set-up; and follow-on programs to demonstrated technologies evolving from Wireless Network Access, Communications Network Planning and Management and initiatives to establish a Multiband Radio Integrated testbed. The projects in this Program Element support research efforts in the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the acquisition process and therefore are correctly placed in Budget Activity 5.
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D097 C3I Interoperability Network Activity 4090 1660 4178 4274 3180 3195 3090 3210 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Project D097 - C3I Interoperability Network Activity: CECOM has been designated the System Engineer and Army Interoperability Certifier for the Army's Force XXI Battlefield Digitization. CECOM as a material developer, directly supports the PEOs/PMs in the Development and Acquisition of Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence/Electronic Warfare (C4I/EW) systems. CECOM also has the life-cycle software engineering mission to sustain hundreds of these systems when fielded. The Digital Integrated Lab (DIL) was established to significantly improve the Army's ability to ensure interoperability on the digital battlefield. The Army Interoperability Network (AIN) provides a wide area communications backbone to electronically link geographically dispersed C4I elements whether "stand alone" or embedded within a weapons platform, and has been endorsed by senior OSD and DA officials. The AIN suite of distributed communication sites and services provides the communications network necessary to electronically connect remote C4I/EW systems, labs/testbeds, field sites, developer facilities and Battle Labs. The DIL/AIN rapidly replicates existing and evolving tactical battlefield environments to enable and facilitate comprehensive evaluations of new prototypes, evolutionary system developments, new technologies, commercial products and systems interoperability. It is a virtual lab that integrates the Army's many programs and products, horizontally. The DIL remote external connections are provided for, primarily, by the AIN. The project also includes the development and evolutionary upgrades of protocol test tools to assure the capability to assess interoperability and compliance with the Army's Technical Architecture's Variable Message Format (VMF) and MIL-STD-188-220A standards suites. In addition it provides the capabilities to develop, test and maintain interoperability and support a continuous life-cycle interoperability development and evaluation process. Overall, this facilitates the software development process and allows interoperability to be built into the C4I/EW systems, by supporting affordable continuous sustainment and modernization of Army C4I/EW systems for the warfighter and Force XXI.

Acquisition Strategy: The efforts funded in this project are non-system specific, therefore no acquisition strategy is provided.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
115 Sustained AIN Hub sites and communications
1207 Provided 5000+ test days of AIN support to DIL, PEOs, PMs, PDSS, etc., to achieve sustained C4I system/software Army/Joint interoperability
1315 Provided remote external digitization connections and telecommunications services for the DIL
827 Force XXI DIL Interoperability Certifications for C4I/EW systems for field use and Battlelab evaluations and experimentation
126 Essential AIN modernization to meet requirements
225 AIN remote site sustainment upgrades, capital equipment improvements
275 DIL test equipment, surrogate hardware, capital improvements to support Force XXI
Total 4090

FY 1997 Planned Program:
123 Sustain AIN Hub sites and communications
1076 Provide 5000+ test days of AIN support to DIL, PEOs, PMs, PDSS, etc., to achieve sustained C4I system/software Army/Joint interoperability
120 Essential AIN modernization to meet requirements
301 AIN remote site sustainment upgrades, capital equipment improvements
40 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)
Total 1660

FY 1998 Planned Program:
1700 Provide remote external digitization connections and telecommunications services for the DIL
281 VMF Test Tool development, to support development, fielding and DIL certification of C4I systems
238 188-220 Test Tool development , to support development, fielding and DIL certification of C4I systems
1959 Provide AIN nationwide network sustainment and test support for 7500 test-days to achieve C4I/EW systems/software Army/Joint interoperability.
Total 4178

FY 1999 Planned Program:
1719 Provide remote external digitization connections and telecommunications services for the DIL
281 Complete VMF Test Tool development and provide evolutionary upgrades as standards evolve
238 Complete 188-220 Test Tool development and provide evolutionary upgrades as standards evolve
2036 Provide AIN nationwide netword sustainment and test support for 9000 test-days to achieve C4I/EW systems/software Army/Joint interoperability
Total 4274
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY1997 Presidents Budget 1734 1715 1704 1684
Appropriated Value 1751 1660
Adjustments to Appropriated Value 2339
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 4090 1660 4178 4274

Change Summary Explanation:

Funding: FY96/FY98/FY99 - Funds reprogrammed to support Force XXI digitization efforts (FY 96 +2339, FY 98 +2474, FY 99 +2590)
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Contractual Engineering Support 1807 1075 1535 1629
Government Engineering Support 350 350 414 424
Development Test and Evaluation 300 150
Telecommunications Services 1315 1261 1261
Spare parts, upgrades test equipment 275 439 439
Product Development 529 521
Training 10 10
Travel 33 35
Total 4090 1660 4178 4274

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information: Not applicable
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D098 Tactical Radio Accessories 185 542 508 506 0 0 0 0 0 4734

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Project D098 - Tactical Radio Accessories: This project will provide for development efforts for the Combat Survivor Evader Locator System (CSEL), a joint program led by the Air Force. This program will provide service, joint, and/or composite operational recovery/rescue forces with the capability to pinpoint the location of and establish communication with downed personnel in need of extraction from hostile territories. The CSEL system will include the capability to pass data directly into the standard warfighter command, control, communications, computer, and intelligence (C4I) systems envisioned by the C4I for the Warrior Concept. The user's equipment will consist of a small hand-held unit used for geopositioning, over the horizon data communications, and two-way line of sight voice communications.

Acquisition Strategy: The joint Air Force led acquisition strategy is a research and development approach for the handheld unit, followed by a product contract award in FY98.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
185 Supported Air Force Development efforts on CSEL program
Total 185

FY 1997 Planned Program:
529 Support Air Force Development efforts on CSEL program
13 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)
Total 542

FY 1998 Planned Program:
508 Support Air Force Development efforts on CSEL program
Total 508

FY 1999 Planned Program:
506 Support Air Force Development efforts on CSEL program
Total 506
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY1997 President's Budget 189 569 531 529
Appropriated Value 191 542
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -6
FY1998 Pres Bud Request 185 542 508 506
C. Other Program Funding Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 To Compl Total Cost
ARMY, OPA2 B03200, Combright 5677 14019 19164 7383 7396 7424 14624 75687
D. Schedule Profile FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
CSEL Program, Milestone I X*
CSEL Program Milestone III X
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Support Air Force Development efforts on CSEL program 185 529 508 506
Total 185 542 508 506

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information

Performing Organizations
Contractor or Government Performing Activity Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle Award or Obligation Date Performing Activity EAC Project Office


Total Prior to FY 1996 FY 1996