FY98 Program Element Descriptive Summaries / RDDS
0603745A Tactical Electronic Support Systems - Advanced Development (TIARA)
A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This Program Element funds application and validation of advanced computer software and hardware
technologies to intelligence fusion analysis functions and prototype development, integration and evaluation of improved tactical intelligence fusion capabilities. This
project supports the urgent requirement for an automated tactical intelligence processing system through technology insertion into, and development and evaluation of,
prototype upgrades to the All Source Analysis System (ASAS), both during development and after fielding and therefore is appropriately placed in Budget Activity 4.
Acquisition Strategy: This project consists of studies, prototype development and evaluation of the integration of tactical intelligence fusion capabilities into existing
systems. The efforts are for joint advanced technology research via contractors, Joint Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center
(FFRDC), and some funds flowing down to colleges and universities as grants under oversight of JPL.
FY 1996 Accomplishments:
3000 |
Support battlefield visualization technology demonstration. Developed and evaluated Army Warfighter Experiments and the joint precision strike
demonstration program of advanced large screen, automated graphical displays which provided enhanced situational awareness for tactical
commanders. |
1000 |
Continued to investigate, develop and apply advanced technologies to intelligence fusion prototypes for expanded capabilities and performance in the
areas of dynamic situation development/assessment/prediction, collection management, and advanced analysis and correlation. This included
continued streamlined integration of collection management tools for more automated, responsive tactical support; extended CI/HUMINT analysis
prototype to include automated analysis tools, incorporating the advanced template correlation techniques used in the situation assessment prototype
where appropriate; developed and integrated state-of-the-art video photogrammetry tools in support of battle damage and low intensity situation
assessment. |
780 |
Continued to evaluate, configure and integrate the high-performance, expanded tech base prototype capabilities into operational ASAS prototypes and
ASAS Block II development. |
850 |
Continued to support the development, evaluation and refinement of operational prototypes of functional and performance upgrades/improvements to
ASAS and their integration into mainline ASAS development and acquisition per the Joint Prototyping Plan. |
Total |
5630 |
FY 1997 Planned Program:
500 |
Continue to investigate, develop and apply advanced software and hardware processing, storage, display and input/output (I/O) technologies to tech base
prototypes of high-performance, expanded intelligence fusion capabilities. |
2495 |
Continue to evaluate, configure and integrate tech base prototype capabilities into operational ASAS prototypes and ASAS Block II development. |
Continue to support the development, evaluation and refinement of ASAS operational prototypes and their integration into mainline ASAS
development and acquisition per the Joint Prototyping Plan. |
96 |
Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technical Transfer (SBIR/STTR) |
Total |
3941 |
FY 1998 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 98
FY 1999 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 99
B. Project Change Summary |
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
FY1997 President's Budget |
5776 |
2025 |
0 |
0 |
Appropriated Value |
5937 |
3941 |
Adjustments to Appropriated Value |
-307 |
0 |
0 |
FY1998 Pres Bud Request |
5630 |
3941 |
0 |
0 |
Summary Change Explanation: Funding - FY 97 (+1916) funds to evaluate Integrated Battlefield Intelligence Server (IBIS) developed by DARPA for integration into the
ASAS program.
C. Other Program Funding Summary: None
D. Schedule Profile |
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Expanded Tech Base Prototypes |
- Interface Adv Sit Assmt with ASAS
Block II |
X* |
X |
- Integrate HUMINT Anal Spt into ASAS
Operational Prototype |
X* |
- Integrate Asset Management into ASAS
Block II prototypes |
X* |
X |
- Incorporate Adv Correlation Techniques
into ASAS Oper Prototypes |
X |
- Apply Adv Processing Tech into Tech
Base Prototypes |
X* |
X |
- Integrate Exp Tech Base Capabilities
into ASAS Operational Prototypes |
X |
*Integration Started
A. Project Cost Breakdown |
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
Prototype Development Efforts |
5630 |
3845 |
96 |
Total |
5630 |
3941 |
B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information:
Contractor or
Activity |
or Funding
Vehicle |
Award or
Date |
Prior to
FY 1996 |
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
Budget to
Complete |
Program |
Product Development Organizations |
10533 |
970 |
3941 |
15444 |
2940 |
2940 |
Misc. Contracts |
1624 |
1624 |
96 |
96 |
Support and Management Organizations: None |
Test and Evaluation Organizations: None |
Government Furnished Property: None
Subtotal Product Development |
10533 |
5630 |
3941 |
20104 |
Subtotal Support and Management |
Subtotal Test and Evaluation |
Total Project |
10533 |
5630 |
3941 |
20104 |