FY98 Program Element Descriptive Summaries / RDDS

0303140A Communications Security (COMSEC) Equipment

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
Total Program Element (PE) Cost 3455 3161 9647 3826 7547 7305 9209 9507 Continuing Continuing
D491 Communications Security Equipment Technology (COMSEC) 2240 2574 6201 2564 6217 5980 7889 8188 Continuing Continuing
D501 Army Key Management System (AKMS) 1215 587 3446 1262 1330 1325 1320 1319 Continuing Continuing

Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This program develops Information Systems Security (ISS) equipment and techniques required to combat threat Signal Intelligence capabilities and to insure our data network integrity. The Army's RDTE ISS program objective is to implement National Security Agency (NSA) developed security technology in Army information systems. The Communications Security Equipment Technology (COMSEC) is to insure total signals and data security of all Army information systems, to include any operational enhancement and specialized Army configurations. The Army Key Management System (AKMS) automates key generation and distribution while supporting joint interoperability. It provides communications and network planning with key management on a single platform. AKMS is a part of the management/support infrastructure for the Warfighter Information Network (WIN) program. Additional modifications to the AKMS baseline shall be required to support the emerging WIN architecture. System security engineering, integration of available information security (INFOSEC) products, development (when required), and testing are services provided to ensure that C4I systems are protected against malicious or accidental attacks by our enemies or friends. Several joint service/NSA working groups exist in the area of key management to avoid duplication and to assure interoperability between all Services' systems to include standards and testing. For the emerging multilevel network security, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Multi-Level Security (MLS) working group coordinates the Services different technology efforts. The National Security Agency reviews each service RDT&E program to avoid duplication between and with their own. These projects support development of upgrades to current production vehicles and are appropriately funded in Budget Activity 7.
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D491 Communications Security Equipment Technology (COMSEC) 2240 2574 6201 2564 6217 5980 7889 8188 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Project D491 - Communications Security Equipment Technology: Project implements National Security Agency (NSA) developed security technology in Army information systems. Project objectives are to provide systems security mechanisms through encryption, trusted software or standard operating procedures to protect the information and to integrate these mechanisms into specified systems so secure operations are as transparent as possible to the users. This entails performing architecture studies and modeling, development models, system integration and testing, installation kits and certifications and accreditations of Automation Information Systems.

Acquisition Strategy: Initial Operational Testing and Evaluation (IOTE) for Tactical End-to-End Encryption Device (TEED) will be done during Task Force XXI in

FY 97. The Production Milestone decision will be made after the Joint Warfighter Demonstration in Fall FY 97.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
1200 Continued development of TEED Internet Security Manager, completed critical design review, initiated software coding to perform network management security services of Key Management, Audit, and Access Control
506 Continued development of re-programmable COMSEC/TRANSEC using Cypris Module or Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chips for embedment into speakeasy programmable digital radio.
534 Initiated engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) at Baton TEED - a security device for Internet Protocol (IP) as well as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks.
Total 2240

FY 1997 Planned Program:
2574 Delivery of TEED Internet Security Manager (TISM) for usage with TEED and Integrated System Controller (ISYCON); testing in Army/Joint and civilian test bed begins, testing of reprogrammable COMSEC/TRANSEC in tactical settings. Continues EMD TEED development. EMD TEED will protect Army computer network users from hackers, deception and other forms of electronic attack on the Internet. Begin "electronic operations" research to investigate techniques to counter electronic terrorism virus and masquerade against Army assets.
Total 2574

FY 1998 Planned Program:
2200 Support NSA TACLANE Program.
940 Evaluation of Commercial INFOSEC (COMSEC & COMPUSEC) equipments, support to Speakeasy Program, evaluation of New COMSEC Chips for embedding and development of new installation kits for TACLANE.
3061 Initiate development of common tools set for C2 Protect, and initiate efforts to determine System Vulnerabilities (Information Operations/Warfare)
Total 6201

FY 1999 Planned Program:
721 Perform in-house evaluations and integrations of INFOSEC equipments such as COMSEC foreign nation releasable chips, high speed encryptors, trusted computer platforms and secure applications.
200 Perform in-house study for Secure Gateway and provide support to TACLANE program.
376 Prepare procurement packages for FY00 award for the Secure Gateway, wireless LAN, Personal Communications Services COMSEC, NDI evaluation, and installation support/acquisition contracts.
1267 Continue common tool set and Vulnerability determination for C2 Protect (Information Operations/Warfare)
Total 2564
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY 1997 President's Budget 2350 2574 940 1297
Appropriated Value 2321 2515
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -81 59
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 2240 2574 6201 2564

Change Summary Explanation: Funding: FY1998/FY1999 increase to support emphasis on Information Operations/Warfare (FY 98 +5261/FY 99 +1267).

C. Other Program Funding Summary: None
D. Schedule Profile FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
TEED Prototype Model Testing
TEED Prototype Model Delivery X*
Trusted Network Base contract award X*
Trusted Network Base system review X*
Trusted Network Base software coding X*
Trusted Network Base system integration X
Trusted Network Base delivery X
Re-Programmable COMSEC award X*
Re-Programmable COMSEC card design X*
Re-Programmable COMSEC card test X*
Integration into multiband, multimode digital radio X
AIRTERM installation kits designed
AIRTERM installation kits testing
INFOSEC COTS evaluations X* X X X X X X
Secure Gateway Study X X
Acquisition Planning and Procurement X X
Packages for SEGAT, Wireless LAN,NDI
Evaluation, Installation Support and
Material Acquisition Contracts
Common Tool Set X X X X

*Denotes completed effort
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Ancillary Hardware and Software Development 1146 1389 2862 1168
System Engineering 0 0 1000 0
Government Engineering Support 984 1075 2170 1251
Travel 60 60 100 100
Miscellaneous 50 50 69 45
Total 2240 2574 6201 2564

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information:

Performing Organizations
Contractor or Government Performing Activity Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle Award or Obligation Date Performing Activity EAC Project Office



Prior to

FY 1996

FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Budget to Complete Total Program
Product Development Organizations
GTC, Tampa, FL C-CPFF AUG 91 8687 8687 113435 0 0 0 0 5500 118935
GTE, Waltham, MA C-CPFF AUG 93 3857 3857 3091 0 800 0 0 20000 23891
TBD C-CPFF JUN 95 2050 2050 966 863 0 1662 1168 cont'd 4659
Rome Labs MIPR FEB 95 1525 1525 600 587 0 0 0 0 1187
Alliant Tech Sys., Eatontown, NJ C-CPFF OCT 91 1100 1100 1183 0 0 0 0 cont'd 1183
CECOM, RDEC PO OCT 95 700 700 0 490 1274 2539 1396 cont'd 5699
NSA MIPR MAR 95 200 200 145 300 500 2000 0 0 2945
TEXCOM, Tinton Falls, NJ SS-CPFF FEB 91 900 900 1200 0 0 0 0 0 1200
Totals 0 0 0 0
Support and Management Organization: None
Test and Evaluation Organization: None

Government Furnished Property: N/A

Prior to

FY 1996

FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Budget to Complete Total Program
Subtotal Product Development 120620 2240 2574 6201 2564 25500 159699
Subtotal Support and Management
Subtotal Test and Evaluation
Total Project 120620 2240 2574 6201 2564 25500 159699
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D501 Army Key Management System (AKMS) 1215 587 3446 1262 1330 1325 1320 1319 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Project D501 - Army Key Management System (AKMS): This program provides decentralized and automated key generation, distribution and management while enhancing joint interoperability. It eliminates paper encryption key and provides communications network planning with key management on a single platform.

Acquisition Strategy: AKMS Initial operational test and Evaluation (IOTE) is scheduled August through September FY97 with IOC in February FY98.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
961 Workstation software developed
194 Provided contractor and programmatic support
60 Provided TEXCOM support for IOT&E
Total 1215

FY 1997 Planned Program:
567 Complete software for the AKMS workstation
20 Provide contractor and programmatic support
Total 587

FY 1998 Planned Program:
942 Provide contractor and programmatic support , and software development upgrades for Common Tier III and AKMS Workstation
2504 Develop computer based training for the AKMS Workstation
Total 3446

FY 1999 Planned Program:
337 Provide contractor and programmatic support , and software development upgrades for Common Tier III and AKMS workstation
925 Provide product improvements for Commander in Chief regional controller effort, and future enhancements for new equipment such as ATM COMSEC devices
Total 1262
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY 1997 President's Budget 1273 587 13669 13599
Appropriated Value 1259 587
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -44
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 1215 587 3446 1262

Change Summary Explanation: Funding: RDT&E funds in FY98 (-9545) and FY99 (-10425) were realigned to the OPA line BA1201.
C. Other Program Funding Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 To Comp Total Cost
OPA Z16800 13705 13556 0 0 0 0 0 0 cont'd cont'd
OPA TA0600 10758 10678 9976 12038 14418 16366 18914 18325 cont'd cont'd
OPA BS9716 550 828 551 359 894 887 1424 1744 cont'd cont'd
OPA BA1201 0 0 4745 10425 1938 1737 2691 3531 cont'd cont'd
D. Schedule Profile FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
AKMS Decision Brief X*
AKMS Award Competitive Follow-on Contract X*
AKMS Computer Software Configuration Item Testing X
AKMS Initial Operational Test & Evaluation X
AKMS Milestone III X
AKMS Type Classification X
AKMS Material Release X
AKMS Begin Fielding with Upgraded Software X
AKMS Initial Operational Capability X
AKMS Material Release CT3 Upgrade X
AKMS Material Release Work Station Upgrade X

*Milestone completed
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Software Engineering (Contractor) 961 575 946 305
Government Engineering Support 220 10 2400 907
Program Management Support 12 2 100 50
Congressional Adjustments 22 0
Total 1215 587 3446 1262

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information: Not Applicable