Honorable Richard B. Cheney Office of the Attorney General
April 27, 2001
Washington, DC 20530
President of the Senate
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510Dear Mr. President:
This report is submitted pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, Title 50, United States Code, Section 1807.
During calendar year 2000, 1005 applications were made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for electronic surveillance and physical search. The Court approved 1003 of these applications in 2000. Two of the 1005 applications were filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in December 2000 and approved in January 2001. Nine applications were filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in calendar year 1999 and approved in calendar year 2000. Thus, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved 1012 applications in calendar year 2000. One order was modified by the Court. No orders were entered which denied the requested authority.
John Ashcroft